Sexual ambiguity and HL2

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Someone elsewhere in cyberland made the claim that "Alyx is obviously a lesbian". They pointed out her man's name, man's haircut, fingerless leather gloves, 2000-pound dog, her interest in tinkering with guns and machinery etc etc.

It sounds plausible. Anyone know if she was given these masculine traits to portray lebianism, or just to avoid turning off people who don't like female game characters in general?

The same person also went into theories about Gordon and Barney, but I think that one has already been discussed.
Alyx is no lesbian. End of discussion.

Nop. Well, you are right. Alyx is quite a tomboy, but not lesbian. You'll know why if you ask Wally Breen. Okay, I say it for him. You can see some girlish behaviors when you look closely at Alyx. She keeps fixing her hair. According to Freudian theory, this subtle self-reflective movement is a preconscious manner of... Oops. In layman's terms, Alyx fixs her hair 'cause she affects you.
^ No bbson you were making a lot more sense by just stating the theory...
Besides, in both HL2 and EP1 Alyx shows feelings for Gordon. Not just friendly ones.
I'm all for some Alyx & Mossman lesbian loving if that's the direction Valve wish to travel.
I believe originally the orgy-scene between Barney, Gordon, Alyx, Mossman and Eli was supposed to be in the air exchange. It was cut in favour for the buggy ride.
Someone elsewhere in cyberland made the claim that "Alyx is obviously a lesbian".

We shall examine the evidence presented to the court!

They pointed out her man's name,

She didn't pick her name, she's had it since she was a small, small child (as evidenced by the children's painting in kleiner's lab).
Plus, Alyx is a girls name. Alexandria is a girls name. I know a girl called Alexa.

man's haircut,

I imagine a short haircut would be advantageous in:
1) A combat environment
2) A dirty bombed out city
3) Any situation where you dont want a shitload of hair getting in the way

Also, all the other female characters have short hair/tied hair.

fingerless leather gloves,

I have a pair of fingerless (but not leather) gloves. They keep your hands warm and reduce the chances of injury while allowing you to remain dexterous. That is the point.. its not some sexual thing (???)

2000-pound dog,

Her dad built it for her

her interest in tinkering with guns and machinery etc etc.

That doesn't make her gay any more than a guy who likes cooking is gay.
Just because its typically a guy thing doesnt mean she's a lesbian.

Plus, everyone likes tinkering with stuff.

It sounds plausible. Anyone know if she was given these masculine traits to portray lebianism, or just to avoid turning off people who don't like female game characters in general?

just because "female game characters in general" look like this doesn't mean they are a realistic representation of heterosexual females. Nor does it mean anything different from that is abnormal.

In fact, alyx is one of the more realistic female characters I've seen so far.

Also, she hits on gordon pretty much constantly.
Alyx isn't a lesbian.


Because most dykes are butch, moustached mongoloids. Alyx doesn't qualify.
She is, of course, bisexual though, since all females are.
Probably so. All I know is that I ain't ever seen two dudes make out, no matter how drunk they got.
Weird but hot, or just straight-up weird? Because I assume two heterosexual males getting it on with each other has about as much finesse as an elephant on a trapeze wire.
Weird but hot, or just straight-up weird? Because I assume two heterosexual males getting it on with each other has about as much finesse as an elephant on a trapeze wire.

Individually, they were pretty good looking, so you could get used to it I guess.. but I must say, its just... odd to see it. Everyone is desensitized to girls kissing, but when guys do it.. its a surprise.
Her dad built it for her

In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog.
But I don't think she is lesbian, in case you think I'm arguing that this is evidence that she is.
In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog.
But I don't think she is lesbian, in case you think I'm arguing that this is evidence that she is.

If I had the skill, i'd build a giant robot too... and I'm not a lesbian :)
Why are you to arguing over whether Alyx is lesbian or not as if it is a bad thing? It's her... pixels and her AI, let her do what she wants with them.
Alyx is quite a tomboy, but not lesbian. You'll know why if you ask Wally Breen.

Yes, She is'nt a Gay-lesbo. I wish she was because she Hits on the Player way to much, & becides she looks a Man. trying look like a man is NOT sexy, Its a Major turn off. So how she hits on Gordon makes her strait.
Either you live in a utopic paradise of female sexual purity, or your standards are too high.
New York, Its where the Women are at ;) .

Anyways Here's an example of why Alyx indeed looks like....errrr ugly?

