Scary Games!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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What games have been more frightening to play than others? Do you remember the first time a Headcrab jumped towards you in Half-Life? The first time you saw the motion tracker beep in AVP1/2? Resident Evil?

The first Alien Vs Predator made me wet my pants whenever the motion tracker registered something slightly.. and when you turned on the nightvision the motion tracker disappeared.. I usually had the tactics of throwing 12084175890712590187 flares in the following room, but still got scared shitless whenever an Alien showed up. I remember the sewer area with the Voltigores in Opposing Force, I was too freaking scared to even continue the game at that point, hehe.

Share your stories of the most frightening experiences you've had with a game!
AvP 1 is the only game that really scares me. The motion tracker going off and you can only throw 4 flairs and the rooms still dark plus aliens dropping from the celing and smashing the crap out of you.

Ahhhhh the memories!
Silent Hill 1/2/3, Alone in the Dark and AvP...scared the shit out of me!
Silent hill is the freakiest game I've ever played... Resident evil remake on the GCN was spooky... (darn hellhounds)
AVP2 was definatly scary.
Heres to hoping HL2 has its scary moments!
games like Resident Evil and silent hill are not so scary
but if you want to be more scaried just imagine that you are the one in the situation

fatal frame that game is scary
and alone in the dark is scary too

the part of the tunnel whit vortigaunts in op4 is one of the best situations I ever see in a game(well I dont remember the others one)
Thief: Deadly Shadows has a mission that is the scaries game experience I've had to date.

AVP part 2 I haven't completed it cause I was realy afraid of everything. My heart beats jump directly to 140. Bom Bam BOM bam BOM bam......140/sec......:Afraid:

Doom3 will bring twice or three times more scariness than AVP1/2
im playing Theif 3 atm..and those zombies scare the living shit out of me..:D
Silent Hill series and System Shock II (especially at the beginning)
<RJMC> said:
games like Resident Evil and silent hill are not so scary
but if you want to be more scaried just imagine that you are the one in the situation

Isn't that the whole point of them being video games? :p

Silent Hill 2 is the single most frightening game I've ever played. Others include System Shock 2, the original Silent Hill, and Aliens Vs Predator.
Tomb raider :O, and diablo 2 :p , Ive said this many a time but it was scarey thinking that my character could be killed :O
The Silent Hill series can get me pretty scared. Although it's a slow, unsettling, creeping fear that takes time to get a full head of steam. Whenever I play a game I like to get fully immeresed, so all lights go off, headphones go on, door is shut, blinds drawn, etc. If you do all that, and play a game of Silent Hill, at night, while you are alone in your home, I promise you'll be terrified. It's quite a surreal journey.

Thief: Deadly Shadows however takes the cake for having the single scariest level I have ever played in any game. The whole game is really very tense, but this one level (it's a level you'll never see coming so this isn't spoiler stuff) had me totally terrified at all times. Playing it at night nearly gave me a damn heart attack.
AvP and AvP 2 are definately scary... I was playing AvP 2 all night in the pitch black when I was home alone (as you do). Managed to complete it though, although I was constantly checking the ceilings for aliens for a few days afterwards.

I thought the original Alone in the Dark was pretty scary too, back in the days. Big haunted house with zombies hiding behind doors etc. That's tame compared to todays standards. In a few years time, games will be unbelievably realistic + scary... I guess DoomIII could be the start.

DoomIII with a VR headset anyone? :O
Clive Barker's Undying. Never made me soil my pants but it's by far the closest.
...when talking about scary:
Half-Life2 doesn't look scary at all :(
I miss those creepy hallways from HL, awww!!
System Shock 2

*runs in corner and cowers in fear*

The They Hunger mod, thats pretty scary. And I remeber WAY back the AvP1 marine demo came out, I could NEVER finish it I was so scared.
System Shock 2

Thing about the motion tracker in AvP was that it was reliable i.e. it would always pick up aliens and enemies. In AvP2 I found that it would pick up all types of objects that were moving, so I'd be walking in to a room expecting to let rip with my rifle and setting my self up for an alien, only to find the room empty and the source of the beep on the tracker to be a loose wire swinging away. Scary as hell
Frank said:
...when talking about scary:
Half-Life2 doesn't look scary at all :(
I miss those creepy hallways from HL, awww!!

Ravenholm looked creepy though.. not scary per se, just creepy :)
Tredoslop said:
Clive Barker's Undying. Never made me soil my pants but it's by far the closest.

