
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
anyone here seen this movie??

and umm...
does brad pitt go to jail for killing the suspect kevin spacey??
he might, or maybe they would find some reason to keep him out.

se7en is one insane movie! i loved every second of it, one of those gotta see movies
Oh roomate ruined the movie completely right at the end.
Just as the box was delivered to the place my roomate (who claimed he forgot - really he just remembered what happens right at the end and blurted it out) says, "IT'S HIS WIFE'S HEAD!" Completely broke the tension and ruined it all. I was thinking it...but it just completely ruined it right when he said that.
o man that must suck getting a movie spoiled, i got the movie shawshanks redemption spoiled :(

but yea thanks -viper- for your answer
:LOL: Amishslayer, y'know you're supposed to have a closing tag for spoilers as well. ;)
Se7en is a really good film, i like it, but it's not as good as Shawshank :thumbs:
This is one of the movies i havnt seen yet but will asap.
KagePrototype said:
:LOL: Amishslayer, y'know you're supposed to have a closing tag for spoilers as well. ;)

Oh shit. I posted that just before I went out last night and didn't even look at the post after I submitted it...sorry for anybody that had the ending spoiled. Too late to edit now...
Seven is a really good movie, one of the best!
Very good movie. One of my favorites. I don't think Brad Pitt would go to jail though. Probably just on probabtion for a couple months. Though, I imagine he'd kill himself after what he saw...
Umm... to kill a suspect is a really, really bad thing to do (especially in US). Almost worse than the murder itself. You'd get in a lot of trouble if you killed a mass murderer, especially if he was unarmed, on his knees, and handcuffed in the middle of a field, and you shoot him twice in the head.
Great movie. Too bad that shitty Saw movie tried to rip it off.
oldagerocker said:
Se7en is a really good film, i like it, but it's not as good as Shawshank


DeusExMachinia said:
Very good movie. One of my favorites. I don't think Brad Pitt would go to jail though. Probably just on probabtion for a couple months. Though, I imagine he'd kill himself after what he saw...

i would be so depressed if i were in brad's shoes.

did you see how he acted and looked when i was deciding to whether to shoot spacey or not
shoot him twice in the head.

The people on the radio talk about 'he emptied the whole magazine' or so, which should be 7 or 8 shots -> even worse for Pitt's character.
oldagerocker said:
Se7en is a really good film, i like it, but it's not as good as Shawshank :thumbs:
Shawshank is overated imo. Dont get me wrong as its an excellent film but i dont believe it should come consinstently in the top 5 of any best film ever ratings. I prefer se7en