The high-res pack is horrible, Wally. Nobody's disputing that.
Both J. Mossman & A. Vance look horrible in FF's Hi-res skin pack, But Eli, Citizen's, Breen, G-man, Barney look alot better but Kliener you cant really tell the difference either with or wothout FF's Hi-Res pack.

J. Mossman & A. Vance with the Hi-res packs Look like a bunch of Prostitute's. A. Vance with or with out the Packs looks ugly either way, but with the packs she looks alot worse, & im glad Gordon did'nt subject himself to that P.O.S.
They pointed out her man's name, man's haircut, fingerless leather gloves, 2000-pound dog, her interest in tinkering with guns and machinery etc etc.
In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog.

What is thy ridiculous logic? Masculinity means NO lesbian.
You have already stepped into the very threshold of sexism. Is all woman have to work in kitchen, or as housewife? NO. You cannot impose one's personality by it sex. You shopuld really read gender role.

p.s. Sexism can refer to subtly different beliefs or attitudes:
* The belief that one sex is superior or more valuable to the other;
* The belief that everyone belongs to either the male sex or the female sex;
* The attitute of misogyny (hatred of females) or misandry (hatred of males); as well as
* The attitute of imposing a limited notion of masculinity (gender) on males (sex) and a limited notion of femininity (gender) on females (sex).
It would have been better if A. Vance had the first name Alexis rather than Alyx, because its been Pronounced by CS n00bs as "Alex" like it was Frickin' Alex Rodriguez "A-Rod".
In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog.

What is thy ridiculous logic? Masculinity means NO lesbian.
You have already stepped into the very threshold of sexism. Is all woman have to work in kitchen, or as housewife? NO. You cannot impose one's personality by it sex. You shopuld really read gender role.

p.s. Sexism can refer to subtly different beliefs or attitudes:
* The belief that one sex is superior or more valuable to the other;
* The belief that everyone belongs to either the male sex or the female sex;
* The attitute of misogyny (hatred of females) or misandry (hatred of males); as well as
* The attitute of imposing a limited notion of masculinity (gender) on males (sex) and a limited notion of femininity (gender) on females (sex).

Dude, you left out the second (equally important) part of my post:
In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog.
But I don't think she is lesbian, in case you think I'm arguing that this is evidence that she is.

I said I wasn't arguing that she is a lesbian. Either way I don't care. I was just pointing out that Blink was wrong when she said her Dad built Dog for her.

And I don't believe I'm in any way sexist. In some other thread, I said that one of the reasons Alyx is so cool is that she is not a typical cook-the-breadwinner's-dinner woman.
And I don't believe I'm in any way sexist. In some other thread, I said that one of the reasons Alyx is so cool is that she is not a typical cook-the-breadwinner's-dinner woman.

Why would she be? Any female in her position would be like that - growing up in a world full of violence and death, with no need for sex, marriage, etc.
Your right. That never occured to me.

But then I meant that beyond the context of the game. So many girls I know seem to enjoy being really, annoyingly girlish. I don't hate them for it, because it takes a stronger-than-usual mind to see past the role that society assigns you. I hope I don't sound like an anarchist.
Besides, in both HL2 and EP1 Alyx shows feelings for Gordon. Not just friendly ones.

She has a crush on gordon, originaly stated my Riomhaire and he said twas obvious. End of discussion, Alyx=Tomboyish Character not lesbian.
Alyx is female, you can hear it form her voice. If you meet a transsexer berfore, you know their voice is quite different . And she likes Gordon. That's why so many people hates her.
That's why so many people hates her.

I liked Alyx, I thought she made a nice change from the large-breasted, vapid, sex objects that are so common in other games.

And really, can you blame her for liking Gordon? He's smart, sexy and handy with a crowbar :p
I'd just like to butt in and say that I made out with a dude once for truth or dare. It was... oddly devoid of anything. I did get (female) ass from the equation, though \o/
If you're living in a bombed-out slave dystopia under Combine rule I doubt you'll have time (or place) to go shopping for the latest Gucci and have your nails done. Nope, you'll be tinkering with guns and heavy machinery instead. The girly-girl type would've died out long before Gordon awoke.
I did get (female) ass from the equation, though \o/

Details, please! :D

To be honest, I wouldn't mind if she were indeed a Lesbian. Nothing wrong with Lesbians. I like Lesbians... especially if it's Alyx.
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