I think I've played every single game mentioned in the thread thus far and Undying is by far the scariest.
just saw the trailer to Bloodlines.. hm.. it can be a scary one.. guess we'll find out when its released :)
Eternal Darkness also brings teh scary. Its more of a phsycological scary than Resident Evil and is very, VERY Lovecraftian. A great game. :D
The first time I met a pinky demon in Doom. Yeah, you can stop laughing at me now. AvP series was great in that it had excellent action and a scare factor. I'm hoping Doom 3 will bring me even more of what AvP had.
Yeah AvP was scary for sure. The first time I jumped out of my seat was on the Marine campaign, in the beginning when you're walking to your objective and your motion tracker starts beeping... suddenly a ventilation shaft breaks and steam comes out. It's the video game version of the classic "cat-jumps-out-and-meows" from the movies. Good times :E

But Doom was probably the scariest of all video games, bear in mind that I was around ten years old when it came out. I still hear the imps.. *gri grou grik* and the marines grunt... made my skin crawl.
Tetris.. I cried myself asleep every night knowing one of those colored blocks would jump me.
Direwolf said:
Eternal Darkness also brings teh scary. Its more of a phsycological scary than Resident Evil and is very, VERY Lovecraftian. A great game. :D

Yeah, Eternal Darkness had some really scary moments, one in particular though....involving a bathtub, of all things *shudders*

Undying is also a pretty creepy game at times. I enjoyed it very much.
Silent Hill 2 is the only game thats ever scared me alot...others have had there moments but i bought silent hill 2 for ps2 and ive never ever played it :eek: only watched my brother play it...just something about the atmosphere konami make scares me in silent hill games.
AVP2, the Marines missions were pretty scary. "God they are everywhere!"

Silent Hill 1 and 2 (never played 3, well, a bit on the computer, but the controls are so strange, I won't have a bad experience). They were scary, hospitals, schools, hotels, the atmosphere!!!

I never thought that Resident Evil to PSOne and PS2 was scary, guss I don't get scared of the "Ahhhhhh" from a zombie I cannot see, but that just IMO! (I havn't tryed the remakes to GameCube, but they look scary, so dose Resident Evil 4!)

Anybody tryed a Aliens mod to DOOMII? That was scary, because of the ugly graphics, you couldn't see the aliens killing you :)
712 said:
Anybody tryed a Aliens mod to DOOMII? That was scary, because of the ugly graphics, you couldn't see the aliens killing you :)

Hehe I remember that one, you even had voice samples from the movie, Apone was going "Watch those corners... watch those corners!!" Classic :E
the original Alone in the Dark.
there was nothing else like it at the time, it caught me off guard more than once.
and I was pretty dern young when I played it.

other than that, I havent played any game that scared me... I have played a ton of horror games.. but they were more "cool" than "scary"
)[eVo]( Para said:
Hehe I remember that one, you even had voice samples from the movie, Apone was going "Watch those corners... watch those corners!!" Classic :E

Yes, yes, I remember now! That was a sweet time!
In the AvP demo when an Alien jumps at you.
I get easily freaked out by video games, apparently. My first Half-Life experience was bad enough, I was only 9 or 10 at that time. Every time I played it, I had to sleep together with my parents that night, for fear that a headcrab would jump out from my closet.
System shock 2 when you meet Shodan for the first time. eeep
Actually...i just thought of another game that was quite scary (well i thought so)....FarCry. Damn the growl them trigens make.....and they move quick as well especially when they jump the lenth of a big corridor at you in about 0.5 seconds. :frown:
A lot of scary games mentioned. AvP, Undying, RE and Silent Hill. But I know the scariest one. These games are too new; you have to go back further.

This game scariest thing in existence. It cannot be killed, it cannot be stopped, no mortal weapon harms it. It's evil, a malignant force that blackens all arcades. It never sleeps. It waits. It watches. It hungers.

resident evil 2...
doom 3..
thief 3(cradle... you know wut im talkin about)
:dozey: FarCry has its scary moments. You're walking through a dim lit corridor with low ass health and no armor, really pissed because you could die easily from fighting like 20 enemies that can kill you in like 4 hits. BAM! An ugly monster thing pops out and WAM! It could get ya at times in the wee hours of the night.

Another game that'll getcha in the wee hours of the night is probably Manhunt.