SDK + JAVA = failure


Aug 14, 2003
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Ok all I know is JAVA and I can write pretty complicated programs in it. I know some C++ I can make an application that says Hello World. And
I gave up because I forgot which hot key to use to compile in BLOODSHED. Anyway how do you think I will do,knowing JAVA, with the SDK that is coming in a week or two?


P.S. I can make an icon in Visual C++:afro:
oh and about the sdk, its in c++ so if you can only make a hello world proggy then you might wanna start studying
eh. java is almost a clone of the object oriented aspect of c++. and as far as the sdk goes, its mostly oo stuff.
If you know Java well, picking up C++ should be a breeze. There aren't a WHOLE lot of differences... of course you have to be more careful and learn a few new things like destructors and pointers. No garbage collection for you! :D It shouldn't be too bad, though.