shepherd in the 7 hour war?

Aug 10, 2006
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this is a nice theory for you anti-shepherdites. what if gman left shepherd in the seven hour war? obviously it doesnt sound like that would accomplish much but maybe he stopped race x attempting to get to earth again, all while fighting the combine. and if it pleases you anti shepherdites, maybe he died too? this would succeed in getting rid of race x from the storyline for good (its a niggling detail which bothers me) and *sigh* get rid of shepherd. why do you all hate him so much anyway?
Race-X was effectively blocked off once Shephard destroyed the Gene Worm. Race-X came over a little after the portal storms; when the portal storms stopped, Race-X stopped teleporting in randomly. But by that time, they'd already started building a gate between Earth and Xen. With the gate destroyed, they're as locked off from our world as the grunts and controllers.

As to your theory, there is no reason why Shephard would be wasted in the Seven Hours War. Much as I'd like to see Adrian's demise, I cannot imagine it happening in such a way. For one thing, he was far too good to be taken out in such a way; for two, were his death imminent the G-man would step in. The G-man would not let one of his pawns go to waste, seeing as he only has two that we know of, both being such excellent survivors (not to mention excellent pawns).

And to answer your last question, most of us hate Shephard as backlash to Shephard fans. Shephard fans--and I do apologize in advance because I realize you're pro-Shephard--are always asking for Shephard's return, or using Shephard in their crazy theories. Before HL2 came out, Shephard was at the height of fan theories, like he'd come back and help Gordon, or he was in the Seven Hours War--again, apologies, just telling it like it is--, or he was the model for the Combine soldier, even that they were clones of Shephard...absolutely ridiculous things. Now with Gordon having escaped the G-man, people think G will pit Adrian against Gordon. He crops up so often Valve's pretty much given into demand and said they'll get back to him one of these days.

Now most people, like myself, felt that Shephard's tale ended. A cliffhanger, yes, but it was resolved. There was no need for further adventures; he was detained. That was the end. In fact I personally believe he died or at the very least went mad aboard that osprey, so we shouldn't see him again. But Shephard fans want and want and want him back, so basically the rest of us are like..."Just shut up about Shephard! He wasn't that interesting to begin with!" and that's how an anti-Shephardite is born. The more crazy theories born, the more that hate is nurtured, until we all become slavering beasts who go crazy and throw chairs and sh*t whenever someone says, "Adrian Shephard."
oooooh ok. thanks! I get what you're talking about now. I would sort of explain what I meant about my crazy seven hour war theory, but you would probably tear my throat out with your teeth (perfectly understandable, judging by what you say) so I'll just leave it alone ^_^
Shephard will return and get jiggy with Alyx. Otis will tape it all.
Shephard will return and get jiggy with Alyx. Otis will tape it all.

Then Gordon catches her doing it, Alyx says "Gordon, Its not what what it looks like!!!!" Then Gordon kicks the shepards ass.

Kevlair armour= soo 2 decades ago.

A protective HEV= The most high tech & most advanced protective shit avalable to a Scientist in a top secret research facility.
Except Shephard's the G-Man.

Hmmmm & I thought Doc was the G-man...

Also IMO the G-man is not a god, he's not indestructable. He can be killed, all he does is stop time, put people in stasis & move around from place to place.
post something useful other than those crapssss

they hate it because they just do--they think the idea of Op4 sux ass
(First Post) i agree, infact the 7 hour war would be a nice game... so long as you play as Shephard... :p
they hate it because they just do--they think the idea of Op4 sux ass

What??? How could they??? Op4 was one of the best expansions... Instead of playing the good you got to hunt down Gordom... I unno, maybe everyone loved Gordon so much... they couldn't bear to kill him *sniff* a good game gone to waste...
I actually love Op4. Even some of the more shall we say...creative...ideas that the game has with regards to weapons, enemies, and the storyline. Opposing Force was an excellent game, but I feel that it wrapped up Shephard's story nicely. He should not come back. There's no more perfect end to his story than being detained by the G-man.
I actually love Op4. Even some of the more shall we say...creative...ideas that the game has with regards to weapons, enemies, and the storyline. Opposing Force was an excellent game, but I feel that it wrapped up Shephard's story nicely. He should not come back. There's no more perfect end to his story than being detained by the G-man.

That's not perfect. :|
In my opinion it is. What other kind of ending should he have had? That was like, best possible scenario for him. He accomplishes his mission, he's seen too much but he's proved himself worthy of life, so the G-man spares him while taking necessary precautions. Basically the guy turned out to be an unwanted subject; Gordon Freeman filled the position the G-man was looking to fill, and Adrian fell by the wayside.

And after that...who knows. Granted it's not an absolute end to his story, but it's enough closure for me. I don't worry about what happened to Shephard because it's done...the G-man found him useless, couldn't bring himself to kill him, so he floats around aimlessly in an osprey prison. You know, it just occurred to me that he's probably hallucinating all's possibly another form of stasis, just you're not static, if that makes any sense. He gets "dreams" and can move around freely, but only aboard that osprey which LOOKS like it's on Xen, but isn't...

Anyway, to be brief: Adrian Shephard got the Adrian Shephard--transported to another dimension out of sight and out of mind. The end. And that's a great ending to me.
Then Gordon catches her doing it, Alyx says "Gordon, Its not what what it looks like!!!!" Then Gordon kicks the shepards ass.

Kevlair armour= soo 2 decades ago.

A protective HEV= The most high tech & most advanced protective shit avalable to a Scientist in a top secret research facility.

that happend to be around 20 years ago....
Meh. Personally, anything that ends with detainment is still requiring closure for me. That is, after all, supposed to be temporary confinement. It just doesn't seem useful or practical to me to keep Adrian alive if all you're going to do is keep him abandoned on an osprey for eternity. Hardly seems like a "reward". Why not just kill him? We're assuming G-Man has an ounce of compassion in him, since he's decided to keep Shephard alive instead of letting him die. But then wouldn't the compassionate thing to do in that situation be to end his life instead of torturing him with solitude to the end of his days?

Doesn't fly for me. The only purpose of the detainment would be to broach the subject of Shephard's possible future utilization to the G-Man's employers, and I imagine they'd want to make use of somebody who managed to fend off an alien invasion largely by himself. If that's the case, it would be a waste for Valve not to pursue him further in the universe they created.
I actually love Op4. Even some of the more shall we say...creative...ideas that the game has with regards to weapons, enemies, and the storyline. Opposing Force was an excellent game, but I feel that it wrapped up Shephard's story nicely. He should not come back. There's no more perfect end to his story than being detained by the G-man.

You're absolutely right... but being able to play Shephard in the 7 hour war would be awesome... maybe that was G-man's next task for him!!!
that was my point entirely. maybe something big was happening during the seven hour war, like, I duno, something that could really turn the tide of the war or make the combine occupation of earth even worse(my original idea was another race x invasion as stated previously, but no luck there), gman dumps shepherd in the warzone, shepherd stops it, and having fulfilled his purpose, he can die. or get closure of some kind. the end. now lets get back to freeman and end the whole shepherd conflict on the interweb
Then Gordon catches her doing it, Alyx says "Gordon, Its not what what it looks like!!!!" Then Gordon kicks the shepards ass.

Kevlair armour= soo 2 decades ago.

A protective HEV= The most high tech & most advanced protective shit avalable to a Scientist in a top secret research facility.
It isn't kevlar, it's a powered combat vest.
I think it's cool we're gonna see shepherd again, it would be damned brilliant if he turned up in Half Life 3 completely random I bet Gordon would be like, "HOLY CRAP IT'S YOU DUDE!.............*sniffle* Gimme a hug! *sniffle*"
I think it's cool we're gonna see shepherd again, it would be damned brilliant if he turned up in Half Life 3 completely random I bet Gordon would be like, "HOLY CRAP IT'S YOU DUDE!.............*sniffle* Gimme a hug! *sniffle*"

but they never met:|
I think it's cool we're gonna see shepherd again, it would be damned brilliant if he turned up in Half Life 3 completely random I bet Gordon would be like, "HOLY CRAP IT'S YOU DUDE!.............*sniffle* Gimme a hug! *sniffle*"
Dont say that ..anti shephard will killl you for supporting shephard
psh. **** them. **** them right in the pooper. lets all join gordon and shepherd in the group hug everyone! *lights up camp fire and starts singing cum-by-ya*
why dont ppl complain about Barney instead of adrain ..jesus those damn stupid anti ****
Someone give me a good reason to be anti-Shepard, because I frankly see no good reason why he shouldn't be in another expantion.
Someone give me a good reason to be anti-Shepard, because I frankly see no good reason why he shouldn't be in another expantion.
cuz its gearboxz crapy game..and gearbox suxass--says anti shephard
the weaponz in op4 just sux dont ask y --says anti shephard

because im a moron .. i just hate shephard for no reasons!!
I feel scared after reading these adrian threads.

Im scared, hold me *holds any random girl for comfort*
but they never met:|

They might've never met... but don't forget, in HL1, it was shephaerd placing the annoucements, so they might've never met, but that doesn't rule out the fact that they can still work side by side, so long as Shephard explains why he stopped hunting Gordon.
Im not talking about Gordon's HEV suit, im talking about Shephards armor.

Well Shepherd's armor is in fact a powered combat vest. Yes powered, as in it charges from those hev panels on the walls.

PS: I liked Oposing Force and I really don't see where all this hate is coming from.
PS: I liked Oposing Force and I really don't see where all this hate is coming from.

Just random people, rambling about random things. I doubt we will never know the real reason behind the reasoning..
I think I said it before... it's beause in opposing force you had to kill Gordon (or atleast try) and too many people love Gordon too much to kill him...
it's beause in opposing force you had to kill Gordon.

I really couldn't care less about that. I played and enjoyed it for what it was a fun game nothing more. At least that's the way I see it. I think you are taking these things far to seriously IMHO.
no they r some retarded idiots who hates him because hes a marine ..
and they think adrian is an @$$hole for lots of crappy reasons..........

i dont no how u guys view was a ok game with ok plots thatas how i view op4
I liked it alot. the antis hate him because people talk about him so much, as darkside pointed out for all of your convenience at the start of the thread, why didnt you read it?