Sin Episodes: Emergence Trailer


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ready to be blown away? Ritual have just released an explosive new trailer for Sin Episodes: Emergence, and it’s packed full of enough explosions, gunshots and charging mutants to sweep you off your feet. [br] [br] Emergence is obviously in its final stages now, with the game looking almost perfect. However, from some of the clips it’s evident that there’s still room for improvement in areas such as character animations and dialogue. Most of these discrepancies should all be cleaned up by the time the game is released over Steam, though… and judging by the words “Early 2006” displayed at the end of the trailer, that shouldn’t be long at all. [br] [br] Feel like discussing this? Head over to the forums where you’ll find a thread posted by Ritual, announcing the trailer. [br] [br] To download the trailer, click the image below. You’ll be directed to the official Sin Episodes site, and a list of download mirrors.[br]
First to reply :D

But I'm still waiting on a D/L :stare: (the Worthplaying Euro DL is quicker than the one)


- Pure evil + hawt = Electra :flame: (if possibly voiced by what sounds like a 40 year-old which Freud would have a lot to say about)
- Locational damage AND response (shoot away enemies legs!!!!) :bounce:
- Iron Sights! :rolling:
- Richochet kills FTW!!!1:sniper:


- Carbon-copy HL2 grenades :x


- You can shoot them to explode them :p
Very awesome. All we need now is a few dialouge tweaks (because it really isn't that good) and some smoother animations and this baby is good to go. :D
Is this the same one from a couple of weeks ago?
wow this game has just progressed light years
i mean wow - i can overlook the cartoony visual style and see physics, gibs, DYNAMIC LIGHTING IN SOURCE, awesome weapons effects and the sexy raven haired senorita phwoar! :D
Sin episodes sounds good. They have some great artwork. Love the characters, which imo have alot of "character" :p if ya know what i meen ;)
*downloading trailer which is taking freekin forever....
Suicide42 said:
However, from some of the clips it’s evident that there’s still room for improvement in areas such as character animations and dialogue.

Not bad trailer, although a little light on the CRAZY ACTION. Awesome music and jetpack death too. :E
Just watched


Cool looking enemies + Boss thing

Weapons look crazy

Homage to hl2 (at least i think it is)

Iron Sights!

Jet packs!



Enemies didnt put up much of a fight

Physics puzzles...
oh john, you think im such a naughty naughty girl...

...actually I was thinking what great big tits you have...
john3571000 said:
wow this game has just progressed light years
i mean wow - i can overlook the cartoony visual style and see physics, gibs, DYNAMIC LIGHTING IN SOURCE, awesome weapons effects and the sexy raven haired senorita phwoar! :D
Dude, even HL1 had dynamic lights.
Pretty cool trailer, seems like a nice game too. Though I hope they improve the weapon animations because I don't really like them.
the game looks awesome i havent played the othere sin games anyone knows where i can get the earlier games? imma get this game for sure
armanguy said:
the game looks awesome i havent played the othere sin games anyone knows where i can get the earlier games? imma get this game for sure
You can purchase the games through (links at the bottom) or wait until after SiN Episodes and then Ritual will release the original SiN over Steam.

This is what i'm talking about.....insane....

i love it and i deffinitly will buy that sh** !!!

And everyone who says this game suckz should burn in hell !!!

Best video since HL2 . E3 Demo
Chris_D said:
You can purchase the games through (links at the bottom) or wait until after SiN Episodes and then Ritual will release the original SiN over Steam.

Has Ritual said they would release the orginal one over Steam. If so that would be badass, as this looks sweet and never played the orginal.
Fix your link. (You're welcome. :) )

My comments of the trailers are on the forums. Check check? ^^
Cool, i'll buy it, but it looks an awful lot like hl2...i mean some of the places look like they have the same assets/textures etc.
Everything's great except the voice acting D:
And animations too I guess...
But damn if I buy this game the first thing I'm doing is looking through the .gcf (assuming it uses one) and replacing all the enemy soldier voice sounds with somthign like the combine voices from HL2...hell, anythings better than those weak, unconvincing BLAARGH death cries...
I'm pretty sure that if I caught on fire I'd try and put myself out instead of dancing on the spot and saying I'M BURNING! or OH GOD THE PAAAAAAAIN!


