Sister of war hero auctions medals on eBay


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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The sister of a war hero who died in Afghanistan sold his uniform and medals to an eBay trader to fund a luxury cruise for herself.

Corporal Rob Deering left his elder sister everything in his will, including four war medals, his uniform and an engraved memorial shell casing from his funeral.

But Elaine Deering, a single mother of one, sold it all for £1,100 and put the money towards a trip round the Mediterranean.

The 37-year-old, who is unemployed, said: ‘I’m on income support and I’m very hard up, so I did what I thought was best.’

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Corporal Deering, a Royal Marine with the Commando Logistic Regiment, died in December 2008 as he raced to help injured comrades whose armoured Viking personnel carrier had been blown up by insurgents.

The 33-year-old was killed in a second explosion as he approached the vehicle in Afghanistan’s notorious Helmand province. He left everything to his sister, who also claims she was forced to sell the mementos to help look after her 14-month-old son.

Miss Deering, of Sheldon, Birmingham, said her brother would have wanted her to sell the medals to support herself and her son, who she named after him.

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"The 37-year-old, who is unemployed, said: ‘I’m on income support and I’m very hard up, so I did what I thought was best.’"
Take a cruise? That's going to help with your employment situation and future financial security.

Edit: And you son. How about you use the money from the medals to fund you son's education instead?
meh it's hers to do with what she wants. personally I couldnt care less what her brother's occupation was, it doesnt, imho, change the story. she's kind of a selfish ****
awesome, need more events like this to stop retards trying to go to war.
Sorry but this does not constitute news as far as I'm concerned, it's her property, she can do whatever the **** she wants with it. Yes, she is a selfish bitch but that's not newsworthy.
no, ok I admit my post was reactive and generally angst which was not very well thought through - and i sound like a hipster douche to boot. In my defense I have been listening to a lotta bill hicks lately and kinda dig his philosophy. But seriously, america and its damned wars over nothing but money. seriously no point to this bs.

you can hate me, I only come for the image dump in any case :S

My brother just died in war, let's go on a cruise! It might have been her property but it wasn't just any old property. So I don't think there is anything wrong with shaming this selfish women.
no, ok I admit my post was reactive and generally angst which was not very well thought through - I have just been listening to a lotta bill hicks lately and kinda dig his philosophy. But seriously, america and its damned wars over nothing but money. seriously no point to this bs.

you can hate me, I only come for the image dump in any case :S


I do understand that the current occupation in Afghanistan isn't exactly our shining moment, and I am not one to tell another what to do (unless it affects me), but she really should keep his uniform and medals. Honor his memory. Even if I was starving and was out in the streets, I would think twice before selling off my brother's medal if he died. Then again, I am attached to my brother alot since we're twins.
Then again, I am attached to my brother alot since we're twins.

nothing a pen knife couldnt fix ...unless you're attached at the head in which case ...

oh so like gnarly mind reading/head exploding powers???
no, ok I admit my post was reactive and generally angst which was not very well thought through - and i sound like a hipster douche to boot. In my defense I have been listening to a lotta bill hicks lately and kinda dig his philosophy. But seriously, america and its damned wars over nothing but money. seriously no point to this bs.

you can hate me, I only come for the image dump in any case :S


Oh, I thought you were trying to demean soldiers in general.
Yeah, I *WISH* I had awesome powers like that! Though I do prefer superhuman strength and endurance.

ya so only your body would be freakishly big instead of just your head

It was probably sold to a collector, so at least the person who bought it will have some respect for what it represents. Better than that selfish ho-bag.
ya so only your body would be freakishly big instead of just your head


Hmmmm.......nah, I think I'll stick with superhuman strength and endurance.

(ok, that's enough Off-topic talk from me before I attract the almighty banhammer)
"Selfish bitch sells heirlooms for getaway cruise"
It was probably sold to a collector, so at least the person who bought it will have some respect for what it represents. Better than that selfish ho-bag.

