Sc2? Geforce 8x series?


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
On a place called Blizzforums...a network of Blizzard Entertainment lovers...every few years....some guy will come along....they will claim to be apart of "Blizzard" or "Nvidia"...and it will pretty much seem like they are actually from that company...of course I've never believed them..nor do I really. Though according to him Vivendi contacted Nvidia about making a Super Kick Ass RTS Engine and this guy also claims had seen what looked like a Starcraft Cinamatic(in Wireframes).

This is what he commented on Nvidias next gfx card..
No one has the experience, track record, and shear manpower as we do in this matter. The Geforce 8X series (planned for next year) will be the most substantial leap in graphics technology ever. With a memory bandwidth of over 100 GB/sec, an estimated fill rate of over 40 billion pixels/sec, 2.68 billion vertices/sec, and 56 pixels per clock (peak) combined with four dual core ramdacs running at over 1.6 GHz each, nothing can stop our graphics technology. The hardware comes alongside fifteen new technologies (such as the Protoforge as I have already mentioned) and due to our persistent meddling in the game world, you can be damn sure many platinum titles will adopt them long before the Geforce 8X series hits the stores.
Well whatever... I don't believe word..only truth.
Continuing on into another post of his he said this:
We actually have the technology (most of it) to build the Geforce 8x right now, but the only problem is cost. Our yield on the Ramdacs is around 89%, which is great, but the dual core NCX 31C model only runs at 200 MHz. We are planning to gradually rev up the speed by about 200 MHz every two months while integrating new features in to the Ramdacs (all while maintaining our high yields) until the target speed of 1.645 GHz is reached sometime next year (me thinks next June).

The beauty of this next GPU is it is basically two graphics card build into a single card with the ability to be almost completely software and CPU independent in delegating tasks and calculations. This independence allows us to take many liberties with how we design our cards and vastly reduces CPU limitations commonly seen in the graphics market. The only drawback is creating the driver, which everyday looks more like building a ****ing O/S then a device driver.

He also talked about a physics chip intergrated into the graphics card.

Anyway...I don't know how truthfull this guy is.. Probably very little :). Though Im thinking about contacting the owner and doing an IP trace and seeing if it goes back to where he lives(also the place were Nvidia is).

Ohh I almost forgot..heres the thread..
Well, his first sentence sports a nice little misspelling of "sheer", which takes a lot of validity from it.

There's an NVIDIA building close to where I live in Durham.
Minerel said:
He also talked about a physics chip intergrated into the graphics card.

Anyway...I don't know how truthfull this guy is.. Probably very little :). Though Im thinking about contacting the owner and doing an IP trace and seeing if it goes back to where he lives(also the place were Nvidia is).

Ohh I almost forgot..heres the thread..

I seem to remember hearing that PPU's would be integrated into future graphics cards.. so some of it is true.

But then again if I can read that on the web so can any other person, it does not mean they work for nVidia
I really doubt that he works for nvidia...there have been so many people that claim stuff like that..
Minerel said:
I really doubt that he works for nvidia...there have been so many people that claim stuff like that..

I doubt it too. I mean, prior to the release of the 7800, Nvidia didn't want any information leaked (it happened anyway) but this guy is claiming that the 8 series is going to have such and such specs. I don't believe it.