Scariest Video game moments (the remix x27!)

poo poo head

Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
So again, its time to wet our pants and rethink the best scary moments in our video game history, so name the top Scariets in game moments you can remember! savvy...

Here are mine:

Shalebridge Cradle (Theif: Deadly Shadows): possibly one of the best levels i have ever played in a game. It really used ambient sounds and atmosphere perfectly to scare the crap outta me.

F.E.A.R.: The ending, the last split second gave me quite a jump, also there are some moments in the game that had me going.

Of course, System Shock 2: What wasn't scary? Shodan's voice is still being heard in my head.

Resident Evil 2: I used to watch my brother play it all the time, i wasn't very good with console games, and i was pretty young still, and i remember jumping when hands pop outta the window barricades to grab you.

Doom 3: I just like the way hell looks.

Post yours!
I was always weirded out by the forest temple in Ocarina.
Resident Evil 1 for the gamecube. I was like 13 and was watching someone else play in a perfectly dark room.

When I was younger I played the opposing force demo. First level in which the zombie breaks out of the window. I ran through the hallways trying to find a save spot. I finally hid near the wounded scientists in the corner behind a table or something. I heard it walk and it slowly came around the corner, with its long scary fingers. I was litterally frozen when it slowly walked towards me and I nearly had a heart attack when it started to attack me. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. But then again, I was young and stupid.
First time I was eaten by a barnicle in HL and all of System Shock 2.
In Shadowman on the 64, there were two parts that were pretty freaky. The first one was hunting for Jack the Ripper in Victoria street station, dark, dank and being jumped on wasn't the nicest.

Similar but scarier was the deserted New York apartment, hunting for a serial killer in the pitch black. A serial killer who has night vision goggles. The bastard could drop from the ceiling, appear through the walls.... it was damn scary back then.
The scariest moment I had in video games came from Resident Evil on the PS1. I was playing it alone, in the dark, and was at the very beginning of the game as Jill walking through one of the hallways. I figured that because RE had prerendered backgrounds, nothing was liable to jump out at me. And that's when the zombie dog burst through the window and almost gave me an honest-to-God heart attack. I paused the game, got up, and went outside for a breather. Even after I came back in I just left the game alone for like an hour on pause.
The ending of FEAR was pretty scary overall with all the ghosts and the naked Alma attacking me :(
I think when I hit delta labs in Doom 3 or wherever those damn commandos came I shat my pants whenever I could hear them run toward me :(

Half-Life 1 - At the start with the disaster followed by hearing noises and then being chased by a headcrab when I had no weapons...

Pro Evo Soccer 4 - Heskey doing a 180degree spin...THAT'S JUST NOT RIGHT
System shock 2 manages to scare the hell out of me. Just wandering through the empty corridors, that music tingling down my spine. The next thing I know a Hybrid is charging towards me, and Xerxes voice is echoing through the ship. *Shudders*

Condemned: Criminal origins. I've never been that scared on a game, until this. I can't quite remember the name of the chapter, but its the small house out in the country - second before last. The interesting thing is, there are very few enemies at the start of the level. But I was alone in this house, and I could hear creaking noises upstairs, and I was literally unable to go down into the basement. I couldn't do it. Ultimately, I did, but I had to take breaks because I was so freaked out. Then when you solve the puzzle, and you hear the glass break upstairs - well, wow, I pooped, and it took me a few moments to gather my nerve to go up there.
Forgot - Aliens vs Predator...Only played the marine and alien demos and decided against buying the game - Brilliantly done, it's just I didn't want heart failure when I'm 16...

The sequel isn't half as scary - didn't buy that cos I thought the demo was crap!
The completely black "You have been disconnected" screen from EverQuest, you could be in the middle of a huge fight and then it all goes black and these big white letters come up saying you've been disconnected, quite a shock

FEAR also scared me at some points, mostly any time I turned around and that little girl was looking at me, but I think Condemned had the best scares, like when you have to go photograph the dead gym coach and in the middle of zooming into his face his eyes open and his arm reaches out to pull you in, quite scareh
Definitely everything in SS2.

And the shalebridge cradle in Thief 3. **** those puppet things.
Yeah, System Shock 2 made me cack my pants on several occasions. I remember wandering around some cargo bays when some Hybrid is suddenly screaming at me, trying to cave my head in with a metal pole. :( Not to mention those damn monkeys.

I've gotta get round to playing it again now I think about it. :D
They Hunger was kind of creepy. The zombie cows and chickens were just weird...

I was scared of the end boss from the first Doom, but that was a long time ago when I was scared of everything, and took forever creeping around corners, and felt bad for the dogs in Quake and Wolfenstein so I tried to avoid killing them... :P.

I didn't find FEAR that scary. At the part where you climb down the ladder and she's standing in front of you, it was more of a "Ha what the heck" moment than a scary one.
Condemned: Criminal origins. I've never been that scared on a game, until this. I can't quite remember the name of the chapter, but its the small house out in the country - second before last. The interesting thing is, there are very few enemies at the start of the level. But I was alone in this house, and I could hear creaking noises upstairs, and I was literally unable to go down into the basement. I couldn't do it. Ultimately, I did, but I had to take breaks because I was so freaked out. Then when you solve the puzzle, and you hear the glass break upstairs - well, wow, I pooped, and it took me a few moments to gather my nerve to go up there.

