Sims 2 content worse than Hot Coffee

Maybe we can goad him into trying to sue the Internet itself.
Half Life 2 just might be next! :x
Quick! Hide your nudie Alyx skins! Wacko Jacko(recycled name, due to recent court results) has a nose for these kinds of things.:imu:
this is getting out of control...i think that he has a personal problem with gamers, maybe he mistaken one of the gamers for a woman and tried to get laid, and as it turned out it was a guy and pulled an Eddie Murphy on that hoe
this guy is freaking crazy...........
i say we grab our trusty crowbar (thanks to half-life) ,jack a car(thanks to GTA) drive as fast as we can to the assholes house(thanks to Gran Turismo) and beat the living shit outta this guy(thanks to Mortal Combat) for even attempting to take on a form of entertainment as a whole) i can see it know
"This is CNN"
"Our top story today. Jack Thompson, the biggest a-hole in the world, was brutaly murdered today outside of the courthouse by a group of 15 million gamers who all wanted him dead"

GAMERS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!11!1!!!won!!!!one!11one11one!!!!!
Lemonking said:
wow this guy is making me mad

just now?

he started to piss me off when he started going after GTA:SA

damn you Jack, DAMN YOU!!
Com'on Mr Thompson, we all now you have done it with a horse, so if this is what you going to do for the rest of your life we will expose you! wink, wink, nudge, nudge
For all the wild, crazy and downright fun Aussies that come to the UK, their homeland is massively conservative, so it's no shock.
For god's sake, people are allowed to have sex at 16 but they're not allowed to see pubic hair in the sims? Not only that, but the claims are a lie, you'd have to download new, unofficial content to see anything.

bliink said:

"However if it is full of pornographic sex scenes then it should not only be banned, but all copies should be burnt and if possible jumped on."

At least you'll have fun banning it :LOL:
Suicide42 said:
For god's sake, people are allowed to have sex at 16 but they're not allowed to see pubic hair in the sims? Not only that, but the claims are a lie, you'd have to download new, unofficial content to see anything.
The Sims 2 is 7+, and you're not allowed to have sex when you're 7, are you? But I agree, this is pathetic.
People are not allowed to do lots of things, it doesn't stop them from doing it. The UK has the highest underage pregnancy rate in the whole of Europe, although I wouldn't go as far as to say The Sims was responsible.
Wow, if I ever were to see him in the street well.. not nice.
Murray_H said:

:LOL: That's good stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if he goes after Windows.

This guy needs ****ing piss off.

He needs a woman... Some T&A in his face... A REALITY CHECK.
Jack Thompson, clutching at straws. Go on, ruin your reputation! Save everyone else the bother!
OMG Let's ban real life, if you try hard enough you can see pubic hair WHEN you're BORN!

Everyone who hates Thomspon stick it in your sig, it's good for ye.
I am sure the people that plays the sims 2 dont care to see nudity
also like every maure person in the world they know that they are not real!

and how he say that is worse? my brother played the sims 1 and used cheats to do this and there was not genitals and nothin like that,just lik barbies and ken doll,and if kids can play whit that dolls them I dont see nothing wrong that videogame hav something similiar

also in the sims 1 when 2 character hav sex they go under the cover of the bed and start moving like if they are doing it but if you use the cheat and take out the bed the characters are static doing nothing and the bed is still in animation

and sure in the sims 2 is the same right?

so if this worse that the hot coffe mod? this mean that this jackass thompson is lying

EDIT: I imaginate "another game blamed for jack thompson,the reason that jack thompson hav is"in this game a woman appear whit a skirt over the knes,mamking this game the pervert's paradise,""
no more should conlsole gamers be different from PC gamers, or RPG players be different from FPS players.........................we are all gamers!!!!!!!
We must come together to unite against the common enemy of corprate idiots!!!!!
From this day hence forth.......Halo players and Half-life players will be friends!!!!!
halflifeguy said:
From this day hence forth.......Halo players and Half-life players will be friends!!!!!

