Silly/Annoying Things In Life

Man, these guys seem like the equivalent of the gangsters we have here.
Only they are always drunk. Always. Even when born.

On-topic: I hate people who think they've reached the pinnacle of their existance because they managed to get "a chick" that they will dump in a few weeks for a new one. But maybe they're right. Maybe they won't get past basic hormonal reactions for the rest of their lives. I don't know about you, but that possibility alone gives me at least an ivory pedestal. :p
People who spend 10 minutes deciding which banana's to pick up and buy...they are all f'kin green with little to no marks on them...just get some and get out of my way!
People who wear pink :P
people who think metal is AFI and mcr
how slow time goes wen you wait for something
Getting up in the morning
people who's shirts say " your just jealous coz the voices only talk too me"
when you know you hold the better argument against a teacher and they give you a detention.
People who intentionally misspell words... like stoopid *glares*
People who can help misspelling words, but are too lazy... like 13 year olds
People who make fun of others, not realizing that they are the same way.
ComradeBadger's fashion sense.
People with no chin:
Losers that idle in IRC/MSN/Yahoo/etc all day because they don't even turn off their computers.

Groups of chavs that stand in coridoors blocking most people who want to get past. They don't do it to annoy people, they just don't realise they're blocking people because they're arseholes.
People wear pink for the sole reason of trying to convey the fact that they can be cool and still wear pink.

Yeah that's why. Heaven forbid someone has a bit of fashion sense.

fat people who expect to be given two seats at a movie theatre or in an airplane

people who expect others to clean up after them

bitchy girls who buy $400 handbags and think they are hot shit

chubby girls who wear camel-toe pants and a thong riding over the fat ass

people who don't move to the back of the bus while others get stuck outside because there isn't space for them

handicapped people that only complain and expect everything to be given to them
I love pink :(

[edit] QFT about people not moving to the back of the bus. Seriously, there's space for like another 10 people you jackass, take out your goddamn Chingy-blaring iPod headphones and MOVE >:0
  • People who stop in the middle of the hall to talk.
  • People that listen to rap and think they're cool.
  • People that listen to emo and think they're cool.
  • People that listen to metal and think they're cool.
  • People that misspell things just because they can.
  • People who, when telling a story, get caught up on one minor detail that has nothing to do with the outcome.
  • People that talk about stupid things.
  • People who are stupid.
  • People who can't get the signal that you don't care or you don't want to talk to them.
  • Men (read: High School trash) that treat women or call women names to be "funny" but in reality they're just being a dick and hurting the women's spirit.
  • People who correct me on minuscule details that don't matter to the topic at the time.
  • People who try to convince that their way is better, ignoring any valid counter-argument that you submit.
  • People who are bound by political correctness or people that are too pussy to talk for real due to what someone might think.
  • People who dress according to the current fashion or dress according to what someone might think.

I'm surprised I have friends.
People who correct me on minuscule details that doesn't matter to the topic at the time.

It should be "People who correct me on miscule details that don't matter to the topic at the time", because "details" are plural. You set yourself up for that one.
It should be "People who correct me on miscule details that don't matter to the topic at the time", because "details" are plural. You set yourself up for that one.
Technically, the end of the first sentence should read, "because 'details' is plural'", because "details" is only one word.
When people you don't want too talk don't get the message and won't gtfo.
- People who think they are right when they are clearly not.
- Pre-pubescent kids on online games who talk like "omg u 2", spam songs/their annoying voice with their microphone etc
- Those who think they are better than others because of their views.
- People who over exaggerate everything. As in, after seeing a movie they will comment "Best movie ever yadayadayada", then after seeing a good movie the next day... say the exact same thing.
- Stereotypes.
- People who stereotype others.
- Paranoia.
- People sneezing when you are trying to talk to them.
people who get offended easily
anyone with a name last name that could be a first name
People who mispronounce easy words
Hillary Clinton
the phrase lol
people who incorporate numbers in their sentences
people who wear hats with the brim uncurved
I'd just to add my hate for this latest "fad" MySpace.

"z0mg, post this inz 5 mins elsSE u Will be deads!!111!".
haha, do u at least not pop the collar?

Nah, that's for chavs. Not cool.

I STILL dislike hangovers, bad music, people who don't dance at parties/ clubs, people who go on about how MySpace is shit, scene kids, people with no dress sense, THE WIND AND THE RAIN, bad hair days.. I'll think of more later :p
Silent but Deadly farts....not yours
Those stink bugs that live near pine trees
heart burn
people with no sense of humor
people who run up escalators
people who collect stupid crap (IE stamps)
People who dress according to the current fashion or dress according to what someone might think.
That's the whole point in brushing your teeth, not calling fat people fat, hell you're telling me you don't care what other people think and don't base your actions upon that? Sounds noble and cool, but its just not washing your hair in 2 months smelling of BO having manky teeth and being anti-social.

Sure originality is good, but we act to impress as human beings, I don't think you can deny that.
"i would drape myself in velvet if it was sociably acceptable"

George Costanza
Wind. If wind was a person, I would have killed it in a gruesome way a long time ago. YOU HEAR ME WIND? STOP FUCKING WITH MY HAIR!
Wind. If wind was a person, I would have killed it in a gruesome way a long time ago. YOU HEAR ME WIND? STOP FUCKING WITH MY HAIR!

Some ***king genious invented hair styling products but forgot that wind still blows your hair around, helping it to dry too.

So you walk into a club/bar looking like you put gel/wax in your hair then stuck your finger in a socket before you went out...

[Edit] I mean, how can you pull any girl if you had hair like this:


lol and no, that isnt me.
People walking slowly. ****ing bastards.

nothing a shiv to the back wouldnt cure ...although you'd then have the added problem of lifting your leg 20" or so inches as you walk over their now lifeless, but still warm, body
Wind. If wind was a person, I would have killed it in a gruesome way a long time ago. YOU HEAR ME WIND? STOP FUCKING WITH MY HAIR!

Oh man, so ****ing true. So, so true. I walk outside, slowly, and suddenly WHOOSH, my hair is ruined.
nothing a shiv to the back wouldnt cure ...although you'd then have the added problem of lifting your leg 20" or so inches as you walk over their now lifeless, but still warm, body

Oh man, so ****ing true. So, so true. I walk outside, slowly, and suddenly WHOOSH, he's dead, and I have to step over him.
People that ignore your question, and/or do not respond when I send a instand message; Or rather people that are rarely on AIM, MSN, etc. but yet they have all the time in the world for other things.
Oh man, so ****ing true. So, so true. I walk outside, slowly, and suddenly WHOOSH, he's dead, and I have to step over him.

In general, I find it easier to just walk around the body.
That's the whole point in brushing your teeth, not calling fat people fat, hell you're telling me you don't care what other people think and don't base your actions upon that? Sounds noble and cool, but its just not washing your hair in 2 months smelling of BO having manky teeth and being anti-social.

Sure originality is good, but we act to impress as human beings, I don't think you can deny that.

  • People who are named Solaris.
People that ignore your question, and/or do not respond when I send a instand message; Or rather people that are rarely on AIM, MSN, etc. but yet they have all the time in the world for other things.

Hahahaha, you waster.