Scrap Yard ( In need of staff )


May 31, 2009
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Scrap Yard
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Scrap Yard is a project currently in development by Nixt. It will feature many new features and large maps. It is expected to be released early 2010 The project requires the manpower of 2 coder, 2 modelers and 3 mappers. If you wish to apply for one of these please apply over Windows Live Messenger ( MSN ) at :

[email protected]

Nixt hopes to bring a game, three parts total conversion and one part built in formulae. We wish to brace the gaming community with radical, fresh idea's. We need people to help us do this, we need YOU to help us do this. Nixt is always open to creativity and we will be looking for skilled individuals with a flair for work and a passion for making games. Nixt hopes to bring many fresh features into a seemingly out-of-idea's gaming world; such as a dodge feature, a dynamic opponent system ( D.O.S ) and CUE - Combat Utilizing Enviroment.

We require your skills to help us implement these features, and we need your skills to help us sell this game.

A full feature list is here as follows :






















More features will be added as the project develops. A little on the plot now -

You are Robert Deeds, a trusted and reliable lawyer, travelling abroad for a business trip. Your plane is hijacked by terrorists, who transport you and several others hostage. Their vessel is destroyed by the military, unaware that hostages are aboard. You miraculously survive the battle and the explosion of the terrorist aircraft. You drop to the sea, and faint. But not before grabbing onto a piece of wreckage from the battle. When you come to, you have arrived on some kind of beach. As you get up and tend to your wounds, treating them best you can, you find a tribe of people. These people take you to an underground bunker, where you will be transported to another world. This world is a world of traders and metal and waste. The vast landscapes are piled high with junk deemed useless. Scavengers pick out the accidental contributions to the worlds Scrap Yard landscape. You teleport directly into the midst of an alien city, whereupon you are captured by slavers and forced to work for food. One day a friend of yours escapes, and you follow close in pursuit. As you escape slavery and enter freedom, you feel a longing for Earth. For familiar ground and familiar tongue. You navigate the wastes looking for somebody who can take you back, for clues and for possible leads ..

Current people working on Project :

[Edit- removed name] ( Synapse ) - Coder

Simon Cowles ( MoD ) - Project leader and assistant mapper

Current positions are open








Mapper requirements :

Mappers must have a good understanding of the Hammer system and have at least a few examples of previous work. Mappers must be able to work together and adapt to each others work style and to the projects own unique style

Programmer : Programmers must have a very good understanding of the Source SDK and of C++. Any other coding language is a big bonus, any examples of previous works would be brilliant.

Modeller : Modellers must be able to create high quality textures, new characters and have examples of previous work. Modellers are the backbone of this project. If you don't think you can do it, don't try for the position. We need experienced Modellers, so no newbies please.

Music :

If you would like to donate a track of music to the project then please contact '[email protected]'

Ideas :

If you would like to donate ideas to the project then please contact '[email protected]'

Artwork :

If you would like to donate ideas to the project then please contact '[email protected]'

Money :

If you would like to donate money to the project so we can eat and don't die, then please contact '[email protected]'

Payment ( Team Members )-

After the project is released, fully bugtested and placed on Steam, you will recieve a cut of any profits made. 20% of any profits will go to the company to support it in times of need. After the Project is done we would love for you to stay on and release new content, fix any new bugs and make expansions with us! And if you dont, but apply in the future, then you will be first choice.

Cost ( Public ) - Scrap Yard is going to cost $6.00, or more or less £3.25. We think this is a reasonable price for the level of new content and blood and sweat placed into this game. We hope you buy it!

Money :

If you would like to donate money to the project so we can eat and don't die, then please contact '[email protected]'
Joining the forum and making a thread as your first post asking for money!?

I did not ask for money, I merely put that there if anybody would like to invest in the project to reap any rewards if we make a lot of money, or if they would merely like to donate. I do not think ANYBODY would like to donate, but its there in case they do.


Now some fleshing out the features list.