That's pushing it a bit...uhhh, comrades maybe? :cheers:
What the hell is wrong with him? Next, he'll be asking all developers that any women in any game, no matter how minor their role, can only have their eyes showing?
This guy is utterly stupid. I see him going for rpg or somekind next.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Better ban MSPaint too, since users can *gasp* DRAW NUDITY
That is a damn good idea, I am going to mail him that, draw a picture in MS paint of people having sex.


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He sent back a reply, and the title was "Nice pic of your mom"

Oh and he put this in aswell

John B. Thompson, Attorney at Law

1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111

Coral Gables, Florida 33146


[email protected]

July 24, 2005

The Honorable Fred Upton

U.S. House of Representatives

Kalamazoo District Office
157 South Kalamazoo Mall
Suite 180
Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Fax: (269) 385-2888


Washington D.C. Office
2183 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 Fax: (202) 225-4986

Re: FTC Investigation of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

Dear Congressman Upton:

I wish to thank you for your call that the FTC investigate Take-Two Interactive in the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas “Hot Coffee” scandal, specifically as to whether Take-Two lied.

I happen to have been in the middle of that scandal. Further, the current issue of Reader’s Digest (August) features an original article about our wrongful death lawsuit in Alabama arising out of the Grand Theft Auto games. Take Two’s alleged responsibility for the deaths of two officers and a police dispatcher was also recently aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

There is a lot I could tell your staff about Take-Two, including the recent $8.75 million fine Take-Two had to pay for fraudulent accounting practices and other matters. The “Hot Coffee” mod matter is just the tip of the iceberg. This is an industry totally out of control.

Please feel free to have your staff contact me at their earliest convenience.

Regards, Jack Thompson
Sims 2 now? Hahahahhahahahaha. This guy is grasping at straws, here.
Hey, does anyone live near 1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111, Coral Gables, Florida??

Go cover his house in poop or something.
Foxtrot said:
He sent back a reply, and the title was "Nice pic of your mom"

Oh and he put this in aswell

John B. Thompson, Attorney at Law

1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111

Coral Gables, Florida 33146


[email protected]

July 24, 2005

The Honorable Fred Upton

U.S. House of Representatives

Kalamazoo District Office
157 South Kalamazoo Mall
Suite 180
Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Fax: (269) 385-2888


Washington D.C. Office
2183 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 Fax: (202) 225-4986

Re: FTC Investigation of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

Dear Congressman Upton:

I wish to thank you for your call that the FTC investigate Take-Two Interactive in the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas “Hot Coffee” scandal, specifically as to whether Take-Two lied.

I happen to have been in the middle of that scandal. Further, the current issue of Reader’s Digest (August) features an original article about our wrongful death lawsuit in Alabama arising out of the Grand Theft Auto games. Take Two’s alleged responsibility for the deaths of two officers and a police dispatcher was also recently aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

There is a lot I could tell your staff about Take-Two, including the recent $8.75 million fine Take-Two had to pay for fraudulent accounting practices and other matters. The “Hot Coffee” mod matter is just the tip of the iceberg. This is an industry totally out of control.

Please feel free to have your staff contact me at their earliest convenience.

Regards, Jack Thompson

is this real foxtrot? if so ......I've been saying this for awhile now, this aint over by a long shot. They will suceed (at least at some level) because we have no voice
CptStern said:
is this real foxtrot? if so ......I've been saying this for awhile now, this aint over by a long shot. They will suceed (at least at some level) because we have no voice
That is exactly what I got, funny thing is, I got it like five minutes after I sent it. I would have thought it was an automated message if the title didn't relate directly to what I sent him.
did you post what you wrote in the original email you sent him? I cant find it ...anyways, it's pretty disturbing that he is that determined to overhall the video game industry
oh ...okay ...i thought you actually had a point ..not to be critical but that just adds fuel to his fire
Well thats it, Thompson you are now X-RATED! Because I drew something on you, please get off, of our screens please.


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seriously though........
this is a big issue for us gamers.........
im gonna start a thread for starting up a website against this guy.........
whose with me?
we gamers need a voice!!!!!
We must overthrow this bastard!!!!!