Should I be mad?

I joined this late and didn't read past the first page. But it sounds like your roommate has way more game than you do, instead of being mad you should be taking notes.

If he knew you were after the girl then that is a bit douchy on his part. But honestly if I was in his place and saw that she was just dancing with a bunch of random dudes because you weren't taking control I'd probably do the same thing.
I joined this late and didn't read past the first page. But it sounds like your roommate has way more game than you do, instead of being mad you should take notes.

The fine deduction skills of No Limit at work. It's like watching House... but... retarded.
You were letting the chick dance with other dudes. What did you expect? You can be mad or you can learn from what you did wrong, your call. But if you think you did nothing wrong then don't be suprised when this keeps happening to you. I'm just trying to help a brotha out, don't get your panties in a bunch.
Its only human to react in such a way Starbob.

Being in that situation before, you should just let it go.
The fine deduction skills of No Limit at work. It's like watching House... but... retarded.
**** you starbob, you can't get laid and when your mate does you cockblock him then cry like a little girl.
**** you starbob, you can't get laid and when your mate does you cockblock him then cry like a little girl.

Angry Troll is Angry.


It's ok though, I get laid on my own right, I just don't enjoy my friends being pricks. It's cool that you're angry though. I wasn't aware you were living your sex life vicariously through my room mate you don't know. I'll tell him about that next time I see him so he can get in touch with you.
Reading this thread has made me realize one thing. It doesn't suck to be an Indian. In the first year of Uni, I pitied myself. I pitied the fact that due to me being Indian, I couldn't get a girl friend. I was expected to pass with an A grade average. TBH I regretted that. I too wanted to have a girl friend. I too wanted to pass out drinking on Saturday nights. My white friends ridiculed me.

But after reading all these relationship threads and hearing how my friends latest OMG I can't believe she/he cheated on me stories, I can't help but think in some ways that I am lucky. I don't have to worry about falling in love or getting a girl friend. All I have to do is get past Uni with high enough grades.

Just an observation of course.
Once you get out of university with your high grades, you can get rich and then buy any woman you want!
Angry Troll is Angry.


It's ok though, I get laid on my own right, I just don't enjoy my friends being pricks. It's cool that you're angry though. I wasn't aware you were living your sex life vicariously through my room mate you don't know. I'll tell him about that next time I see him so he can get in touch with you.

Taking posts way too seriously and sounding bitter and angry is the best way to do it on
pointing out the lulz.

Now were just getting into the retarded gender differentiation.

Subject has had relations with multiple partners.
Female: Slut
Male: Hero

I like how you neglected to quote the point of the original post and quoted only what you needed to change the point of the entire post in order to fit your point.
Um, he only cut out like three sentences from the quote, which doesn't prevent the point from coming across and, if anything, would have made ravioli sound dumber. Or are you trying to say he should've reinforced ravioli's point rather than making his own? The implications emp found are there, don't hate him for pointing them out.
Um, he only cut out like three sentences from the quote, which doesn't prevent the point from coming across and, if anything, would have made ravioli sound dumber. Or are you trying to say he should've reinforced ravioli's point rather than making his own? The implications emp found are there, don't hate him for pointing them out.

No, I'm sorry. I prefer reading the entire sentence and judging off of that rather than only reading tiny parts of the sentence to make fun of something.

It's very clear that he is not insulting her sex-life, but merely pointing out that she is very active and still refuses to sleep with him. I don't see how anyone can miss that unless you just want something so badly to argue about that you ignore basic comprehension.

More to point, there's nothing in that sentence that can even be construed as WOMEN = SLUT MEN = HERO

Edit: Maybe I should clarify. He did quote the whole sentence, but replied to it as if it were only the bolded parts that were written.
Finally someone that actually understands what i meant. I did in no way imply that girls are whores for sleeping around and that men are "heroes" for doing the same thing, which people would understand if they continued to read beyond the underlined bolded text. He quoted my post but the underlined bolded part was taken out of context by not including the entire quote.

Its like as if i did this:

I like children, they remind me of my childhood

"I have sex with whoever I want, as long as they're attractive"

"She has sex with strangers!

No, he's not saying that women are sluts and men are heroes, but it's not exactly hard to infer.
hm ok i agree i could of have worded it better. What i implyed with "strangers" is that if she is willing to get with people she barely knows, which is completely fine (as i have said multiple times now), then why is it such a bad thing to get together with me, someone she knows? Thats what i was trying to figure out.
I can't believe some one hasn't said it by now, but just to get it clearly stated:

She doesn't want to have sex with you because she knows you. Your role is defined, you are her friend.
In other words: Friendzoned.

