Sessler takes fanboys to school (vidya)

What the **** is wrong with that webpage? I have to scroll farther than I've ever scrolled in my life to see the video.

Also, I dont know who that is, but his voice is obnoxious, his mannerisms make me want to stab someone, his jokes and sense of humor in general warrant him a kick in the nuts. Plus he is on G4 so hes already a failure as a person. Thanks for ruining my night Bad Hat.
This guy's an idiot. I was hoping he'd been hit by a bus since the last time I saw him. hate machine.

I liked the video.
I liked it, but I didn't like how he could say the game's a 5/5 but had weak single-player, not really a perfect game if the offline half is weak.
Damn, I hate rrod fanboys, I salute to you Adam Sessler.
I've seen and heard quite a bit of Sessler outside of G4, and he's actually gained a good amount of my respect. He's not just a talking head, he really knows his stuff.
I have no preconceptions about this dude, so that's prolly why I roffled quite a few times when watching this. His closing comments caused a spray of cola.
I give his soapbox a 4/5, but I give Adam Sessler himself a 1 "do you fuck your mother?" out of 5.
I liked it, but I didn't like how he could say the game's a 5/5 but had weak single-player, not really a perfect game if the offline half is weak.

That is because X-Play's game rating system is a little different that most others.

A 5/5 is not 100%. A 5/5 is in now way perfect.

It works something like this:

1/5 = Stay away

2/5 = Fans of the genre might find something interesting, mostly pretty bad

3/5 = Good game if you're a big fan of the genre otherwise not worth it.

4/5 = Pretty solid game that fans of the genre should definitely have

5/5 = A must buy game for any and all.

At least, that is how I perceive their ratings after watching the show for a few years.
All this video has proven is that people who visit the G4TV website are idiots.
I concur with Kyorisu. Internet Tough Guys are pathetic, especially if they have their own show.