Sci-Fi Movies?


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I've been in the mood to watch a Sci-Fi movie but I can't find a decent Sci-Fi movie to rent at Blockbuster. So help me out. :)
Star Trek (2,3,4,6,7,8 or 9) Star Wars (1, 2 or 3) are always safe ground.
Alien, Aliens, original trilogy of Star Wars.. Starship Troopers.. Red Planet..
other ones I liked are:

the life of brian (not really sci-fi, but I'm thinking of the one spaceship scene)
12 monkeys (title?, the one with bruce willis)
solaris (kinda out there)
blade runner
minority report
5th element
back to the future (more of a funny sci-fi)
Seen all of those. I need more, less known movies.

[Edit]: Gotta check out Blade Runner and Brazil :cheers:
[Edit2]: But keep it coming...
if you haven't seen blade runner put it at the top of your list, It's definitely a must see movie. Another classic I forgot about was space oddessy 2001, for some reason a lot of my friends don't seem to like this one, but i thought it was brilliant. Guess it's just not big on the fast paced action.

It’s a rather f*cked up movie about a Television station that's giving people brain tumours.
well pitch black or whatever it's called... was okay i guess. it was fun, but not the best. thought of this one because of the chronicles of riddick movie coming out. hm 5th element is one of my favs. blah blah ...
Dan said:
if you haven't seen blade runner put it at the top of your list, It's definitely a must see movie. Another classic I forgot about was space oddessy 2001, for some reason a lot of my friends don't seem to like this one, but i thought it was brilliant. Guess it's just not big on the fast paced action.

It was a similar reccomendation that made me go out and buy Bladerunner and to be honest I didnt think much to it. It's aged pretty badly and the film didnt make much sense (even less in the directors cut).
For some reason, I don't think they have blade runner at my local Blockbuster. I have spent countless hours with my friend looking through blockbuster for movies to watch and I don't ever remember seeing Blade Runner on the shelf.

I love space oddessy 2001. Great movie to watch when you have insomnia (as in entertaining, not for falling asleep :O ).

I have also seen my share of Sci-Fi movies.

Keep it coming...
blahblahblah said:
For some reason, I don't think they have blade runner at my local Blockbuster. I have spent countless hours with my friend looking through blockbuster for movies to watch and I don't ever remember seeing Blade Runner on the shelf.

I love space oddessy 2001. Great movie to watch when you have insomnia.

I have also seen my share of Sci-Fi movies.

Keep it coming...

Battlefield Earth !!!

Good for a laugh.
Event Horizon
The Abyss
Planet of the Apes (original)
Mars Attacks
Oh, right.. I forgot the greatest Sci-Fi film ever.


Mel Brooks is a god.
mortiz said:
Battlefield Earth !!!

Good for a laugh.

i was permanently imbalanced while watching that film. i don't think there was a single straight shot in the entire film.

spaceballs is always good.

a personal scifi favourite of mine is Total Recall. arnie at his best. and the lady with the three...oh my....
Watch the original Star Wars movies.
And maybe check out the Hidden Fortress after.(The Hidden Fortress was made by the very respected Akira Kurosawa who made Seven Samurai, the HF was the inspiration for Star Wars)
the original planet of the apes, and the sequals are all excelent movies. (do NOT, I repeat DO NOT watch the new remake verson. It blows chunks compared to the originals.)

Also check out equalibrium if you can find it, great action and really good dystopian type future.

Made in the 80s and not futuristic, but one of my favorite alltime movies.
r4z0r_bl4d3 said:
the original planet of the apes, and the sequals are all excelent movies. (do NOT, I repeat DO NOT watch the new remake verson. It blows chunks compared to the originals.)

Also check out equalibrium if you can find it, great action and really good dystopian type future.

Made in the 80s and not futuristic, but one of my favorite alltime movies.
The remake also watered down a classic ending.:)
Starship Troopers 2! Feel that straight to DVD quality.

