Should I pay, I need your relationship advice!


Aug 19, 2007
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I'll be going out with a woman next week and we're on about going to have a meal at a local resturant. Now the worst part of any "date" is sorting out who pays for what. Traditionally it's the guy who pays for everything. The thing that complicates things is that I've just graduated from Uni, have no job, and am flat broke and she's a solicitor and earning ridiculous amounts of money. What do I do I'm thinking of making sure I eat less than her on the night then offering to split the bill down the middle. That way I'm happy that I'm not paying for the entire meal and she's happy that I paid more than my fair share, good plan?
First date? She pays for herself. You get tip, though.
1) Offer to pay the bill and hopefully she will argue with you.
2) Suggest splitting the bill.
3) Horizontal Mambo.
5) Profit.
I'd understand if she expected you to pay. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't be taking girls to restaurants on a first date anyway.

****, what's the point. Just take her for drinks, it'll be easier to get laid and if not, you only lost a few quid.
Technically it's the second date, the first date we went to see a gig (Saxon and Anvil \m/)
Offer to split the bill down the middle, BEFORE you say youll pay all of it.

The vast majority of women will suggest a split anyway these days, regardless of whether you insist on paying the full amount or not.

Some say you look like youre trying too hard by attempting to impress her by buying her a dinner, but then they feel like theres a battle of the sexes if you dont offer to split the bill..I mean for god sake, women!

The key is to not care what she thinks about who sould pay. If she has any decency, she'll split the bill.

Women dont know what they want, its just a collection of vanity fair articles and oprah shows.

If she argues about you not paying the full amount, you can safely cut your losses, or atleast I would, as she's just an uptight bitch.
After your meal say you're going to the bathroom. After you come back, tell her you dropped your wallet in the toilet, and cannot pay.
Just be honest with her and suggest splitting, if you front the whole meal she'll just assume you'll be able to do that for every date you have. Honesty and communication, girly emotions, ponies etc.
1st date I pay but they get the movie/drinks or whatever we do after dinner.
Tell her you spent all the money on Chloroform.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are worrying about it, that's a bad sign IMO.

A girl will either like you or not, regardless of how much cash you spend. I've never had better luck in a relationship because I took her out to dinner and paid. The opposite really. You end up with girl that does this all the time with random guys. I don't think going out to dinner is a good place to get to know anything about someone. It's all very contrived.

Having money is always bonus, but it also can attract the wrong girls.

Anyway, to answer the question, it doesn't matter who pays what. It shouldn't have any effect on the relationship. If it did, or if she can't understand that you are broke and holds something against you, then she is shitty.
There is sound advice in this thread.

Now for some unsound advice:

Pay with a drawing of a spider.
pay whit sex

but you would have to do that to the waiter so forget it

unless the waiter is a hot chick and them you make a threesome!
Get ready to pay for the restaurant bill...if she's any kind of good a person she will want to split it. If not she probably jus wants too leech it out of you until you're dry and she can move to another prey (pretty gloomy, I know :D). Depends on the type of women she is, some even get a little offended if you pay for it (they take it as "you think I can't do well by my self? That I'm the little weak women?").

How long do you know her? Do you feel confident to speak with her about anything? Does she know you're in a bit of a tight spot right now?
There are 2 ways that this can be done.

1. The best way would be that whoever arranged the date pays.


2. Split the damn bill AND the tip.
I'll be going out with a woman next week and we're on about going to have a meal at a local resturant. Now the worst part of any "date" is sorting out who pays for what. Traditionally it's the guy who pays for everything. The thing that complicates things is that I've just graduated from Uni, have no job, and am flat broke and she's a solicitor and earning ridiculous amounts of money. What do I do I'm thinking of making sure I eat less than her on the night then offering to split the bill down the middle. That way I'm happy that I'm not paying for the entire meal and she's happy that I paid more than my fair share, good plan?

You're going to make her feel like a ravenous fatty eating all that extra food more than you!

I'd understand if she expected you to pay. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't be taking girls to restaurants on a first date anyway.

****, what's the point. Just take her for drinks, it'll be easier to get laid and if not, you only lost a few quid.

Drinks... lol. It always seems to me that drinks in most establishments end up costing you far more than just a meal would.
Drinks... lol. It always seems to me that drinks in most establishments end up costing you far more than just a meal would.
If I'm not paying, and drinks are expensive, then I sometimes just get water. It depends how rich the person treating me is. Well, it's not like it happens often.
But I act like I wanted water, so I don't make them feel cheap.
A lot of dates will order a salad and water anyway, so see if you can cover that, bro. I think it would be appropriate for you to cover the full meal if she orders light, even though you haven't got much money.
I don't think she's some gold digger (like my last GF) because she's a solicitor and she wants to see me and she knows i'm unemployed, I think she'll understand if I just split the bill with her.
Shouldn't be dating women if you are broke, sure a lot of women might say, it's not the money that matters... well they are lying. Just like they lie about it's not the size of your 'thing' that matters.
What are you, ten?

