Silly/Annoying Things In Life


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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I'll start...

People not indicating (in their cars) when you try to cross the road.
Films involving government agencies always have computers with green text on a black background. Why? Is this something like Acorn (FBI edition)?
Remembering you have to do something you hate doing at the very last minute.
When fundamentals (eat, sleep, bathroom, sex) get in the way.

Forgetting things.
Small people in big cars, guys who wear pink shirts, and chinese people with american names
How time goes so fast when you have something coming up you dont want to do.

How time goes so slow when you're waiting for something you want to happen.
The word LIKE. Why do people, especially teenage girls, have to make everything similar to everything?
You like, mean when like, teenagers the like, word like, like word.

Or is it like something else?
Words that're on the tip of your brain, but you just can't remember what they are.
guys who wear pink shirts

dam seriously if homicide where not a crime I would hav let a lot of bloostained male pink shirts

they think theyr teh manly cuz "girls say men in pink shirts and brave and valiant" them become a transexual,there is no one more brave that those!
Pffff, I wear pink, bring it on :)

Annoying things. Skinny jeans loosing their skinny-ness ;(

Running out of money (thread to follow tbh)

oh ya, people who spend more money on jeans with holes in them then jeans that dont.

People who say y'all alot
people who say "this is true"....

thinking of more.
People who don't say please or thank-you.
oh ya, people who spend more money on jeans with holes in them then jeans that dont..

I'm with you on that.

When you get plenty of sleep, but still wake up and are as tired as if you haven't slept.

Knowing the beat to an AWESOME song, but not knowing the words, so you sound like a fool when humming it.
Unlease the fury! Ok, I'm gonna vent about everything thats pissed me off recently, feel free to skip this post, It'll still make me feel better.

*Over enthusiastically happy people.
*People who don't realise thier car comes with a switch to control the angle of thier headlights
*The fact that car makers insist on setting them to the highest angle by default
*The above driving behind me for 50 miles, at night, whilst I run things over because all I can see is what appears to be 2 suns in my rear view mirror.
*Speed camera/radar guns. I can think of a million decent things to do with tax payers money and police time. These are not on that list.
*Paper cuts.
*The stupid legislation on drugs.
*Outdated speed limits on the motorway
*Political ****ing correctness
*Health and ****ing saftey
*Ignorant racisit anti-racists
*People who think that because a game dosen't work for thier system, that it is broken and that the game should be boycotted
*Media "(h)experts" who insist on telling technically disinclined people that virii/hackers/internet are going to destroy thier computers
*Technically disinclined people who argue with me that they don't have a virus, whilst 8 million adverts pop up in front of us
*People who try and use the wrong lane to skip queues of traffic, then give me the finger when I don't let them back in in front of me where I have been queueing for 25 minutes.
*People who throw the first punch
*That ****er that walks down the middle of a packed isle in the supermarket, then stops, with thier trolley sideways to stare at a product for 5 solid mins
*****ing "tip tronic" gearbox or whatever the **** its called that you get in smart cars. If I ever meet the man who invented that, he is getting choked to death with a ****ing gear knob.
*The gear box in a smart car. Its the worst thing I've ever seen. Seriously, if you want to know how bad it is, when you are next on the motorway, turn your engine off and on again every time you want to change down a gear.
*Sorry, I'm not getting off this one. I am going to find the man who invented this, stick him in a space suit and put him in orbit, with no jetpack thing. See how he likes it with **** all control of his vehicle.
*This can be best summed up as "Yes I drive a smart car. No you don't like it when I pass you on the motorway, do you. No, don't ****ing accelerate and try and force yourself in front of me." Next **** that does this is getting taken out for dinner. I'm bringing a lion.
*The RIAA. This is not negiotiable. You are ****ing ****s. If your business is failing (**** me, a 100 year old business model failing, whatever next?) then you sort/replace it. You don't sue everyone who moves on the basis that they might have looked in the general direction of a computer once.
*People who winge about the iraq war being only about oil, and unjust, etc etc. I don't want a flame war, so I won't say your wrong. I'll just say I ****ing hate you.

/AFK (mass murdering)

Edit - Oh, and hugh Jackman

People who bring their pets everywhere with them

Celestial bodies who think they are still a planet (F off pluto)

They just make me feel like ***t, especially when you can FEEL them coming. That mucky, aching feeling at the back of your throat thats like a mild headache or something. ARGH!

EVERYTHING just pisses me off when im at that stage. Someone can look at me wrong and i snap. Always apologise afterward though, but still. Sometimes its know...blah.
I'm with you on the health and safety, Link.

There's nothing that says I THINK YOU SCIENCE TEACHERS ARE DUMB IDIOTS like a cone by a wire saying CAUTION there's a wire here. Like the girl in the yellow apron, with a yellow noisy hover wasn't enough of a clue.

Also, I got told today that I wasn't properly trained as a cleaner to turn off a computer.

*High-fives badger*

I'm wearing a pink shirt right now, suckas. What of it? Wanna rumble? Bad guys wear pink; it's a FACT.
People not indicating in their cars when I'm driving.
Slow drivers. (Don't mind learners being slow, we were all learners once)
Having no money.
Not being able to do stuff I enjoy... Damn you coursework!!
People wear pink for the sole reason of trying to convey the fact that they can be cool and still wear pink.
or they like the colour pink?

things that annoy me: stoppid people, stoopid people who think they're not stoopid, spoiled people (the princess syndrome), uber-patriots, fundies, in your face religious people, but mostly stupid people
What are Chavs? British term for gangster wannabes?

Bitches, scallywags, hoolyhoos, hos, pimps, skanks, and assholes.


Someone that dresses like this:


Has wet looking, short hair. Speaks slang alot. Misses their t's when they speak. Swear alot. Think they're 'well hard'. Slappers etc. Mingers (ugly girls) etc.

And drive cars like these pumping the same shite tunes which they only turn up when they go through a town/city/village:


In crowds, people that stop to talk to their mate or to hug them because they haven't seen them for a whole hour or something equally stupid. On a realted note; people that walk slowly and people that stop in doorways.