SETI crunchers


Jul 9, 2003
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Old news but I thought I would spread the knowledge for those that dont know:

"Most of the SETI programs in existence today, including those at UC Berkeley build large computers that analyze that data from the telescope in real time. None of these computers look very deeply at the data for weak signals nor do they look for a large class of signal types (which we'll discuss further on...) The reason for this is because they are limited by the amount of computer power available for data analysis. To tease out the weakest signals, a great amount of computer power is necessary. It would take a monstrous supercomputer to get the job done. SETI programs could never afford to build or buy that computing power. There is a trade-off that they can make. Rather than a huge computer to do the job, they could use a smaller computer but just take longer to do it. But then there would be lots of data piling up. What if they used LOTS of small computers, all working simultaneously on different parts of the analysis? Where can the SETI team possibly find thousands of computers they'd need to analyze the data continuously streaming from Arecibo?
The UC Berkeley SETI team has discovered that there are already thousands of computers that might be available for use. Most of these computers sit around most of the time with toasters flying across their screens accomplishing absolutely nothing and wasting electricity to boot. This is where SETI@home (and you!) come into the picture. The SETI@home project hopes to convince you to allow us to borrow your computer when you aren't using it and to help us "…search out new life and new civilizations." We'll do this with a screen saver that can go get a chunk of data from us over the internet, analyze that data, and then report the results back to us. When you need your computer back, our screen saver instantly gets out of the way and only continues it's analysis when you are finished with your work.

It's an interesting and difficult task. There's so much data to analyze that it seems impossible! Fortunately, the data analysis task can be easily broken up into little pieces that can all be worked on separately and in parallel. None of the pieces depends on the other pieces. Also, there is only a finite amount of sky that can be seen from Arecibo. In the next two years the entire sky as seen from the telescope will be scanned three times. We feel that this will be enough for this project. By the time we've looked at the sky three times, there will be new telescopes, new experiments, and new approaches to SETI. We hope that you will be able to participate in them too!"

You can dl it here:

If your not running it, this one can improve your crunching time:

The program is self installing and configuring, once you start the download. If you use this program, do not use seti@home. This program is for Windows. When the download finishes, you will have to hit the ctrl key to start the install process.
I have it and study at UC Berkeley. Have you just started? How many 'returns' do you have?
I havent started it yet Im gonna dl it tonight before I go to bed, I swear if one of them damn alien haxxors my comp.... :flame:
Another one is But instead of aliens, they look for candidates for the cure for cancer. Synth and I actually have a UD team for it as well.
Hey cool, I actually downloaded the program just a few days before this thread was started. I just went to one day, and read the SETI part. I love that green radio telescope icon.
I'm just wondering, can these programs have a negative effect on your system (besides the constant noise from the CPU fan)?

I think constant 100% CPU utilization would wear it out faster than otherwise?