Should I Change My Avatar?


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Lil' Timmy said:
inappropriate comment
Timmy.. I'm warning you, Idle talk like that can cause a lot of trouble.

One more time and I will ban you for it :(
Mmmkkkkk...on to a diffrent subject...How is everyone doing today?
Lol. 10 votes for Kerry.

It is election day, after all...
yeah, just in case anyone was confused.. the "bush" and "kerry" choices aren't 'change your avatar to bush/kerry', they're just dumb jokes.. stupid poll choices like the 6 other stupid choices.
ok.. it's changed.. a bit of a nod towards my winter avatar which i will change to shortly i'm sure.
thanks to all who voted, sorry for those of you who couldn't, but you knew you needed to bring proper ID..
You soiled the good name of Calvin and Hobbes.
**** you, Lil' Timmy!
Edit: Oh, and **** you, Letters!
And **** you, Tredoslop.
**** you timmy has pulled in the lead of Kerry!
Why dontcha just make another leaving thread, you big attention whore bastard children-killing monsterous flipflopping monkey?

anything cute suits lil timmy :) I <3 your avatars they cheer me up every day the current one is good and so is the puppy!