If you are referring to the euphemism, I used to be an active member of the Bioware forums, and swearing was strictly off limits. I guess that habit carried on over to here. If you are commenting on the nature of my statement then I guess fair comment.
I'm sorry, I do not have the required information to make an informed judgment.

Please state the nature of the relationship thus far, the nature of the arrangement of the date, your personality, her personality, your age, her age, which restaurant you are attending, any other activities that will be included in the date, and anything else that a reasonable person would not assume of the situation.

Thank you.
lol relationship advice from the seasoned pros at :LOL:

should you pay for dinner? did you ask her out to dinner? then yes. if you have feelings for her then you should probably pay for it. if you're just ****buddies then split it down the middle. women want you to pay for the meal regardless if they say they dont want you paying for it. it's a long established first date tradition
What stern said. If you can't afford a meal do something that you can afford.

And I think this dating thing is a bit strange, most women these days really don't care for dates (at least in my experiance). Asking her to come by your place to watch a movie will be a lot more effective and probably a lot less lame.
I'd honestly go with the advice to go for a couple of drinks first, cheaper and you can tell if she's worth it or not after she's all drunk.

Best way in the world to get sex is to cook for her. Something that smells good. Best is if she hangs out with you while you cook.

But don't make it a big deal. "Come on by, I'll cook something." Don't start putting candles out or none of that shit.
lol relationship advice from the seasoned pros at :LOL:

You're always quick to insult the relationship experience of your fellow forum members here at, ignoring the fact that while although many of us simply have very little to provide, others are married and have quite a bit to offer, if they choose to offer.

should you pay for dinner? did you ask her out to dinner? then yes. if you have feelings for her then you should probably pay for it. if you're just ****buddies then split it down the middle. women want you to pay for the meal regardless if they say they dont want you paying for it. it's a long established first date tradition

It was also a long established marriage tradition that the wife puts out! Things change my friend, things change!
You're always quick to insult the relationship experience of your fellow forum members here at, ignoring the fact that while although many of us simply have very little to provide, others are married and have quite a bit to offer, if they choose to offer.

The problem is you dont know who has experiance and who is talking out of their ass. Also getting relationship advice from people you dont know isn't really a very good idea as everyone's situation is different. What works for one person wont work for another.
God, is the worst for advice. Everyone knows you dine and ditch on the first date. That way neither of you pay for anything, and you kick the relationship off with some excitement.
You're always quick to insult the relationship experience of your fellow forum members here at, ignoring the fact that while although many of us simply have very little to provide, others are married and have quite a bit to offer, if they choose to offer.

I meant as a whole. you're a little defensive and what advice could strangers possibly provide that isnt of a general nature. "white people drive like this dee dee dee, while black people drive like this, doo doo doo"

It was also a long established marriage tradition that the wife puts out! Things change my friend, things change!

women want you to pay for the meal regardless if they say they dont want you paying for it. it's a long established first date tradition

Things have changed since you were young Stern.
Things have changed since you were young Stern.

I'm sure it has. however if this is the norm, if this is what you've expereicned on more than one occasion it might be clue as to why that's true ..for you that is:

"I dont want him paying for dinner because he'll expect something in return"

<date ends with handshake and friendzoned>
Things have changed since you were young Stern.

Some of the basic principles haven't changed. Women still want an asshole that can take care of them; if you are asking them to pay for dinner on your first date you might have covered the asshole part but not the more important taking care of them part.
I like to offer to pay for anyone, male or female, if I've invited them out to do something (Not that I always do. I just like to when I don't feel too awkward doing so)

Although with meals I usually just split the bill. If it's something with a fixed price, then I'll offer to pay, but meals vary too much to bother. I'm all for being courteous to women I want to swoon, but I'm not going to overly patronise them.

Stern was right really; See, women drive like this, and men, they drive like this. This is just like profiling! It's silly.
Although with meals I usually just split the bill. If it's something with a fixed price, then I'll offer to pay, but meals vary too much to bother. I'm all for being courteous to women I want to swoon, but I'm not going to overly patronise them.

On how many women has that actually worked for you?