The Dodge System -

Dodges are often left out in games. Or implemented badly, all it taking is a semblance of timing and over-pressing the same button. We plan to change this, with a brief time period you can dodge in before you take the hit, and the damage. Once you do this, you will play one of several appropriate dodging animations, and no damage will be dealt. The attacker will be over-extended for a short period of time, and you can launch a counter-attack. But beware, not only you can use the dodge feature. Other Enemies and Friendly NPC's can use it to, and gain the upper hand. Always have a back up plan.


Dynamic Opponent System :

The DOS is a randomiser. Keeping gameplay fresh and enjoyable. What this does is make every enemy different. It randomises what enemy they are, the weakness they have, if any; and the textures they use. This adds on for massive replayability as every situation could be potentially different, that room you entered could have been a lot harder with different enemies, the game itself will fundamentally change, and stops people from memorizing enemies and forcing them to use tactics and think carefully. Done properly, this could be a groundbreaking addition to the Project.

Balanced Weaponry :

Ever notice how most games have this one weapon which totally kicks the ass of any other weapon, the weapon all players strive to get because it is so retardedly overpowered it wipes all competition off the map? Yeah? This game wont have those kind of weapons. This game will have weapons that each have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. That shotgun? Sure, it's powerful; but the reload time and the manual pumping may as well render its attacking power useless for half the time. That Sniper Rifle is pretty useless at close range. And that pistol's recoil can kill you if you don't know how to restrict it. The game simply cannot be won using just one weapon. A wide knowledge and diversity in all weapons is needed. And encouraged.

Penetrable cover :

This is not a new feature, but not an old one either. This is a feature that enhances gameplay but allowing you and enemies to shoot through weak or thin material to attack the player behind. You thinking of hiding behind that table? I wouldn't try it, it seems pretty thin, although it might stop the bullets. Want to try hiding behind that hollow wall? The bullets going to go right through it. Weapons like the Sniper rifle can pierce even thicker materials, and make playing a deadly combination of luck, skill, timing and placing.

Make your own weapons and vehicles :
This game is set around massive piles of junk. Junk landslides are common, and the rubbish inside of these can often be used for something a lot better. Each piece is sub-grouped into large groups, and personalised. Only 3 groups are required to make a weapon, but more can significantly improve the weapon quality. Remember though, these are weapons made from junk. They are prone to failing. The same happens to vehicles, creating variation and taking game re-playability up to an even higher notch.

Unique Multiplayer :

Imagine a simple game of capture the flag. With unique vehicles. New questions are posed. Do you stay behind and make some kind of indestructable tank while the enemy takes your flag, or do you make some kind of speeder and get their flag. Imagine you make the speeder, imagine you grab their flag, but on the way your flimsy racer is shot in the wheel, curbing and flipping your speeder smashes into a junkpile, causing a mini-landslide of junk. The resulting chaos causes the flag to be lost, forcing both sides to dig out the flag, leaving you open to having your flag taken, and them open to attack. New modes will be added, old ones gained, and re-imagined. Overall, it will create a wholly unseen unthought of multiplayer experience

C.U.E -

C.U.E or, Combat Utilizing Enviroment, is a whole new combat system designed to make use of the enviroment, much like the one seen in Fable 2. However, Fable 2 failed in the aspect that they didn't make using the enviroment fun or rewarding. It plans to utilize the vast enviroments Scrap Yard plans to offer in such a way that killing enemies is like doing it for the first time all over again. Watch as you launch an enemy off a chasm, throw him into a field of fire or even into enemy vehicles as they zoom along at high speed. Not to mention the Junk piles and you have yourself a winner.

