Since I've returned, our first order of business is...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
My girlfriend. The one you all asked about in the thread (thanks for remembering!) Ok. Well a few weeks ago we started becoming really good friends again. Then, just a few days ago her best friend and a few of her other friends are telling me how she's talking about me. They say she says she wants to get back together in the near future, she still has feelings for me, and has realized I diserve another chance. Question is, if she does bring it up with me that she wants to get back, what should I do? I mean after all, the last 2 months I've been broken hearted and now she wants to get back? She doesn't know that I know how she feels and shes doing a great job at hiding it. I just dont know what to do!
Originally posted by guinny
My girlfriend. The one you all asked about in the thread (thanks for remembering!) Ok. Well a few weeks ago we started becoming really good friends again. Then, just a few days ago her best friend and a few of her other friends are telling me how she's talking about me. They say she says she wants to get back together in the near future, she still has feelings for me, and has realized I diserve another chance. Question is, if she does bring it up with me that she wants to get back, what should I do? I mean after all, the last 2 months I've been broken hearted and now she wants to get back? She doesn't know that I know how she feels and shes doing a great job at hiding it. I just dont know what to do!

You know, month ago I would give you some kind of advice, but now, after having bunch of weird experiences with my own girlfriend, I don’t know anymore. Women are strange creatures, the harder you trying to understand them, the harder. You know what, if she asks you to get back together, tell her that she left you lying on the ground, broken hearted and it was hell of the experience for you. Show her that she really hurt you, make her feel guilty in some way. But if you still love her, just forgive her. But as Max Payne once said, Love hurts.
I have problems of my own.
There's this girl I like at school, and I told my friends about it, and they ran and told her I "have a crush on her"... stupid immature kids..
Anyway she told them I'm cute.. Now I don't know if I should go and tell her I like her and stuff and ask for her phone number, or wait till I get to know her a little better, as for the only thing I ever said to her was ask for a pen.

Love hurts.

(See if you can recognize my avatar :D)
nice avatar :>~... ya i know where that's from

:zip: "oh, i guess everything is bigger in the city"

love indeed hurts.... i don't like it... but i do like to make love... thats a different story... wait til u have a better idea of WTF is going on
dont think other peoples advice helps much because every single situation is different, i know this is crap advice but just think about the situation.

like a well fought game of chess.:D
Originally posted by :>~
I have problems of my own.
There's this girl I like at school, and I told my friends about it, and they ran and told her I "have a crush on her"... stupid immature kids..
Anyway she told them I'm cute.. Now I don't know if I should go and tell her I like her and stuff and ask for her phone number, or wait till I get to know her a little better, as for the only thing I ever said to her was ask for a pen.

Love hurts.

(See if you can recognize my avatar :D)

Well, I wouldn't call that LOVE yet.. ;p. But go for it, obviously she doesn't think that badly of you yet. Should get that from her and get to know her.
Ahh yes... Teen love triangles.. It's more fun to watch then any soap opera or reality show.
its good to have a close friend who's a girl then you can get thier advice.
Yep, I have lot's of close female friends... unfortunatly I fancy one of them.. but I told her \o/ and she's ok with it
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yep, I have lot's of close female friends... unfortunatly I fancy one of them.. but I told her \o/ and she's ok with it

Gorgey at it again?! *sigh* :rolleyes: :LOL: :naughty:

lol i am officially putting in a request to have ur rank changed to "Ladies Man" hehe :smoking:
Heh, thanks Freeman :)

Anyway... yeah, I really like her, but we're mates.. I told her all nice and everything :)
Well I still need help :<

Should I tell her I like her and ask for her number or wait till I know her better?
Originally posted by :>~
Well I still need help :<

Should I tell her I like her and ask for her number or wait till I know her better?


I mean, seriously do you think you have a chance? Unless she's a super-model and your some type of a fat nerd who wears a trenchcoat, then probably NO. Otherwise go for it.
What I've learnt from my short experience with teh ladies... ahem, lady :) Most people I know are in it for personal gain. eg - "I like her, should I ask her out?" I'm not critisizing that, but I just see with all my friends, when they get a gf/bf because "they like them" or "they're purdy and nice" things rarely turn out well, thus the broken heart. I mean if you want someone to hug up to and shag etc. then go for it, but if you want commitment and are afraid of getting let down, wait for someone you know, trust, and truely love, then stick with em :) I did.
Heh, tomorrow is gona be a bit of a moment of truth for me. I'm gona make her an offer she can't refuse.

