Seriously Tom Cruise, What the ****?

Hmmm... I wish I could like ALIAS, but I could just never get into it. Ah well.

Yup, It is offical Tom Cruise has gone over the deep end then some more!
Oh man, next time someone pulls a practical joke on cruise at a celebrity event it'll be barf instead of water.
What ever happend to Tom Criuse being normal and playing in good movies?
Did he get hit on the head or somthing? If not I think he needs to be hit.
Wow, this thread again. It just refuses to die apparently. But something funny: When I went and saw Silent Hill, one of the trailers was for Mission Impossible Three, at which point my friend yells 'Mission Impossible Three: Eating Placenta!' Good times, good times,
this story reminds me of that episode of the simpsons where Lisa becomes a vegetarian:

Sheri/Terri: Look at Missus Potato Head! She has a head made out of lettuce. [Giggles.]

Ralph: I can't believe I used to go out with you.

Janie: Are you going to marry a carrot, Lisa?

Lisa: [Rolling her eyes.] Yes, I'm going to marry a carrot.

Sherri/Terri: Ohh! She admitted it. She's going to marry a carrot!

it was a joke, he never ate the placenta (dont worry, I believed it at first) :

BBC said:
The War of the Worlds star was quoted in GQ magazine saying he thought the placenta and umbilical cord would be "very nutritious".

But in a subsequent interview with Diane Sawyer on US television, he made light of the comments.

"Yeah, we're going to do that - a whole family thing. Isn't that normal and natural? No, we're not eating it."

still doesnt change the fact that Cruise is a raving lunatic
Yeah, it even says in the article he was joking. But still, man, The opportunity for disgusting hilarity is just too much to pass up.
i used to think tommy boy was pretty cool
too bad
I was eating chicken and I looked up and saw that picture. lol I am no longer hungry
That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. Even more disgusting than eating monkey brains.

That image on the first page .. I am SERIOUSLY ****ING ILL.

I may throw chunks! :bonce:

*becomes vegatarian*
Yeah, but they also talk to themselves and scream about Jesus on the street :|
*rocks back and forth* the lord loves me the lord loves me the lord loves me the lord loves me...