SDK's and Source Code


Sep 3, 2003
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If you don't own Visual C++ do you have to write code for , for example an HL mod using the SDK through notepad?
Yeah, you can do that, but you wouldn't be able to compile it into machine code without Visual C++ or something similar...
You can write the code, but you cant compile it. There are free compilers to use though. And its much easier to write code in such programs as Visual C++ obviously. I dont really think notepad would be a good idea, hehe.

Edit: Aw crud, the dude with the odd avatar beat me to it...
Its just to search on the free ones, lots of them out there. I think one can get the old big league compilers for free too. Dont know though.

And yes its odd. I listened to Castlemania (Castlevania music remix, hehe) and it looked hilarious, managed to fit the tunes fairly well :p
Ah. Yup. Friggy gettin' jiggy. He's actually dancing to that Junior/Senior song...
is there any incompatibilities from using different compilers?? is there a "valve recommended" compiler?
I think they've said they used Visual C++. But they've also said you can use any standard C++ compiler.

I wouldn't much know about incompatibilities. A few, I think, but you can generally work around that.
Shinobi said:
is there any incompatibilities from using different compilers?? is there a "valve recommended" compiler?
Since the ANSI standard, there should be no compatibility problems :)

They used Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Pro

So try that
If you are a pupil or a studen, you can get Visual C++ .net 2003 for about 65 ?.
Does anyone know, if Half-Life 2 is written in Visual C++ 6.0 or .net?
hax said:
its visual C++ 6.0 w/ unmanaged DirectX 9

But why don't they use the newer Version? You can also program unmanaged with Visual C++ .net (2003).

And why do almost all Game Developers use Visual C++? There are many alternatives.
You can use Borland or MinGW (both available for free)...

MinGW is used by the Bloodshed software development environment (it's a port of gcc that allows you to build Win32 native applications without requiring Microsoft proprietary libraries).

Since the Borland C++ compiler and the MinGW (gcc) compiler has more strict ANSI compliance than the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (what Valve used to develop the SDK), you will need to make some changes to the SDK source code to get it to compile with either the Borland or MinGW compiler. I have created a list of patches that you can run on the SDK 2.2 source code that will modify the code so that it will compile cleanly with these compilers.

botman said:
You can use Borland or MinGW (both available for free)...

MinGW is used by the Bloodshed software development environment (it's a port of gcc that allows you to build Win32 native applications without requiring Microsoft proprietary libraries).

Since the Borland C++ compiler and the MinGW (gcc) compiler has more strict ANSI compliance than the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (what Valve used to develop the SDK), you will need to make some changes to the SDK source code to get it to compile with either the Borland or MinGW compiler. I have created a list of patches that you can run on the SDK 2.2 source code that will modify the code so that it will compile cleanly with these compilers.


I often heard that Visual C++ .net would be the most standard conform compiler. Is that right? (Valve uses version 6.0)
"I often heard that Visual C++ .net would be the most standard conform compiler. Is that right?"

.net 7.1 is better than .net 7.0 and .net 7.0 is better than C++ 6.0, but even .net 7.1 is not as ANSI compliant as the latest gcc version is (because the gcc version gets released more often and more rapidly when the ANSI standard change, it take Microsoft a year or more to create a newer version of the compiler).

botman said:
"I often heard that Visual C++ .net would be the most standard conform compiler. Is that right?"

.net 7.1 is better than .net 7.0 and .net 7.0 is better than C++ 6.0, but even .net 7.1 is not as ANSI compliant as the latest gcc version is (because the gcc version gets released more often and more rapidly when the ANSI standard change, it take Microsoft a year or more to create a newer version of the compiler).


Good news for me! ;)
(as i use the GCC)