Show us your desktop! (56k, beware!)

Your link seems to be broken.

My desktop can't be uploaded here, nor at Imageshaft.
broken ?

make it a jpeg and reduce size until it's acceptable.

Bah! IMG tags are off anyway.
Sprafa said:
For some stupid reason I thought of doing another one of these.

My desktop
You just wanted to show off your widescreen desktop

*ponders turning all his gear on and pwning yours completely* :E


    83.9 KB · Views: 373
where do you guys get those cool windows themes? I hate the default blue taskbar!
The Dark Elf said:
You just wanted to show off your widescreen desktop

*ponders turning all his gear on and pwning yours completely* :E

oh c'mon. It's hardly noticeable.

(please don't pwn me Mr. Dark-Elf-Man. I'll be a good boy! I swear!)
nick_t said:
where do you guys get those cool windows themes? I hate the default blue taskbar!

download WindowBlinds (to change themes) and ObjectDock (big bar in the top of my screenie)

go to and skin away !
HunterSeeker said:
Why do you have a text file called: If the internet shuts down...

Oh, that's something my brother did. :)
How do I decrease the file size?

I keep getting this error.
File Too Large. Limit for this filetype is 100.0 KB. Your file is 138.8 KB.
all you kids running around with ur stylised bars puts mine to shame but anyways
here it is
the halflife database logo is there coz i made this wall for their stupid contest.

as for the file size if u have photoshop u can decrease the quality of the image just do it by one level and it shud come down enough...
or decrease the dimensions but not by a lot .
heh, theres thousands...i'm constantly switching between em :D

Cant make my mind up dammit! :p
Here it is. Nothing special like most of your's are.
