Sign here if your willing to forgive and forget.

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I was always wondering what Gabe's fatness had to do with Half-Life 2, so why say that?
Anyways, I'm very glad we've got a release date, and that I've got my Standard Edition pre-order, plus a new motherboard (ASUS K8V SE Deluxe) and processor (AMD 64 3400+), add that to the videocard I already have (Sapphire ATI X800Pro) and you won't see me coming out of my room anytime soon.
I never was angry at valve. I accept that games are delayed and shit like that happens
eiric said:
I'm not angry at then, I never were. But I think my girlfriend wants to kill them for making HL2, which I can never stop talking about. =)

Lmao my girlfriend thinks excatly the same thing, she already knows she won't see me for a week after the 16th lol
Why does anyone give a shit ffs, its not like its your ****ing right to recieve a game, they didn't have to produce a game, so I think they don't are they've "lost" your respect
I am one of the few people who think that the delays were good; I got to buy a DX9 graph card so I can enjoy the pleasures ...
So no hard feelings for Valve at all.
I may have been sceptical at times, but i've never been angry. I just wanted the game, like i still do.
Once they release i won't even remember even be sceptical, i'll be to busy playing the game and modding...stuff :p

So bring it on, we wants it.
I was infinitely more pissed off at Vivendi when i started to realise the reality of the lucrative November pre-Christmas release date a few months ago.
Well I was disappointed when it wasn't released last year but I wasn't angry, if Valve want to keep working on THEIR game and make it better then I'm not fussed at all. So there isn't anything to forgive, they are making a huge sequal to a popular game, of course there are going to be issues, if there weren't then you'd have to be a bit suspect about how much work they actually are putting in to the game.
Nah, never really held a grudge. I was only dissapointed in VALVe. So everything is a-okay with me and V :D

Unless of course the game turns out to be complete and utter crap. Then i'll probably end up loathing VALVe.

Mr-Fusion said:
I was infinitely more pissed off at Vivendi when i started to realise the reality of the lucrative November pre-Christmas release date a few months ago.
It's a moot point anyway, because it's not like the game was ready to be released earlier.
Wrong, IRC has the best p2p network.

ooo, i might stand corrected, didn't think of that at the time. =P

nice call, irc is awsome.
I opened my heart to Valve and they crushed it with the delay Sept 30th last year. I swore never again would I let my feelings be betrayed by a gaming company.

Then Valve said HL2 would come out summer 2004 and I thought I was over the hurt but I was wrong, because when it did not come out summer 2004 it hurt even more. I couldn't eat for days. My mommy and daddy asked me what was wrong, they just don't understand. I thought of ending it all but I went to counseling and that helped.

I tried having relationships with other game developers (like Blizzard) but they didn't get me excited like Valve. I was so emotionally confused.

I came back to Valve with the Steam packages and once again was betrayed by the prices. Valve why do you treat me this way?

I am now leaving you, Valve. It is over.

All those times we spent together... meaningless

All the times we had together are now just memories.

I thought we had something.. I thought we were meant to be....
but I guess not.

Now I have to go find a real girlfriend. Thanks a lot because nerds like me have no chances at real women.

/me french kisses my Half Life cd one last time... wipes away the tears....

good bye

I was never mad at them to begin with. It's a game's really not worth that kind of emotion.

Ultimately the game should be great no matter any problems they had/have and that's what should be important in the end.
alehm said:
I opened my heart to Valve and they crushed it with the delay Sept 30th last year. I swore never again would I let my feelings be betrayed by a gaming company...

You know what, i'm dead. Thanks alot, i've laughed so damn much I have now died. Yes, this is the ghost of Alix, im dead and i hope you're happy. Now i'll never get to play HL2 =/

Splinter16 said:
Lmao my girlfriend thinks excatly the same thing, she already knows she won't see me for a week after the 16th lol

Hehe, we'll me and my girl move in togeather like a month ago and she knows I'll be sitting in the computer room all days and nights. Altough I will start to go to bed at the same time as her now because when HL2 is released, she'll have to sleep by herself. =)
Dr.breen said:
I bet your the sort of person that once their Bit-torrent file has downloaded they don't leave it open.
yep he is, he setts his kazaa uploads to -1
I still can't fathom how they turned us against each other last year with the leak. However, I don't care about Valve as the company. I care about Valve as the game developer. All I care about is HL2, and that's it.
I am a huge ass and I can hate for a long time. No I am not young or a huge critic. I don't play games aaaalllll day. The shananagans and obvious stupidity can not be forgotten.


Even I know that. I have nothing to hide and little to lose and I still have a hardware and software firewall and uptodate virus and latest update for windows. It was so Rookie I don't know where to begin.

I will never forget but I do forgive.
My name's Dekstar, and I've been a VALVe-a-holic for 5 years. But thanks to Half-life 2 Annonamous, I've been able to hide that fact and act like a normal human. My Gabe statue I made out of his old rubbish has tought me many ways of Kung fu!

Good work VALVe, Gabe, and Vivendi for accepting and crushing those bugs that would have made HL2 a flop!

Forgive and forget *what* exactly? The attitude of entitlement among gamers is disgusting.
Ahnteis said:
Forgive and forget *what* exactly? The attitude of entitlement among gamers is disgusting.

Thats it! You've got it, forgive and forget the way people have been acting over the past 12 months.

Your right it has been disgusting, if you have said nothing then you don't need to do anything.

This was meant to be a confessional thread for the Valve bashers.

Speak to me my child :D
I love VALVe. They have been my favorite gamedevelopers since... Well, since HL. The game itself suited me 100%, the deathmatch was awesome, tfc came just soon enough so I never got bored with hldm (and for free too!), and then counterstrike took over the world (for which a lot of people hate it).

Sure, not everything VALVe has done has been what I would expect them to, but that is, so to speak, to be expected. All the bad things people accuse (rightfully and wrongfully) VALVe of doing are by far outweighed by their game, the best fps so far in the history of mankind, and their ongoing support for the mod-community, which has given many of us so many hours of good times.

The only reason to "hate" Valve is if you hate their product, any other reason is just pure idiocy.

Erm yeh i guess itll all be good once ive got my hands on the manipulator. Valve you big sofites come here . . .
its been a fun year :p I don't know what some of us will do :O.

But yeah, shit happens.
I shall never forget the trials this game has gone through...I was never mad at valve because of false release dates or the source code theft..that's what makes this game so survived all these things and it's still coming out.
Yes valve has gone down a couple notches compared to ID, Epic, and Blizzard.
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