Randomized Junk -

Of course, this would all be boring if the same materials were in the same places every time, huh? Well dont worry, we will randomise each and every piece for you so you don't have to worry. The way you won last time may not be the way you win this time. This creates chances for adaptability and increases skill. We plan for lots of models to be incorporated into this, some are useless but others can aid you in your quest to get back to earth, or simply win online

Survive Health System -

I'm sure many of you have played Far Cry 2, and thought how neat the health system was. We plan to expand upon this. Over times wounds will lessen or worsen based on the condition of them and the multitude, and they require bandaging, stitching and making sure they dont get infected, amongst other things. Over times wounds will heal once treated properly, although many other things factor into this.
All that text is nice but you DON'T HAVE ANY TEAM MEMBERS.

Also, I hope there's malaria.
Why do you think we are looking for staff members?

Its kind of obvious.
Whats your experience level? What have you worked on previously?
I have worked on many company projects on and off. Mainly I am a team leader with secondary interests in mapping. My friend Bryan is a coder with some previous experience, he used to be an internet hacker and a coderboi. He is of course, now 19 and has grown up a bit.
So no real experience in making mods then. See ya!
Yeah, you really should try working on a mod as part of a team before trying to start and lead your own. You have no idea how much work is involved. I will say that you've done better to start with than most though, what with your list of game mechanics and all.
I think I'm the only person who noticed this part:

Cost ( Public ) - Scrap Yard is going to cost $6.00, or more or less £3.25. We think this is a reasonable price for the level of new content and blood and sweat placed into this game. We hope you buy it!

You can't sell mods, so bye bye.
Hah, nice catch. Yeah, it be illegal to sell mods.
The Dodge System - This is called a quick time event, and they suck. Don't use them. How does this work in multiplayer?

Dodges are often left out in games. Or implemented badly, all it taking is a semblance of timing and over-pressing the same button. We plan to change this, with a brief time period you can dodge in before you take the hit, and the damage. Once you do this, you will play one of several appropriate dodging animations, and no damage will be dealt. The attacker will be over-extended for a short period of time, and you can launch a counter-attack. But beware, not only you can use the dodge feature. Other Enemies and Friendly NPC's can use it to, and gain the upper hand. Always have a back up plan.


Dynamic Opponent System : You should rethink this. Games need rules, and players need to understand them. Constantly changing things up will just lead to confusion and frustration. How are you going to work out your difficulty curve if it's a random? You need a gradual increase in challenge, this system makes that impossible.

The DOS is a randomiser. Keeping gameplay fresh and enjoyable. What this does is make every enemy different. It randomises what enemy they are, the weakness they have, if any; and the textures they use. This adds on for massive replayability as every situation could be potentially different, that room you entered could have been a lot harder with different enemies, the game itself will fundamentally change, and stops people from memorizing enemies and forcing them to use tactics and think carefully. Done properly, this could be a groundbreaking addition to the Project.

Balanced Weaponry : This isn't a feature, it's a given.

Ever notice how most games have this one weapon which totally kicks the ass of any other weapon, the weapon all players strive to get because it is so retardedly overpowered it wipes all competition off the map? Yeah? This game wont have those kind of weapons. This game will have weapons that each have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. That shotgun? Sure, it's powerful; but the reload time and the manual pumping may as well render its attacking power useless for half the time. That Sniper Rifle is pretty useless at close range. And that pistol's recoil can kill you if you don't know how to restrict it. The game simply cannot be won using just one weapon. A wide knowledge and diversity in all weapons is needed. And encouraged.

Penetrable cover : How does this work with your dodge mechanic?

This is not a new feature, but not an old one either. This is a feature that enhances gameplay but allowing you and enemies to shoot through weak or thin material to attack the player behind. You thinking of hiding behind that table? I wouldn't try it, it seems pretty thin, although it might stop the bullets. Want to try hiding behind that hollow wall? The bullets going to go right through it. Weapons like the Sniper rifle can pierce even thicker materials, and make playing a deadly combination of luck, skill, timing and placing.

Make your own weapons and vehicles : You have any examples? I'm going to assume that the only types of weapons that can be created are of the melee variety. How long does it take to make a weapon? How do I make a weapon? Is it a minigame? What makes you think anyone would invest time into making a weapon that is prone to failure when they have access to firearms?