The one thing i cant and never will understand. Blows my ****ing mind.
I've only read the first page.

Girl invited herself out with you 'cause she wanted to sleep with someone, not you specifically.

Spewing, bro.
Starbob. WTF. No seriously. First you put your story on You explain it. And then asks Should I be mad ? Some Forumites sided with you. Some veered off topic, some supported the girl and your friend. Instead of looking at it from all sides, it just seems that you just want your view of you being screwed out confirmed. You were just looking for a shoulder to cry on to speak.

I guess that's what every poor sod seeking advice wants, the herd to confirm their views.
Starbob. WTF. No seriously. First you put your story on You explain it. And then asks Should I be mad ? Some Forumites sided with you. Some veered off topic, some supported the girl and your friend. Instead of looking at it from all sides, it just seems that you just want your view of you being screwed out confirmed. You were just looking for a shoulder to cry on to speak.

I guess that's what every poor sod seeking advice wants, the herd to confirm their views.

I asked only "should I be mad" not - should I have made better moves or... should I have not 'cockblocked' my friend... or should I have danced.

Basically everything after page two was telling me things I didn't ask and then I basically gave up on the premise and decided to have forum funtime.

I'm definitely not crying... or even complaining. I was asking if I should be mad because, as I stated several times (but people like to do the whole skim-reply deal), I don't know how to feel about the situation. I still don't. But as I've done in the past with my friends I think I'll just put it behind me and move on. This girl wasn't really much of anything anyways, I just like to be able to trust my friends.
This girl wasn't really much of anything anyways, I just like to be able to trust my friends.

You have any other real life friends you trust ? You can confide in ? Maybe you should talk to them ? Because as far as I'm concerned, you and me are masked by internet anonymity. I think you've been here long enough that some of these guys were gong to make a joke or two out of your expense.

That's my two cents.
I don't mind the jokes. Even if I did, nothing I can do about it. I just came here basically right after it happened cause it was like 3 AM and none of my friends were really available. Even so, it served much better to ask people who could be objective since he and I share a lot of friends and I didn't exactly what to share my affairs with people who would look at it subjectively.

I think I got what I came for, but it was mostly in the first couple of pages. People giving their objective opinions in response to my question.
Starbob doesn't really care about the girl, really, he can get his rocks off elsewhere. He did make a thread about it, though.



Another duh.

You're welcome.

I was emphasizing that those are the questions I didn't ask, but I was given answers unwarranted.

Also, yeah I don't care about the girl - I can get my rocks of elsewhere. I made this thread to get some perspective on how I should feel about my friend's actions.

Thanks though... for your perspectives... even though some are unrelated.
you should kinda be pissed IF your roomate knew how you felt beforehand. in any event you blew it big time by having a reaction they didnt expect. now you look jealous/possesive even though you have zero claim to her. you moved way too slowly and your friend jumped ahead in line. just move on and dont give it any thought. she's pretty much dead to you now
Starbob you really come off as an anti-social misogynist in this thread. But either way, you still haven't addressed why it is that your roommate was in the wrong, and you were in the right.
Starbob you really come off as an anti-social misogynist in this thread. But either way, you still haven't addressed why it is that your roommate was in the wrong, and you were in the right.

I'm not sure where anti-social can be derived. Maybe if you assume that when I said no one was around for me to talk to at the time that I was actually saying I didn't want to talk to anyone?

As for a misogynist - I suppose my lack of caring about this girl could be perceived as such. It's not an unreasonable assumption given the details I've disclosed. I wouldn't say it's true, but there are times when I have those tendencies. I wouldn't call it my biggest flaw since it's not specifically prominent or prevailing.

I haven't actually said my room mate was in the wrong, or I was in the right. For me to say that I would have to have made a decision on how I feel about the situation. I've stated in nearly every post I've made in the thread that I don't know how to feel about the situation and the reason for this thread is to gain some perspective. I don't think there are any ethical conclusions in that whatsoever.

Being the internet and all, you can come to any conclusions you want and I'm not really in a situation to change your mind with much outside of the facts.
I think that if I had brought a girl that I knew casually to the house a few times and she ended up hooking up with my friend instead, I think that I would be living in the real world, where that happens all the time.

If you liked her, or were considering being some kind of couple, then of course you would feel disappointed. You can't be mad at your friend. Because 1) she wasn't with you. 2) she was with him.

Put yourself in his shoes. If you were him, you'd think, "sweet, I'm about to hook up with this girl I'm starting to like. A girl who I met through my friend. I knew he liked her a bit, but obviously, my friend will understand that she wants me."

