Shut up, Spain's king tells Chavez

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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Spain's King Juan Carlos told Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez to "shut up" as the Ibero-American summit drew to a close in Santiago, Chile.

The outburst came after Mr Chavez called former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar a "fascist".

Mr Chavez then interrupted Spanish PM Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's calls for him to be more diplomatic, prompting the king's outburst.

Latin American, Portuguese, Spanish and Andorran leaders were meeting in Chile.

'Democratically elected'

Mr Chavez called Mr Aznar, a close ally of US President George W Bush, a fascist, adding "fascists are not human. A snake is more human."

Mr Zapatero said: "[Former Prime Minister] Aznar was democratically elected by the Spanish people and was a legitimate representative of the Spanish people."

Mr Chavez repeatedly tried to interrupt, despite his microphone being turned off. The king leaned forward and said: "Why don't you shut up?"

According to reports, the king used a familiar term normally used only for close acquaintances - or children.

Later, Mr Chavez responded to the king's rebuke.

According to the Associated Press news agency, he said: "I do not offend by telling the truth. The Venezuelan government reserves the right to respond to any aggression, anywhere, in any space and in any manner."

The theme of this year's 22-nation summit was "social cohesion".

Video of the incident:
Mr Chavez called Mr Aznar, a close ally of US President George W Bush, a fascist, adding "fascists are not human. A snake is more human."

Dehumanising your opponents is a common fascist tactic and leads to holocausts. As is applying to rule by decree.
Could it be that Chavez is a fascist, or a National Socialist?
Aznar was/is a fascist what's the big deal?
/lean forward

Why don't you all shut up?

he didnt say shut up was "why dont you be quiet"

what is this shoddy reporting?

"According to reports, the king used a familiar term normally used only for close acquaintances - or children"

no, he did not, Juan Carlos said:

"porque no te callas"

why dont you be quiet

why is the western media running with this story? far worse is said on a daily basis in any parliament anywhere in the world

Really, is this a political thread at all?
Is it just me or is the whole video out of sync or something?
why is the western media running with this story? far worse is said on a daily basis in any parliament anywhere in the world

I think Al-Jazeera got there first. Must have been a slow day.
My labelling of him as a fascist and a Nazi was rather tongue in cheek.

However, the measures he is taking with regards to eroding democracy is rather disconcerting which includes, but is not limited to the rule by decree motion and removing presidential office limits.

Personally I think he's just a bit of an actor for the cameras. He's not a killer.... yet.
How unscientific. Nothing is 100%!

Please allow for a margin of error.
I don't believe in your capitalist 'science'.
Dehumanising your opponents is a common fascist tactic and leads to holocausts. As is applying to rule by decree.
Could it be that Chavez is a fascist, or a National Socialist?

Yes he is. Doing a liveleak search pulls up many interesting things.
Just watch the first 20minutes of war on democracy - link in thread with same title.

And then tell me Chavez is a horrible man after seeing what he's done.
actually, porque no te callas, is pretty close to "why don't you shut up."

if you wanted to tell someone to be quiet in spanish in a more polite way, there are other ways of saying it. Frankly i'm glad someone told him to shut up. :p
Man, who the fuck even cares about this guy. He's a king.

Shut up yourself, monarchist dickwad.
Just watch the first 20minutes of war on democracy - link in thread with same title.

And then tell me Chavez is a horrible man after seeing what he's done.

Destroy Venezuela's Middle Class? Impoverish the nation and use it for his own support? Take away private property? Make is own TV show and act like Dr. Breen, or perhaps Senior Breen, Basically acting as an ass in general?
Chavez: "I'm a fat, wealthy, powerful man of the poor, starving, weakling people, their perfect representative."

Chavez is an imbecile, like Sean Penn, who have lost my respect. Actors who tries too hard to be more than overpaid on-screen-hookers just exposes their own idiocy.
you can barely spell, let alone string a coherent sentence together what makes you think your opinion has any validity? ..shut up fat guy named Chance, as far as I know we had no open invitation for idiots so explain how you got here
you can barely spell, let alone string a coherent sentence together what makes you think your opinion has any validity? ..shut up fat guy named Chance, as far as I know we had no open invitation for idiots so explain how you got here

Getting my points across is enough. speelink und cohirant sentanses r ovarratidz.
yes and so is clarity of thought apparently ...not that i expect anything less from someone who lets other people do the thinking for him

be warned though, your cocky attitude wont last long ..especially when you're repeatedly made to look like a fool by the people that are leaps and bounds ahead of you in terms of intelligence ..I give you a few days before you're either humbled, banned or just leave outright
yes and so is clarity of thought apparently ...not that i expect anything less from someone who lets other people do the thinking for him

be warned though, your cocky attitude wont last long ..especially when you're repeatedly made to look like a fool by the people that are leaps and bounds ahead of you in terms of intelligence ..I give you a few days before you're either humbled, banned or just leave outright

I am comfortable with my own intelligence, any validation or unvalidatiion on a venue such as a geeky gaming forum by people who have 1000+ posts are neither flattering nor dissapointing. It's barely amusing.

It's surprising to see how many intolerant people here, intolerant towards opinions on God, and others. Too bad.

Stern, your flame had no substance or value and was totally inadequate as a response! iPorque no te calla!
I am comfortable with my own intelligence, any validation or unvalidatiion on a venue such as a geeky gaming forum by people who have 1000+ posts are neither flattering nor dissapointing. It's barely amusing.

It's surprising to see how many intolerant people here, intolerant towards opinions on God, and others. Too bad.


gibberish, spelling mistakes in almost every word with more than 2 syllables, inproper use of prefixes (or should that be unproper?), inproper use of words're a walking "terrible state of education" example, a poster boy for why more money should be invested in education ...if I were you I'd sue the school/fire your mother for poor home schooling teaching ability

Stern, your flame had no substance or value and was totally inadequate as a response! iPorque no te calla!

half the posts in this thread have no revelancy to the topic or to posts immediately preceding them ..sure I could have picked a better thread to blast fat guy named Chance but this thread looked rather lonely so ...
he didnt say shut up was "why dont you be quiet"

what is this shoddy reporting?

"According to reports, the king used a familiar term normally used only for close acquaintances - or children"

no, he did not, Juan Carlos said:

"porque no te callas"

why dont you be quiet

Isn't "te" the second person familiar form of the verb rather than the seond person formal?
I could be wrong though I studied spanish about 5 years ago now.
Anyway you look at it, Chavez comes out looking like a fool and rude with not even the most basic etiquette and courtesy.

Good job to the King of Spain for having the balls to shut up a spoiled commy brat.