Short Recoil

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He's the guy who claims to hit trees to make his fists stronger....



I heard he washed in hydrofluoric acid and ate cars for breakfast. He ran at 2.998x10^8 m/s and he respired using nitrogen from the air.
I've heard that his coughing caused the hurricanes.
I heard Short Recoil once grilled a flapjack so large that not even he could eat it.
But then he ate it anyways.
He has such perfect eyesight he can see 400 miles in every direction.

I bet he's lying ...

... it's probably only 300.
Angry Lawyer said:
You lose a large part of the folklore of by doing that, though. Its like part of the myths, alongside the whole PrincessJen thing, and Biozeminades. They enrich our lives, and the forums would be a whole lot more shallow without the memory.

-Angry Lawyer


You must never mention the biozeminades.

So, how about those Mets?
short recoil is the physical manifestation of the combined hopes and dreams of an entire race of small, burrowing mammals as yet undiscovered by science.
In deference to the Great One, my recoil is short.
Thing is...

Short Recoil actually does run up mountains, and do martial arts, its not as if hes making it all up.
sinkoman said:
I do too, so?

Well, he may have exaggerated all the masochism stuff to the extreme, but its not as if hes a 300lb 47 year old bald man, who likes to tell people BS, some of the stuff he says is true.
i heard jupiter is actually one of his nuts that he chopped off for fun and threw into the sky with his uber strong arms
Holy Smokes, Pressure i thought it was you and shens not you and short recoil, i hope he don't find out. lawlz Munro's all in a spin with this ;)
solaris152000 said:
Was he banned anyway?
Cos we was too extreme, that was the reason. He out grew us all, and went onto another level. Its like Jesus being born in Bethlehem.

Jesus: 'can i just stay here, and tell people stories and stuff'

NO you can't you must go forth and spread the word, you have to go to NAZERATH.

Hope that cleans it up for you.
I remember him, he was a cool guy!!!

This thread is aweshens! Can't wait for good ol' recoil to read it!
I heard that short recoil killed hitler and captured saddam! :O
He also killed Aidid in Mogadishu. Just like at the end of Black Hawk down.
He also ate an M249 clip and then proceeded to fart it out, killing 30 taliban warriors and one large tank
I heard that Short Recoil once destroyed a planet with his eyelid. The remnants are now known as the Oort Cloud.

-Angry Lawyer
As a kid, Short Recoil once went for a swim in a cool triangle-form.
solaris152000 said:
I remember him, he was a cool guy!!!

He's been unbanned for a while now (the ban expired ages ago) he just doesn't post.

Scrutiny of his "last visited" time in his profile reveal that he does indeed check the forum daily still, but does not post.
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