Sentrys lock on too fast


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone else think that at level 3 they lock on to you to fast?
There are only a few gripes I have about it, but only because they rape me so hard. The knock back is insane, and the lock on is quick as hell. The lock on I can understand, since it encourages to use alternate routes/classes to get around it. The push back is insane, because if I walk out of a room and get shot at by a lvl 1 sentry, it can hold me back right before the door, and I won't be able to get in, and am just doomed...
Many times have I seen a scout catapulted into the air and pinned to the skybox by LVL 3 sentries. :|
It's very noticeable in Dustbowl, when on the 2nd cap point when they put the sentries in the corner by the bunker thing. You step out, your at the skybox in no time.
It's quick, but a scout, even a pyro, can corner-strafe it if poorly placed.
They could nerf the push-back some. It's retarded being juggled in the air and not being able to do anything about it.
Yeah this is one of my gripes about stupid engineers. It gets worse too because it's so accesible to anybody. The nubs see it as an easy way to make kills as well. They really need to nerf them.
Scouts being blown into the skybox? Sounds like it might need a lil' fixin' up...

I have yet to buy the orange box, but TF2 sounds pretty pimp.
It's very noticeable in Dustbowl, when on the 2nd cap point when they put the sentries in the corner by the bunker thing. You step out, your at the skybox in no time.

Very easy to deal with that, just get a couple of soldiers and a medic down behind that rock on the left and those turrets are history.
Yeah.. I got pushed up to the tip of 2fort by a level 1 turret (wtf?)
It was gay.
Very easy to deal with that, just get a couple of soldiers and a medic down behind that rock on the left and those turrets are history.

I know exactly how to take out sentries easily, it just happens the most there, and is the most noticeable.
Sentry's are TOO easy to kill, if anything. I dont think they should change anything.
When I see stickies coming I know its over, Sentry DOWN!!!
The kickback is insane. The flying thing I'm not too fussed about, because you're dead either way, but being pushed back so you can't make it back through the door is just annoying and a lousy way to die.
Very easy to deal with that, just get a couple of soldiers and a medic down behind that rock on the left and those turrets are history.

But that's not the point. You shouldn't be pinned to the skybox without any way of escaping. It's just incredibly silly even for a game like this.
Sentry's are TOO easy to kill, if anything. I dont think they should change anything.

No way! I think they're about right, if perhaps a tiny bit to quick to lock on.

An engineer was repairing his sentry faster than I could damage it as a solider in a match last night. It wasn't untill a lucky crit that the bitch went down.
The knockback only bothers me because it's impossible for a pyro to be ubered and really effect the sentries that much, since he's pushed back so far and so fast while ubered that he can't get close enough to damage them.

Being ubered should stop the knockback I think.
Pyro isn't an anti-SG class though. How do you expect a close-combat class to be able to destroy sentries? :p
Pyro isn't an anti-SG class though. How do you expect a close-combat class to be able to destroy sentries? :p

By running in close to burn em up. They destroy em hella fast when they can get close.

But the real point is to take out the engies and others nearby while you have uber.
Please get rid of the knockback while UBAR'd. It's really bad. :/

I don't mind it while not UBAR'd, but UBAR is... UBAR.
Please get rid of the knockback while UBAR'd. It's really bad. :/

I don't mind it while not UBAR'd, but UBAR is... UBAR.

Truth. The only class that can effectively counter turrets other than the spy is the soldier as they can dip in and out of line of sight to fire off rockets. Every other class has to rely on a medic healing them before they can have a go. Uber should nullify all knockback effects to give the other classes a chance and to more easily break deadlocks where the other team has around 6 or more engineers with turrets covering a single area.
Truth. The only class that can effectively counter turrets other than the spy is the soldier as they can dip in and out of line of sight to fire off rockets. Every other class has to rely on a medic healing them before they can have a go. Uber should nullify all knockback effects to give the other classes a chance and to more easily break deadlocks where the other team has around 6 or more engineers with turrets covering a single area.

The demoman? Is by far the best class to take out sentrys, iv dealt with a mass sentry spam by myself as a demo.
Depends where the sentry is really and how well people are defending it.
Depends where the sentry is really and how well people are defending it.

It's true. Sometimes, a sentry in one spot is easy to kill, but with good teamwork, a demo is no match for it all :(
I had a scout survive being shot up into the air by a sentry today. I was not pleased.
A sentry shouldn't be so accurate. They should make it how it was represented in the Meet the Demoman video, where you can rush them in a "Braveheart" type manner as it blows up all around you as well as hitting you. Then make the sentries way more durable as a counter-balance.
The demoman? Is by far the best class to take out sentrys, iv dealt with a mass sentry spam by myself as a demo.
A poorly placed SG is an easy target for a demo using sticky's. Place a SG well however and the demoman has to cross into the Sentry's line of fire and for a longer period than a soldier.
A poorly placed SG is an easy target for a demo using sticky's. Place a SG well however and the demoman has to cross into the Sentry's line of fire and for a longer period than a soldier.

Not true. If it's got distance on it by a bit, charge the sticky gun prior to popping out/shoot over walls. Otherwise use regular grenades/regular shot sticky to get it. I've never had a problem with peaking every couple seconds.
I'd be happy with a health buff, and then a lock on and knockbad nerf. And possibly take longer to upgrade/add another level of upgrade into it.

I'd be happy with a health buff, and then a lock on and knockbad nerf. And possibly take longer to upgrade/add another level of upgrade into it.


They DO upgrade fast. Maybe add the whole "Ammo dispenser" into the "Metal Despenser" so for one, people don't have infinite ammo in it and so the engineer doesn't just sit there and whack the sentry all day.

But really, in the end, I don't mind the way the sentry is all that much.
Really, not enough appreciation of the demoman around here. They're arguably more effective than a soldier if you can time your charges right. And while an engineer can continue to repair and heal between each rocket you shoot, the demoman can bide his time for a build up that will blow the shit out of anything.

I believe it to be the most effective anti-turret class. And I therefore fail to see any problem with turrets as they currently are. Turrets get a lot of kills because a lot of people play like idiots. If the team has been made aware of it, they should be entirely capable of executing a plan to destroy it (ie. waiting for medics) instead of blindly charging around the corner to your death over and over again. And seeing as how I can competently counter them in my experience, I think nerfing would make them too easy to destroy.