Actually, its supposed to be alright so long as you don't watch it expecting it to be better than the first (Which in some people's minds was a terrible film...i liked it)

But, if you dont want to see that then watch Space Balls.
Its not a film, but as I've discussed it in a previous post check out FireFly because its a cool show. only 15 episodes made. its on 4 dvds though, so I dunno how blockbuster works that.
cube....the best and most underrated sci-fi film ever in my has hints of horror and thriller in it aswell
Doppelgofer said:
cube....the best and most underrated sci-fi film ever in my has hints of horror and thriller in it aswell

Vaguely remember that. The best bit of that film was
when the guy gets all cut up by that wire into little tiny pieces.
or am I thinking of a different flick?
cube was a brilliant film. But I have to say hypercube was terrible, in its own right it was a good film, but nothing like the original in terms of class.
Donnie Darko is indeed something you MUST watch if you haven't seen it. Other cool Sci-fi films include:

Dark City
12 Monkeys
Back to the Future trilogy
Oh, and if you liked 2001, you should really rent 2010. It's not as absolutely amazing because its not Kubrick, but it is still pretty good. Arthur C. Clarke is always awesome.
Hhmmm...Sci-Fi movie, huh?

How about...The entire Matrix trilogy? I just love The Matrix. :)
If you have not yet seen them, go see's a great trilogy.
first one is good....i was dissapointed with the 2nd...havent seen the third yet
I didn't think Starship Troopers 2 was out yet. I loved the first one.

I will also be sure to check out "Cube."

Cool, finally found some new Sci-Fi movies to watch. Anyother Sci-Fi films, let me now. :)
cube was OK.. but it had that unpolished 'canada' feel to it.. like babylon5 or something.. plus the acting was second rate, imo. lol craig, that part was the very begining of the movie, are you saying it was all down-hill from there? :)

anyway, a few movies that haven't been mentioned that many people missed are "the arrival" and "imposter", both quite good, imo. also, AI was pretty good for the first 2/3s or so, when it was more kubrikian thatn speilbergian. "soldier" and "eXistenZ" or whatever.. were both also OK. the first "species" isn't bad, nor the old ""the thig" (carpenter's 1980s remake).

if you want a real classic, see if you can find a copy of "metropolis" from the '20s (silent film i'm sure).. it's really interesteing to see the vision of the "future" back then.

edit: i also strongly back seeing blade runner, one of my fav movies, and 12 monkeys. i also back "dark city", but strongly recommend against "event horizon", which i thought was awful :x

also, brazil is kinda weird, and as much comedy/social commentary as sci-fi (and no, most sci-fi is not real social commentary!), it's probably an acquired taste, but definitely worth a look.
Its actually scary how much the "future" back then is like what we still think the future will be like. :D
Hell, look at The many similar ideas. Robots, big cities, slaves under ground, religion, etc.
My dad maintains Metropolis is an all time great; it's certainly interesting.

Silent Runnings is one of the few films that can make me cry. It's got robots in it and forests.


Even though it's a bit kiddy, I actually rather liked Batteries not Included. Spielberg doesn't just do huge blockbusters, you know...
blahblahblah said:
I didn't think Starship Troopers 2 was out yet. I loved the first one.

I will also be sure to check out "Cube."

Cool, finally found some new Sci-Fi movies to watch. Anyother Sci-Fi films, let me now. :)

Have you seen Donnie Darko? Please go watch that before you even THINK about renting the amateur, direct-to-dvd crap that is Starship Troopers 2.
Edcrab said:
Even though it's a bit kiddy, I actually rather liked Batteries not Included
yeah, that's a cute movie.. worth a look.

edit: also, if you liked the TV series, the x-files movie isn't bad.
got thinking about some 80s movies.. you might want to have a look at "outland" (i seem to remember it being boring though), "brainstorm" (i just like christopher walken), and "innerspace" (martin short is funny :)). also, a great movie that is kinda sci-fi (maybe) is a "the navigators", and new zealand (i think) movie about some 14th c. guys trying to escape the black death. if you can find it, check it out.

wh00t double post!
Aliens, Alien, Alien 3 (I liked Aliens the best then Alien 3)
Predator 1 & 2
The Abyss
Space Odessy 2001
Starship Troopers
Star Trek (?? the one with the bald chick)
Starwars (Original 3 ONLY)
Matrix (if you haven't seen the other 2, then dont see them... it will ruin the 1st one)
thanks for all the suggetions...too bad i've seen 95% of them. I just hope my local blockbuster has some of these movies.
Dr. Freeman said:
i believe its spelled Gattica.. but who cares.
the movie is good, i enjoyed it :)
no it's gattaca, the letters represent the base-pairs for dna (guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine).