


In the video cs:s , i saw that one of the counter terrorist had a fiberglass shield in one hand. Is it required, and will it have an effect on gameplay?
Post any comments please! cs:s

sorry if this has been posted before
What do you mean is it "required?" CS as it is has a shield, CS:S is no different apparently in that respect.
There's a poll @ CSNation on whether or not the community wants the shield in CS:S. We'll have to wait & see I guess.
I think dudeman2000 is asking if the shield is going to be implimented in CS:S or not. Personally I'd like to see it remain in the game, perhaps is it is in CZ. If the Source engine alows for more accurate hit boxes then the shield would require an aweful lot of skill to use effectively.
I personalloy would like to see that shield, it can actually be kinda useful
sorry to confuse... I didnt relize the first counterstrike had a shield.
i dont remember seeing it when i played way back when ;)
dudeman2000 said:
sorry to confuse... I didnt relize the first counterstrike had a shield.
i dont remember seeing it when i played way back when ;)
Well, it's new in 1.6, so that would probably explain why you hadn't seen it :p
shields slow down the game just like camping. so shields are good.
The shield have have realistic physics I think. Like if you get multiple shots on the left side of your shield, you should have to counter it, by rotating the shield to the right side. Would place more emphasis on both teams. Also the shield could be use to safely break through barricades :D
Well CS-Nation's interview with Jess Cliffe says that the shield is gone for now, but that doesn't stop them testing it later on in CS: Source.

If they did perpoly hit detection (like Doom3) then the shield would be welcome to anyone's CS.
i always thought it should be limited to 1 shield per team, and it should degrade like the kevlar and eventully just drop, it seems so dumb watching it in CS today, some guy emptying an AK at point blank range, and then the shield dude just popping him in the head with a pistol.
Zento said:
If they did perpoly hit detection (like Doom3) then the shield would be welcome to anyone's CS. would still be hated...
In the latest CZ update it looks like the shield has been tweaked so you can shoot out a shielders legs if they don't crouch.

Ultimately I don't really care if the shield stays or goes, its not something I ever use as a CT or have any real problems with as a T, but it seems a shame to have it removed.
I've been playing CS for a few years now, and I think all of the people who whine about the sheild are so funny. While I don't use it myself, I've seen so many people get fragged by someone with a sheild and then people start sreaming how the sheild is a n00b tool. Listen, if you run stright on at a guy with a sheild your stupid ass deserves to get messed up. All you have to do is run to that person's side and shoot them. I've wasted PLENTY of people with the base pistol without the sheild. Example: I see a teammate just ahead of me run out of a corridor get blasted with what i know is a sniper rifle. I know that he's having to reload, and I quickly run around the corner and pop the guy in the head area as many times a possible. I've done this too many times to count and quite often i get called a haxor. But i'm not a haxor, I just have a good strategy. So is the pistol a n00b tool too? Actually i'm suprised that people don't start trying to say that actually being able to run around makes the game too easy.

In short if you get wasted by a dude with a pistol & a sheild, you suck. NO! Stop thinking that you are really good and that the sheild is an unfair uber-tool. I don't care what mommy told you, you're not good. If you can't take someone with a sheild & pistol combo out then you need to go play some bot matches. Stop crying. If the sheild is that awesome then why don't you use it? Oh that's right, it's because the damn sheild isn't that awesome. Acutally it's really only effective in a coordinated team advance.

Sorry to go off there, but I get so damn tired of people crying about how the sheild has ruined CS. If your brain is so simple that you can't figure out how to strafe around that damn sheild then you don't deserve the right to reproduce and should immediately start self-castration.