If she refuses, f*ck her. Man, just typing that is painful. But I'd rather deal with it and be depressed for like 2 weeks then keep going the way I am now.
I dont have a girlfriend.

I have lots of porn though.
Ok well heres my experience with stuff like this.

If you still like her, then go for it.

Me and my gf broke up like 3 times from when we first started going out (in like 8th grade) And now we're in college and we've been going out for like 3 years and 4 months (since we got back together).

People grow up, figure out what they did was stupid. If she has feelings for you and feels bad about what ever happend between the two of you, then I'd say go for it.
Sorry to bump this up again ...

But .. guess what, my plan didn't work. It was a week in the making, I have predicted 100's of possible responses and whole branches of conversation, it was truly brilliant. But sure enough, after a total of 30 seconds on the phone I was left with a feeling like "WTF?? What does that suppose to mean?" And I'm back exactly where I started, just looking more stupider and pathetic.

I'm not dumb, OK .. I got 1400 on the SAT and have a 3.9 GPA. I got 5 employee of the month awards and a 50% raise last year. How is it that I get outsmarted by some waitress over and over again??
lol LoneDeranger

Get used to it - they will outsmart you till the day you die (and even if they don't, they will still think they have .... which is worse)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

I mean, seriously do you think you have a chance? Unless she's a super-model and your some type of a fat nerd who wears a trenchcoat, then probably NO. Otherwise go for it.

Whats wrong with a trenchcoat?

Lone, why arent you a mod yet, youve been here a long time....
Originally posted by SpuD
Whats wrong with a trenchcoat?

Lone, why arent you a mod yet, youve been here a long time....

As I found out if you become a mod, you have certain privalages taken away from you. Like, for example, I wouldn't be able to insult nerds in trenchcoats so easily :p

Unless you make me some sort of an undercover mod where I have mod powers but keep my title. Hehe :)
cant mods act normal? if i was a mod i'd be an evil one. my title would be evil moderator, i'd like that.
Originally posted by king John I
cant mods act normal? if i was a mod i'd be an evil one. my title would be evil moderator, i'd like that.
You mean... like Evil? You'd think HE would be an evil moderator...
It doesn't get any easier guys....

I've been living with my girlfriend for about 6 months now, and i still don't understand her.

Women are bizarre creatures. You think you know them, and them BAM, they throw some weird shit at you that makes no sence...
Yeah .. here is a typical conversation. I wanna call and complain that she didn't call me in a while (and make her feel guilty):

Me: Hi -
She: Hi. Why didn't you call me for so long?
Me: Uh ... um .. I'm sorry.

Sure enough, she wins again. I just can't find a way to get at her. :(
LOL I have a funny story. I went on a field trip to a school for mentally challenged kids and we went into this classroom where their was this teenage student crying and screaming. I asked the teacher WTF is happening and she told me "These children have lives jst like everyone else. See, this boy's girlfriend just broke up with him for this other kid because the other kid had nicer boots."

And just to think that I spent 20K for a Mustang GT to impress girls when all I had to do is get some nice boots and cruise the school.

And for your question on what to do. All you have to do is invite her over, put on some Barry White, get her drunk, and then screw the hell out of her.
Originally posted by king John I
cant mods act normal? if i was a mod i'd be an evil one. my title would be evil moderator, i'd like that.

You little ass-hat, you stole my idea!

/me scribbles out Evil Moderator Idea on marker-board.

Great, now I have to buy some new markers...ones that aren't evil.
Porn makes you go blind and should be illegal!!!!11111
Porn is great coz it doesn't talk back :D but why do I always feel guilty and ashamed after watching it? LOL...

Seems I'm the only one here who is truly an idiot, my gf is great, we understand eachother fine and get along great, she's just awesome. But it's not her that's hurting me, I always seem to be the one that stuffs up :)
I was starting to think I was an outsider... but it appears I'm not alone after all, Bad^Hat.

EDIT: Well, except for the last sentence.