The majority of couples ended up getting together at their job. Because they are there. You put a male and female together for a little while and there can quickly come attachment, like you described. The same thing you felt.

That said, you should just tell him how you feel about it. I think you keep saying you don't know how to feel about it. You don't know how you should feel? You should feel however you feel. People feel shit for a reason. I've never gotten furious for absolutely no reason, for example.

You feel like you can't trust him around girls you bring over. Tell him in advance you really dig a girl. Then you will see. But like I said way back, having competition around all the time,... this is usually a really bad idea. Again, put yourself in that role for a moment.

Imagine a new girlfriend whom you barely know invites you to her house a few times, and her fairly attractive girlfriend is always around. You are going to build up some kind of bond with her. Add dancing and drinking and who knows what a long night might change.
I think that if I had brought a girl that I knew casually to the house a few times and she ended up hooking up with my friend instead, I think that I would be living in the real world, where that happens all the time.

If you liked her, or were considering being some kind of couple, then of course you would feel disappointed. You can't be mad at your friend. Because 1) she wasn't with you. 2) she was with him.

Put yourself in his shoes. If you were him, you'd think, "sweet, I'm about to hook up with this girl I'm starting to like. A girl who I met through my friend. I knew he liked her a bit, but obviously, my friend will understand that she wants me."

The majority of couples ended up getting together at their job. Because they are there. You put a male and female together for a little while and there can quickly come attachment, like you described. The same thing you felt.

That said, you should just tell him how you feel about it. I think you keep saying you don't know how to feel about it. You don't know how you should feel? You should feel however you feel. People feel shit for a reason. I've never gotten furious for absolutely no reason, for example.

You feel like you can't trust him around girls you bring over. Tell him in advance you really dig a girl. Then you will see. But like I said way back, having competition around all the time,... this is usually a really bad idea. Again, put yourself in that role for a moment.

Imagine a new girlfriend whom you barely know invites you to her house a few times, and her fairly attractive girlfriend is always around. You are going to build up some kind of bond with her. Add dancing and drinking and who knows what a long night might change.

While I agree with your described situation, it is not my situation. I'm not sure if I said this before, but this was the first time this girl and I had hung out in a long time. We'd only met up a few other times in passing (at the gym and out) but never specifically to hang out. This was also the first time my room mate had met her. I hadn't mentioned her before, but during the course of the night, I mentioned my interest in her to him and another guy in the room.

So yes, he was aware. Also, they had only known each other for a matter of hours. I do believe my lack of will to even continue a friendship with this girl is reasonable - granted I had made it pretty clear how I felt (I've learned that this is important no matter what), but with my long time friend and room mate it is much less clear how I should feel. He is my friend and has been for a while. I'm going to have to see him everyday until one of us moves out. He's never done anything like this before either.

I think the most logical course of action is just to put it behind me and move forward cautiously. I think that being an asshole about it will make things worse and being too nice about it will make him think that it didn't bother me. That's basically what I decided to do. I don't plan on bringing girls around any time soon unless a) I know they're somewhat committed and/or b) he won't be around. That's just how it will be for the time being.
Oh my god...

You liked a girl and she ends up with your roomie, and you have to ask if you should be mad? You should be raging, dude. What the **** is wrong with you?

Just don't be a little bitch about it. Too late for that I guess... maybe next time.

There we go, it took 3 pages, but someone finally gave you the right answer. All these cold-hearted, emotionless, dicks to reply before me brought their logic to an emotion fight... SIGH. I need a real challenge.
Starbob even though you say you dont care about her it's obvious you do. and the not bringing a girl around till you're committed or he's not around says you're either insecure about women or insecure about your friend. or both. ok so he cut your grass and you've informed him as much. however you're changing your friendship with him for someone you claim you didnt care about but then you say things like this:

"granted I had made it pretty clear how I felt "

your friend probably shouldnt have made a move but it's not like she didnt reciprocate. cutting off ties with someone who doesnt feel the same way you do comes across as if you're obssessed or you should be someone to avoid. you should have just laid the groundwork BEFORE you went out. I mean who goes on a date with friends? or at a place where friends will be at? she took that as a friendzone sign.
Once again I'm going to end the whole "Stern says whatever he wants to try and win something that can't be won" events. Always the best way to do things on
He has a point.

But sure, if you had feelings for a girl, and you're buddie goes for her, **** yeah you should be mad. It's like, hardwired by Darwin or some shit, that you rip of another dudes dick if stuff like that happens. So your friend should be pretty grateful you know.