Serious Problems


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score

This kid's got issues but I lol'd so many times I thought it'd be worth sharing :laugh:
****ing weird to the 10th degree

lololol the internet made him cry!!
lol the internet claims another victim.
His face at the end is ace :D
- Boohoohooo, internet.
The internet claims yet another victim. D: Well, he did want people to remember him...

LOL, "words hurt worse then a sledge hammer to the crotch".
I didnt watch it because I hate these kinds of videos, but I must say, from what i did see the kid makes some awesome facial expressions. Maybe I'll hire him to do motion capture work and do some animation with it.
i went on his youtube page and....dear lord...the lad is ****ed

i actually find his videos PAAAAINful to watch because if they are genuine, hes one of these that probably gets severly bullied

still funny though
He has braces or something like that.
Doesn't look like braces too me. Looks more like has forgotten to brush his teeth in five years.

Another one:
okay... i know know schizophrenics and other people who have been institutionalized who are more sane than this guy. did he actually post it or something. AND....... another thing... DOES HE HAVE TO SAY "Y'ALL". my inner grammar nazi wanted to skin his face off and staple it to the wall and unleash a nest of giant asian hornets on his stupid, crying ass! eh, oh well. i can only dream of some things like that
this is really disturbing if its real . i dont understand why you guys find it so funny.
this is really disturbing if its real . i dont understand why you guys find it so funny.

whether or not we find it funny doesn't matter. the fact is, we all think this is just wierd. but one thing i've come to notice in the years is the changing of what we find funny time and again. now, wierd things are kind of funny. now, i can recall a wierd event that was NOT funny (for me). i was in elementary school (as a kid) and i had just come back from a field trip at the beach. i went over to this large tree. i found something something shiny and slimy-looking, so i touched it. i pulled my hand back in pain. the slimy thing.... a jellyfish. yeah....... someone put a jellyfish ON A TREE!!!! wierd, eh? agghhhh! i'm rambling
whether or not we find it funny doesn't matter. the fact is, we all think this is just wierd. but one thing i've come to notice in the years is the changing of what we find funny time and again. now, wierd things are kind of funny. now, i can recall a wierd event that was NOT funny (for me). i was in elementary school (as a kid) and i had just come back from a field trip at the beach. i went over to this large tree. i found something something shiny and slimy-looking, so i touched it. i pulled my hand back in pain. the slimy thing.... a jellyfish. yeah....... someone put a jellyfish ON A TREE!!!! wierd, eh? agghhhh! i'm rambling

Rofl :D
Thats not wierd, thats random. Whoever did it was a genious :D
There's a couple possabilities:

1.) He's either a total loser and this is serious
2.) He's a total loser and is trying to be funny
3.) He's really cool and is pretending to be a dumbass (100% unlikely)
Oh wow. And I thought I used to take the internet seriously.

He's either faking or has SOME sort of mental disorder, nobody would ever do that AND post it.

Though he doesn't look like he is smart enough to fake something like that. Then again he could be so smart that he is just that good.
Hard to tell if it's fake or not. But its still funny.

tbh you can't fake a face like this :D
Lmao add that pic to the D: collection! I really think this is a true video though. I would seriously watch what happens to this kid because I am 110% sure this kid is gonna pop. And by popping I mean by himself popping pills to commit suicide or popping guns in his school. This kid has some serious mental issues. *Even lamer are the video responses of the emo's trying to gain his trust to be with the "in" crowd. Maybe that's a good thing because everybody may think this is funny now until that one day...
Doesn't looks like braces too me. Looks more like has forgotten to brush his teeth in five years.

Another one:

I was thinking this guy is definitely a future serial killer untill he said something like "that girl who beat him up is stupid" (very clear hint that its fake). His acting was pretty good up to the last 15 seconds.
After watching another video all i have to say is that anyone who thinks this is real is an idiot.
Damn, poor kid :(

His mum totally ****ed up the video for him. Insensitive bitch.

Seriously though, that video actually scared me... I really, really, truly, sincerely hope that was fake, for his sake.
Seriously though, that video actually scared me... I really, really, truly, sincerely hope that was fake, for his sake.

I think it must be, I doubt he's that f****** up. Though his name is still Benice so sucks to be him I guess.