Hell yeah man! That part was freaky. Great game. I thought the school level was pretty scary too.
Resident Evil 1 for the gamecube. I was like 13 and was watching someone else play in a perfectly dark room.

When I was younger I played the opposing force demo. First level in which the zombie breaks out of the window. I ran through the hallways trying to find a save spot. I finally hid near the wounded scientists in the corner behind a table or something. I heard it walk and it slowly came around the corner, with its long scary fingers. I was litterally frozen when it slowly walked towards me and I nearly had a heart attack when it started to attack me. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. But then again, I was young and stupid.

Stop stealing my life.
Games don't really scare me, then again I've never played Silent Hill, I know, I should.

If I have to give 1 example it should be Condemned, the whole level in the abandoned mall with the mannequins. Each time the light went out and they would stand next to you the next moment :shudders:
Half-Life 2: in Follow Freeman, when you go down into the zombie infested sewer, just as your about to leave the main canal and head up the slope into the depot/cargo/warehouse place above a poision zombie appears in the small entrenchment at the end of the sewer behind a chain-link fence. Well, I didn't know it appeared, so as I was slowly making my way up the slope the heavy, muffled breathing started and the really nasty moans filled the entire warehouse. I had my sound up pretty loud, and man did I run. I ran back to the sewers and just didn't move. I actually didn't play the game for a good 2 days after that, until I started it back up, turned the sound down and just ran up the slope.
I can't believe some of you got scared by F.E.A.R. The one point it failed at was the scare factor, yes the ladder part was surprising, but after that? Nope, not at all. What I believe made F.E.A.R. not a scary game, for me at least, was the fact that, Alma and Fettel, couldn't hurt you during the game. You saw them taunting you but didn't hurt you. And also, the music that started to play when Alma and Fettel came into the scene, spoiled it a bit IMO. It was not always you did see them appear and when the music started to play you knew they were near you.

The ghosts, at the end, were more annoying than scary. They weren't challenging and felt more like cannon fodder thrown in instead of the clone soldiers (which I would much rather have fought at the end even though it wouldn't have made sense), perhaps you could’ve instead made your way to the surface alone, without any enemies hauling your ass.
Still, the ending caught me by surprise. :)

Anyway, I would mention Resident Evil 2 as one of my scariest moments ever. I was very young when I played it and I remember the zombies which game me nightmares. Some of the boss encounters, like the mutated cockroach, scared the living crap out of me.
I didn't play it near the end of the game but my brother did, I remember the last boss you encountered while waiting on an elevator. Wow, that was just terrifying. ;(
Condemned: Criminal Origins scared the SHIT out of me. I love it, but it turned terrifying near the end D:

Also, the HL mod "Afraid of Monsters" is paralyzingly scary. The first time I heard a zombie scream, I had to mute my computer, shut off the monitor, and take a walk outside.
Condemned demo, all of that sh!t me up. I refuse to get the game as i wont play it, im a big wimp :(

Doom 3 scared me on some levels when the zombies jumped out behind corners.

FEAR scared me when in that office complex, halfway thru the game, there was no enemies just an eerie feeling that someone/thing was watching you.

Also when Alma was at the top of the ladders & Fettel at the bottom. Jees that shook me up.

Silent Hill Scared the crap out of me, and i wasn't even playing it, i was watching my mate :P
In Clive Barker's Undying, where you are wandering around the mansion near the beginning and you approach a mirror. All of a sudden a man appears in the mirror behind you and lunges forward to attack, but when you turn around, he is gone. Saved and quit right there and didn't come back for a couple hours.
I didn't find System Shock 2 that scary, the graphics didn't do it for me =/

In Condemned, that one department store level. There was a moment where all the lights turned out, and all you could see where mannequins. Everytime you looked away, they got closer. Eventually, they were right up in your face and you were trapped against a wall or something.

That was pretty freakin scary to me.
Castlevania on the N64, in a dark room with some mates whilst we were like 12... pretty freaking scarey... loved it though :D
Especially the frankenstein with the chainsaw in the maze... we just hid in the safes spot in the middle of the maze for like half hour screaming whilst he ran around the perimeter :D HAHA!

Condemened was pretty freaky at time too.

Resident Evil's always had me edgy and jumpy, especially when something faster than me was about.
In Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines there is a mission where you have to go search an abandoned Hotel for some lost trinket.....that level creeped me out bigtime....

System shock 2...just one big creep fest from beginning to end. The sound of the mid-wives.....

Not out yet but likely to creep me out just as much Bioshock by the same evil deviants who designed SS2.

