Secret Episode 2 Teaser

I don't think its a secret if its right at the end of the game :/
Sweet trailer, i was waiting for someone to post it...

"We're taking back our world... We're not going to lose it for the second time!"

Dunna dunna dunna chukkachukkachukka (music)
AHHH It's so tempting, but I can't spoil myself now! I'm only on chapter 3!
Damn. Now I can't wait 'till Christmas. I'm probally going to have a dream of Mini Striders dancing around my head, laughing at me that I have to wait 'till December for EP2. :p
BeaverMon said:
Damn. Now I can't wait 'till Christmas. I'm probally going to have a dream of Mini Striders dancing around my head, laughing at me that I have to wait 'till December for EP2. :p

Yes, this is true.. I had a "vision" of HL2E1 last night, and it was weeeird
BeaverMon said:
Damn. Now I can't wait 'till Christmas. I'm probally going to have a dream of Mini Striders dancing around my head, laughing at me that I have to wait 'till December for EP2. :p

Oh man that made me chuckle. That trailer was one of the best if not the best iv EVER seen. Those "things" truly look insane.
Holy freakin' shizz. Those mini-strider things actually scared me, when they were running through that forest I mean.

I love how fast they are. Not many games can make something as epic as that trailer scene.

Ikerous said:
Was alyx dead in the trailer...?

1. Yes
2. Maybe/no
3. Yes but Vortigaunts bring her back.

Mini-striders....? I say mechanisation of houndeyes. They run like dogs, striders step around like someone on stilts.
Hectic Glenn said:

Mini-striders....? I say mechanisation of houndeyes. They run like dogs, striders step around like someone on stilts.


Houndeyes are so cute..:cheese:
Wow i never noticed that... they do look very alike however i do not believe they could be the same thing, the "mini striders" are much bigger then houndeyes and seem less wild and more smart of their surroundings
Hectic Glenn said:
I say mechanisation of houndeyes. They run like dogs, striders step around like someone on stilts.
Nice connection, i didnt make that

But I'm pretty sure the model for that is called mini_strider, so maybe not :p
JackKerouac said:
Wow i never noticed that... they do look very alike however i do not believe they could be the same thing, the "mini striders" are much bigger then houndeyes and seem less wild and more smart of their surroundings

Very true. But the whole mini strider thing can be a place holder name. Reason being not to give away what they are etc.
Well they could well be mini-striders, just based on houndeyes, i think their shape is so similar it must be. They run like dogs in the teaser much like the pack hunting houndeyes. Striders walk delicately like on tip-toes. It just seems obvious to me. And what the other guy said about this ones being smarter (based on that clip...i dont know where he got that from), but if thats the case it makes sense...combine are forcefully evolving such creatures so they are more efficient killing machines/ faster/ better protected/ intelligent etc. Mini-striders...pfft! 3 Legs straight down for a strider, one is out the back for this thing, same as houndeye. It's just logical!
Hectic Glenn said:
Well they could well be mini-striders, just based on houndeyes, i think their shape is so similar it must be. They run like dogs in the teaser much like the pack hunting houndeyes. Striders walk delicately like on tip-toes. It just seems obvious to me. And what the other guy said about this ones being smarter (based on that clip...i dont know where he got that from), but if thats the case it makes sense...combine are forcefully evolving such creatures so they are more efficient killing machines/ faster/ better protected/ intelligent etc. Mini-striders...pfft! 3 Legs straight down for a strider, one is out the back for this thing, same as houndeye. It's just logical!

Completely agree, they are so simular and the combine are known for taking things found on the world they are conquering and turning them into part of the arsenal in attacking / holding planets...

So what we may be seeing is a combine twist on the houndeye... poor poor cute houndeye... what have they done to you ;(
Raziel-Jcd said:
I love how fast they are. Not many games can make something as epic as that trailer scene.

1. Yes
2. Maybe/no
3. Yes but Vortigaunts bring her back.

#3 makes the most sense cause of the Vorty's chanting, whenever they chant it makes magicial things happen.
AAAAAHHH! Valve, you rock my world. That is the kind of **** I'm talkin' about! Man, I'm goin' nuts!
edit - what kind of frickin' rookie can't get his post tags straight?
I don't know what the deal is with those mini-striders running through the forest, but it looks like they've got some kind of new technology going on there, it looks really real.
i doubt alyx is dead. gordon and alyx didn't even get to celebrate the repression field being turned off!

i'm guessing you're with her for a little bit at the beginning of episode 2 and then the combine advisor messes with her head or something and she becomes unconscious
ElFuhrer said:
I don't know what the deal is with those mini-striders running through the forest, but it looks like they've got some kind of new technology going on there, it looks really real.

Image-Based Rendering perhaps? :D I remember they talked about that years ago...
Honestly, I think it's just the specular lighting that makes them look that good...
I could be wrong, though.
I feel like I really missed out with my radeon 9250 :/
That was by far the coolest teaser vid I have ever seen! And I thought Ep1 teaser 3 was great!
they run just like the metal gears in the mgs4 trailer, cant wait to have them chasing me in both games :)
Maybe it's just me... but I seems obvious based on the teaser for ep2.
With the big ass explosion of the citadel, the train is knocked off tracks/malfunctioning(no brakes?)/or accelerated to such speed that it comes off the tracks, rolls, then you have Alyx hanging for dear life cuz the damn thing stopped at the edge of a cliff.


Or maybe i'm super hyped and making up shit :D
It does not seem like there have been much consquences for Gordon being freed from the GMan.
TheBleeding said:
Holy freakin' shizz. Those mini-strider things actually scared me, when they were running through that forest I mean.

lol I thought they ware kinda scaring too
but in a cool way that is
mm, December, just in time for my b-day :D, i think i'm gonna play through every half-life game/mod to pass time till december D:
BrimStone04 said:
they run just like the metal gears in the mgs4 trailer, cant wait to have them chasing me in both games :)

That's exactly what I thought when I first saw them.
Yeah, they look freakin' awesome...Think you could take your gravity gun and flip them over? That'd be sweet..

Oh, and the forest scene where they show what's left of City 17, looks SO REAL. Like a picture of a test run for a nuke...
i think we all agree on the similarities between the mini-striders and the houndeyes. Anyone think that a mini-strider could be a 'stalker' form of the houndeye?