Shadow bug still existent

then what are the magical dark areas i see when i turn off the option of "dynamic shadows" in doom 3?
Big Fat Duck said:
then what are the magical dark areas i see when i turn off the option of "dynamic shadows" in doom 3?

Because they aren't generated in real-time when you switch off dynamic lighting.
Those shadow glitches dont bug me. Still better than the 'no shadows' I play with most games cause they are so godawful.
Ahh, people, do you want to be able to play the game on high with the shadow bugs or do you want a univeral shadow system in huge outdoor areas with lots of enemies and be able to play it on low with a X800.

Exeggerating, but I think you get my point. It's the quality vs. performance arguement.
Quote from the Ask Valve thread..

5. A lot of people on various forums are wondering about some parts of the E3 2004 videos. When Gordon is in the crane moving the crates around, the crate and the crane's magnet both have shadows and they overlap on the ground below (I'm pretty sure you guys would have noticed this by now), has this been fixed?
*** We're aware of it.

So they're aware of it.. I don't believe they've ever said that they've already fixed it, but I seem to recall someone saying it was on their to-do list.
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you people rant that the shadows should suck like that because of performance.. im saying that valve should have an option for having nice dynamic shadows or NOT
Big Fat Duck said:
you people rant that the shadows should suck like that because of performance.. im saying that valve should have an option for having nice dynamic shadows or NOT

it would involve a drastic change in the engine. they arent going to build 2 engines for one game.
eth8686 said:
I was watching the new trainstation bink (for the 300th time :dork: ) and I noticed something wrong.

Now, I follow these forums quite actively and I don't believe this has been discussed, but if it has the mods can feel free to delete it.

I've attached two pictures, one shows the shadow on top of a shadow bug that has been with us for a LONG time now, and the other shows where a part of a shadow disappears!

I kind of hoped that the Valve team would have fixed that shadow-on-shadow bug!

GET OVER IT! You won't be looking for little details like that once you start playing the damn game.
Big Fat Duck said:
you people rant that the shadows should suck like that because of performance.. im saying that valve should have an option for having nice dynamic shadows or NOT

You must understand that every game has tradeoffs. Sure, Valve could have done dynamic shadows instead of facial animations and lip syncing or unified lighting system instead of the complex physics engine. They CHOSE not to do it. It was not like they were half way through and said: "****, we forgot to put in a unified lighting system." They said we want to concentrate on different things, and instead of giving the option of a unified lighting system (which would take months/years to inegrate in the game) which only a minority can even use, they focused on different things.

I'm kinda stretching my imagination here, but I think if Vavle wanted to they could have done the unifed lighting system.
You won't be looking for little details like that once you start playing the damn game.

Offcourse you wont look for it..
It will be there Right-In-Your-Face... :P
tokin said:
GET OVER IT! You won't be looking for little details like that once you start playing the damn game.

I am over it. Now I only started this thread to ponder the reason why Valve have not addressed this issue (it is an issue, wether you like it or not). God damnit, I swear there is no way of having an intelligent conversation on these forums, there's always one with an attitude.
I agree eth8686, fanboys really annoy me because you just can't discuss something rationally with them. They seem to think that HL2 and D3 are running for prime minister and they have to get behind one game or the other, they rip strips off of the other game while resorting to abusiveness towards anyone who questions something about "their" game.
Things like "GET OVER IT" & "Why don't you make your own game" aren't informative, or constructive or answer the questions raised in anyway.

The fact is that the shadows don't look right when objects overlap, it's a fact and one we will just have to live with if it can't be corrected.
The reason it's so noticable (and annoying to me) is that the closer games come to looking real, the more the things which don't look real will stand out. I know this because i have to deal with this in animation, if you have a realistic looking person and if they don't move the way real people do it will look wrong.

With lighting that looks close to real, if there are double shadows it is really going to stand out and like it or not it is going to stand out and people are going to notice it if it really is glaringly obvious.

I noticed when the player was walking behind the guard as they were going to the interigation room that the guards head bobbed up and down, i noticed it, because it didn't look quite right. For head to bob like that it would have to be on a spring, the neck doesn't shrink and grow like that.

If you look around there will always be things which don't look right, the original HL had a multitude of problems but if the developers are able to get people to look passed the problems then the game will be a good one.

I admit the only shadow problem i saw was the guy sitting on the bench, where only he had the shadow, all the rest i was to busy looking at all the other stuff to notice the cases on the bench.
Gorgon said:
That is not what I heard. I heard Doom3 kikd ass cause it run so well on the latest hardware. you can get over 60fps with all settings ON plus 1024x768 res.

That is not a reason m8, Valve made an awsome game, but they are really slow developers. :|

Doom 3 kicks ass on my rig, which is decent, but not so hot - see below:

P4 1.8 GHz
Geforce 3 Ti 500

Play it on medium at 800x600

And now on topic, The shadow problem is dsitracting. It won't ruin the game for me, but you'd think there would be some kind of fix for it or something. whatever...
Robinhood_01 said:
I noticed when the player was walking behind the guard as they were going to the interigation room that the guards head bobbed up and down, i noticed it, because it didn't look quite right. For head to bob like that it would have to be on a spring, the neck doesn't shrink and grow like that.

I noticed that too, but maybe it just means that they're not totally human or something. Who knows.
doom 3 gets boring, REALLY fast, sorry, not a great game. for this i am, *batman music again* HL2FANBOI!...

oh man, i'm feeling hated, oh crap..... what to do *looks left* oh noooo!!!! ahhhh!!!!
Robinhood_01 said:
I noticed when the player was walking behind the guard as they were going to the interigation room that the guards head bobbed up and down, i noticed it, because it didn't look quite right. For head to bob like that it would have to be on a spring, the neck doesn't shrink and grow like that.

Oh, I dunno. If you've ever seen anyone run in a flak jacket you get used to seeing that motion. (And feeling it, sometimes. Leaves a nasty rash) :p
Take this in the most positive way: stop nitpicking and get a life. If they shadows annoy you that much do NOT buy the game and go play Doom 3 mutliplayer.
Yup, as long as I get to shoot combine scum, and smite headcrabs I'll be happy.
eth8686 said:
I am over it. Now I only started this thread to ponder the reason why Valve have not addressed this issue (it is an issue, wether you like it or not). God damnit, I swear there is no way of having an intelligent conversation on these forums, there's always one with an attitude.

You do have a point. Guess i was just getting tired of a lot of people around here putting down bullshit things about HL2. It's all good player.
I truly wonder if on the popular Doom 3 forums they have threads that bitch about the horrible physics about the game and totally overlook the tremendous archievement of the lighting in that game.
dis said:
I noticed that too, but maybe it just means that they're not totally human or something. Who knows.

You don't like it? I did, I thought it was cool, like their helmet didn't fit properly. It was nice for me cause you never see head animation in games, they always look the one direction, real stiff. There's a fluidity about the combine animation that appeals to me.
lazicsavo said:
I truly wonder if on the popular Doom 3 forums they have threads that bitch about the horrible physics about the game and totally overlook the tremendous archievement of the lighting in that game.

Laz, I think you'll find people will whine about anything, regardless of the forum. There's something that compels people to try to achieve "status quo" amongst perceived peers that drives them to post this way.

Anonymity allows people to say things they would never say in a face to face situation. Anonymity is the bane of civilized forum speech. :)

"I would rather remain silent and be thought a fool, than open my mouth and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln :thumbs: