Setting HL2 to low priority has worked for me.


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
I got this off the steam forum.I have tried every temp fix and was very dubious about this one but it WORKED.

On the game munu bring up your task manager and set HL2 as low priority.Don't know why it works(doesn't make sense)but it does for me.

Got off the train at City 17 and got "welcome, welcome to city 17"

Not a single stutter.

On to the man getting his luggage knocked over, same again, smooth as silk.

I have also got this in my autoexec

mat_dxlevel 90

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0

cl_smooth 0

snd_async_prefetch_priority 1

sv_forcepreload 1

cl_forcepreload 1

r_fastzreject 1

and sounds set to low quality.

I don't know if it is a sum of all these things that work or not.Try it, you never know.
didnt work for me,,

I can play dm if I slap all the console commands sugested and turn down everything except shader quality,,, but that's about it...
tomo13 said:
I got this off the steam forum.I have tried every temp fix and was very dubious about this one but it WORKED.

On the game munu bring up your task manager and set HL2 as low priority.Don't know why it works(doesn't make sense)but it does for me.

Got off the train at City 17 and got "welcome, welcome to city 17"

Not a single stutter.

On to the man getting his luggage knocked over, same again, smooth as silk.

I have also got this in my autoexec

mat_dxlevel 90

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0

cl_smooth 0

snd_async_prefetch_priority 1

sv_forcepreload 1

cl_forcepreload 1

r_fastzreject 1

and sounds set to low quality.

I don't know if it is a sum of all these things that work or not.Try it, you never know.
I highly doubt setting it to low priority was what fixed it. Would be one of the others surely.
The Dark Elf said:
I highly doubt setting it to low priority was what fixed it. Would be one of the others surely.

No, I had the autoexec setup before I did the low priority thing and still got stutters.
I've tried the low priority fix and that actually has improved game performance by a LOT. I highly recommend trying this if you haven't already. The easiest way to change the priority of the game is to modify the target field of your Steam shortcut as follows:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start /Low C:\Progra~1\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe

(assuming Steam is installed in Program Files)

This will make it so every program launched from Steam low priority. This is because processes in Windows inherit the priority.

It doesn't eliminate the stutter problem but it makes the game run smoother.
Don't really know about the low priority thing (because it's kinda strange why giving less attention to HL2 will make it run smoother??) but will sure try, as for the sound being the problem of it, I tried lowering the sound quality to low, didn't mkae much differecence in the sound honestly, but it sure did make the game run MUCH smoother it's impressive....
I tried this and yes stutters have been redced but not completely removed. This makes me think it is something really very simple to fix I just wish Valve would get their fingers out of their a**ses and fix it!!
My game is definately a hell of alot smoother after setting hl2 to low priority. I've started to play back through the game and it only hangs occasionally but rarely in the middle of any action/scripted sequences. Prior to this I didn't even want to play the game from Anticitizen One.
Nice one to the fella who discovered this unusual fix!
karloslim said:
My game is definately a hell of alot smoother after setting hl2 to low priority. I've started to play back through the game and it only hangs occasionally but rarely in the middle of any action/scripted sequences. Prior to this I didn't even want to play the game from Anticitizen One.
Nice one to the fella who discovered this unusual fix!

His name is wonderboy.........sounds about right to me :E
This is the only temp fix that seems to do anything.
Just to confirm that this does indeed improve the problem but it is not a FIX but what it does do is eliminate a few famous stutters like when your man talks on the video screen as you get off the train and a few others but still this game has a major bug and i patiently await a proper 100% working fix. If i don't get it soon i will unleash hell, oh yes i will. You heard it here first.