Somehow I don't think the little girl is going to be a friendly.......:eek:
Actually, they are friendly. They have huge lumbering mutants in diving suits following them around protecting them if you mess with them.
Everytime I encounter poison zombies in Half-Life 2. Especially when you can hear their heavy brething but you can't see them. I just run as fast as I can to the next part. When I see them I launch any kind of explosive I have at it. When I don't have any explosives I just jump around and shoot with my shotgun.
In Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines there is a mission where you have to go search an abandoned Hotel for some lost trinket.....that level creeped me out bigtime....

I pride myself on being brave, but it was hard to play that part at Night. I kept reminding myself that I'm a vampire and therefore is just as evil if not more than anything that was hiding trying to kill me.
I pride myself on being brave, but it was hard to play that part at Night. I kept reminding myself that I'm a vampire and therefore is just as evil if not more than anything that was hiding trying to kill me.
Yeah, some parts of it were pretty freaky. But not really scary.

In DooM 3, there was ONE instance where I was scared: When you walk into the dormitories and look into the mirror. Man, I didn't expect that.

In F.E.A.R., there were plenty of scares, but only in the end I was pretty freaked out because slowmotion wasn't going to help me against those ultra fast ghosts :( The ending was aweshens too :p

Haven't played System Shock 2 yet, or RE (Any of them) OR Condemned. They are all on my playlist.

I was absolutely terrified when playing Half-Life for the first time, I think I was about 8. It was in broad daylight and I pushed the Xen crystal into the reactor. Man, I completely freaked out and only played it again after a few years.
F.E.A.R. Never scared me. Neither did DOOM 3. Actually the Alpha version did.
Hmm, i get quite scared easily on certain games, i'll name the ones i can remember that have scared the shit out of me so far:

Condemned - Havn't actually gotten into it yet (got it on 360, had it since release), from what i have played though it really is one of the freakiest games i've played in a long long time, i suppose its the atmosphere and the sounds around me that freak me out the most in it.

Resident Evil 1 (PS1) - I must've played this when i was about 12 or something, was the first time i played an RE Game, absolutely scared the crap out of me when i walked out the front door and the dogs just came charging out the darkness. I turnt it off and ran down-stairs if i remember correctly.

Doom 3 - What can i say ... maybe a bit predictable at times but still had me on the edge of my chair.

FEAR - Possibly not the scariest of games but easily one of the jumpiest, but that wore out after a little while, you just kinda knew when Alma was going to pop out :P
this must be like 11 or 12 years ago, but the very first Alone in the Dark by Infogrammes ... on my 486sx25 ... anyway, theres a bit near the beginning just after the attic where you're walking through bedrooms, and you close a door, then when you go to open it, there's a zombie stood waiting behind it. It made me cack my pants every time. It's the camera angles what did it, the way you couldn't see the whole room, or what was or wasn't walking towards you. It made your mind imagine the worst, and that's where true fear lies.

In retrospect, It wasn't that scary ... but I was only young.
Too many to speak of.

The 7th Guest, because I was rather young at the time, used to scare me quite a bit.

The original Doom games creeped me out. Couple of jumpy moments, but the way the architecture degenerated in later levels really unsettled me.

Doom 3 terrified me, not for the jumping out at me stuff, but for that horrid meaty mass growing on the walls. There's something frightening about it.

The Silent Hill series. Perhaps the most condensed bit of fright ever.

There have been a number of Amiga games that used to frighten me, too. Alien Breed was one of them.

-Angry Lawyer

Oh, and the single most terrifying moment in a computer game would be in the X-Com series, when the Chryssalids would run at you. Christ on a bike.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh, I just remembered another one. My cousin had Quake II when I was like 5, and I used to play/watch him play. That entire game scared the f*ck out of me- particularly the Berserkers and the torture chamber D:
There should be a game that the entire thing is like a mix of all the scariest things from other games or whatever. Like... shit flying around suddenly, crazy mirrors, things that aren't realy there, things that stalk you but never really attack you, strange visions, levels with no monsters, but a creepy ambiance, etc.
The most frightening thing I've ever found happen to me in a computer game is getting chased by something really fast and indestructable. Like, in old top-down shooters, where they'd use them to enforce a time limit on the map. You'd be, like walking down a corridor really slowly, but you know you've taken too long. And then there's this goddamn huge metallic black thing running past mega fast on the other side of the wall - and you know it's gaining on you, and that you can't actually kill it.

How I miss those days of gaming.

-Angry Lawyer
The Silent Hill series. Perhaps the most condensed bit of fright ever.
-Angry Lawyer

Ah yes, the ones i forgot, never actually completed a Silent Hill game as i only got introduced to them properly not too long ago, have to say thats one game i have to take a short break from to catch a breath lol, especially Silent Hill .. 2 i think it is, with the Pyramid Head and i think it was the Hotel, one of the scariest moments in gaming for me.
F.E.A.R for sure. Just holy shit
Condemned - ****ing creepy and insane
System Shock 2 - environment atmosphere
Doom 3 - Scare tactics RAWR
Resident Evil - Classic scare game
Silent Hill 2 - 2 because thats the only one i played.

Thats all i can think of right now.