This game is set around massive piles of junk. Junk landslides are common, and the rubbish inside of these can often be used for something a lot better. Each piece is sub-grouped into large groups, and personalised. Only 3 groups are required to make a weapon, but more can significantly improve the weapon quality. Remember though, these are weapons made from junk. They are prone to failing. The same happens to vehicles, creating variation and taking game re-playability up to an even higher notch.

Unique Multiplayer : Your ideas pose huge balance issues (not to mention the technical nightmare that it would be to make something like this). Dig out the flag? Does that sound fun to you?

Imagine a simple game of capture the flag. With unique vehicles. New questions are posed. Do you stay behind and make some kind of indestructable tank while the enemy takes your flag, or do you make some kind of speeder and get their flag. Imagine you make the speeder, imagine you grab their flag, but on the way your flimsy racer is shot in the wheel, curbing and flipping your speeder smashes into a junkpile, causing a mini-landslide of junk. The resulting chaos causes the flag to be lost, forcing both sides to dig out the flag, leaving you open to having your flag taken, and them open to attack. New modes will be added, old ones gained, and re-imagined. Overall, it will create a wholly unseen unthought of multiplayer experience

C.U.E - How am I triggering these events? Am I standing near a panel waiting for some guy to walk by? Am I triggering them remotely? With what kind of contraption am I launching somebody with? How do the traps reset, or are they one timers?

C.U.E or, Combat Utilizing Enviroment, is a whole new combat system designed to make use of the enviroment, much like the one seen in Fable 2. However, Fable 2 failed in the aspect that they didn't make using the enviroment fun or rewarding. It plans to utilize the vast enviroments Scrap Yard plans to offer in such a way that killing enemies is like doing it for the first time all over again. Watch as you launch an enemy off a chasm, throw him into a field of fire or even into enemy vehicles as they zoom along at high speed. Not to mention the Junk piles and you have yourself a winner.

Randomized Junk - I've played hundreds of games that don't swap models/textures, and they're not "boring". Do you have any idea of the resources it would take to build multiple variations of assets?

Of course, this would all be boring if the same materials were in the same places every time, huh? Well dont worry, we will randomise each and every piece for you so you don't have to worry. The way you won last time may not be the way you win this time. This creates chances for adaptability and increases skill. We plan for lots of models to be incorporated into this, some are useless but others can aid you in your quest to get back to earth, or simply win online

Survive Health System - This might have worked in the SP campaign, was it present for the multiplayer portion of FC2?

I'm sure many of you have played Far Cry 2, and thought how neat the health system was. We plan to expand upon this. Over times wounds will lessen or worsen based on the condition of them and the multitude, and they require bandaging, stitching and making sure they dont get infected, amongst other things. Over times wounds will heal once treated properly, although many other things factor into this.[/QUOTE] had me at "My friend Bryan ... used to be an internet hacker and a coderboi."
The Dynamic System follows difficulty settings. You obviously didn't notice but it only randomizes enemies and weaknesses, not difficulty.
The Dynamic System follows difficulty settings. You obviously didn't notice but it only randomizes enemies and weaknesses, not difficulty.

Enemy type and weakness contribute to difficulty. Challenge is not solely defined by hit point scaling or AI tweaking, it also includes the process the player goes through when discovering new weaknesses.
Yes, but it also details damage and many other factors that can be scalable.
Yes, but it also details damage and many other factors that can be scalable.

You just said it only randomizes enemy types and weaknesses.
I was talking about difficulty being scalable and how at the beginning of the game you get a difficulty option.
I was talking about difficulty being scalable and how at the beginning of the game you get a difficulty option.

So you're giving the player an option to consciously set a difficulty setting, and then arbitrarily changing it on them at some point during the game?
if you guys are legit and are know what your doing with the codeing, ect. i can help with mapping