Other than that it's a bloody cool mod! Edit: I mean bloody cool total conversion! ;)
Idonotbelonghere said:
Other than that it's a bloody cool mod!
More of a TC...

Maxey said:
Dude, even HL1 had dynamic lights.

My thoughts: Animations are years behind, they really made the game look dated. Facial expressions, considering this is source, could also be way better. The static screenshots had me pumped for this but the video made me less sure tbh... and what was with that guy who fell right at the end, people don't fall like that.

However: richochet kill, iron sights, hawt redhead = wins
Idonotbelonghere said:
I'm pretty sure that if I caught on fire I'd try and put myself out instead of dancing on the spot and saying I'M BURNING! or OH GOD THE PAAAAAAAIN!

Hehe, yeah.

I have to say that from that trailor I don't see what all the fuss is about. It just looks like another FPS, a good FPS, but nothing amazingly special. Although of course I could be wrong, you can't tell from a trailor. The one thing that did stand out was the music though, which I thought was possibly some of the greatest video game trailor music I've ever heard, so I look forward to some good music in the game.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Everything's great except the voice acting D:
And animations too I guess...

Yup. Voices and animations (especially death and ragdolls) are the only things that I would change to make this game better (without having played it of course). Other than thay it looks really good, and sounding good too (the music is ace, hopefully it's not just music for the trailer).
Looks sharp, but the shaky-cam video was way better (shows more gameplay, less tits).

My sin2:e status is currently set to "buy asap".

less tits is a problem?

i want to see a model render of blade himself
polyguns said:
less tits is a problem?

i want to see a model render of blade himself
I listed less tits as a good thing.
Mainly because less tits=more gameplay, and for movies like these gameplay>titties.

ZoFreX said:
and what was with that guy who fell right at the end, people don't fall like that.

In the Half-life 2 E3 2004 presentation there was a Combine guy that flew off a rocket blast, i might say, pretty unrealistically.

I think we might say, even like.... a ragdoll
Yah I remember that. Was hoping they'd put in better ragdoll ballistics (I hope I just coined a new phrase) seeing as it features largely (those jetpackers seem fairly prominent)
Looks pretty good, I wonder with the physics can you play with the assets? You know what I'm talking about :naughty:
Very cool. Downloading now.

AMAZING Video!! Will be buying it for sure!
Looks nice, but

greeny said:
it looks an awful lot like hl2...i mean some of the places look like they have the same assets/textures etc.
whoisrich said:
oh john, you think im such a naughty naughty girl...

...actually I was thinking what great big tits you have...
Looks good. Reminded me of the Duke Nuken Forever trailer that was doing the rounds ......... what was it? 10 years ago now??!! :hmph: Sin Episodes appears to have that same sense of humour about it. Especially the ending on this new video :cheese: Looks like it will be worth buying for sure. Yay! Finally some more single player content for Source. Roll on Black Mesa: Source & the new They Hunger Source game (Can't remember the name of that one) ........... and maybe even one day Aftermath.
looks quite good now, but i laughed so hard at the part where the guy goes "WHA IM BURRNING!" and when he shoots the guy with the jetpack and his body stretches all over the place
I'm trying to get exciting about this, but I don't understand what's original about this concept; apart from episodic releases this is an FPS with no single concept to distance itself from any one of the million other shooters out there.

It looks alright, but certain not cutting edge, there's no HDR, polycounts and enviroments aren't really pushed.

I'll be buying it, but right now I'm not terribly excited
jondy said:
I'm trying to get exciting about this, but I don't understand what's original about this concept; apart from episodic releases this is an FPS with no single concept to distance itself from any one of the million other shooters out there.

It looks alright, but certain not cutting edge, there's no HDR, polycounts and enviroments aren't really pushed.

I'll be buying it, but right now I'm not terribly excited

Well, you obviously are not a connoisseur of first person shooters.
The only fps sin2:e does not distance itself from is hl2. That's one, not "one of millions". Ofcourse, if all games where you shoot at monsters from a first perspective look the same to you (and they obviously do), then I can see how sin2:e does not offer anything "new".