Never thought of it that way, hopefully that is true.
Yeah, perfect reason to invade two countries and kill countless thousands more innocent civilians.
A medal is what the state gives you as a personal reward for public service, so it's a bit ****ing rich for anyone to try and assert public moral sway over what she does with it. If she's transgressed at all it is against the fiance, or perhaps against her son for not using the money more wisely, but her behaviour is nothing next to that of the Mail. Good on you, chaps. Keep on 'shaming' people who've harmed nobody.
If she's transgressed at all it is against the fiance, or perhaps against her son for not using the money more wisely, but her behaviour is nothing next to that of the Mail. Good on you, chaps. Keep on 'shaming' people who've harmed nobody.

Except maybe her son.

A medal is what the state gives you as a personal reward for public service, so it's a bit ****ing rich for anyone to try and assert public moral sway over what she does with it.

You're right. It's what the state gave to Corporal Deering. Having passed everything to his sister, she's entitled to do what she would with it. Sell it for a cruise. Why not.

But you can't condemn people for shaming her. The principle behind it is sound. I do not wish my personal effects to be sold on for a brief moment of cheap joy by my sister, so I will shame those who do in the hope that it becomes socially unacceptable. Society may imprint this into her, thus making her far less likely to. The continued shunning of acts we disagree with may protect our own personal possessions against the greed of our 'close ones'.
I disagree, it's a disgusting act by the woman, but ultimately none of my business. However, if I new her personally, or were a friend of the dead soldier I'd feel very angry indeed.
But you can't condemn people for shaming her. The principle behind it is sound. I do not wish my personal effects to be sold on for a brief moment of cheap joy by my sister, so I will shame those who do in the hope that it becomes socially unacceptable. Society may imprint this into her, thus making her far less likely to. The continued shunning of acts we disagree with may protect our own personal possessions against the greed of our 'close ones'.
If you accept that it's a personal decision, or, if one chooses to delegate, your close friend's, isn't it rather corrupt for you to then try and influence people by public shame? Maybe you should trust the people you make personal decisions with instead of culture jamming for their soft coercion.

Regardless, I'm more pissed about the Mail's reporting. In this case it fails the public interest test and it's very clearly only being published because it pushes all their political buttons: patriotism, duty, the sacred, vice, outrage as citizenship and the greedy and sloth of single mothers. Woo.
If you accept that it's a personal decision, or, if one chooses to delegate, your close friend's, isn't it rather corrupt for you to then try and influence people by public shame? Maybe you should trust the people you make personal decisions with instead of culture jamming for their soft coercion.

Perhaps its society's way of ensuring the trust by knowing there would be outrage/disgust if something like this happened. You can't be sure to trust anyone if there was no subtle pressure from society, constantly. After all, isn't that where our morals come from?

It's a tried and tested method of punishment. You do something wrong, you get told off. Maybe it's too late for her to 'become' more moral (according to society), but if we don't, then the future generations would see it as ok. Lead by example.

Regardless, I'm more pissed about the Mail's reporting. In this case it fails the public interest test and it's very clearly only being published because it pushes all their political buttons: patriotism, duty, the sacred, vice, outrage as citizenship and the greedy and sloth of single mothers. Woo.

It must be true, because you read it in the Daily Mail.
Sulk sold his dad's war medals for two jolly ranchers and now he feels bad because he realizes now that could have gotten a cruise out of it.
A lot of us think that this is a hugely disrespectful and sentimentally bankrupt thing to do, and we're expressing our opinions on the matter. I don't see how this somehow means we're attempting to impose our morals on the woman in question, or anyone at all. It's not as if any of us are writing our senators to push a law that makes this sort of act illegal.
A lot of us think that this is a hugely disrespectful and sentimentally bankrupt thing to do, and we're expressing our opinions on the matter. I don't see how this somehow means we're attempting to impose our morals on the woman in question, or anyone at all. It's not as if any of us are writing our senators to push a law that makes this sort of act illegal.

I think it was more the Daily Mail, taking an active stance, attempting to publicly humiliate her. The article is (naturally) incredibly biased.
I do not wish my personal effects to be sold on for a brief moment of cheap joy by my sister

Different strokes.

Personally I'd be quite happy for my family to sell on any possessions they may inherit after my death as long as it goes to something they'd enjoy - like a holiday.

Also lol @ "cheap joy" as if she's spending it on gigalos or something. Also cruises aren't that brief.

I'm sure she'll have plenty of other things to remember him by, perhaps ones with more personal sentiment attached rather than GOVT ISSUE LUMP OF METAL
I think it was more the Daily Mail, taking an active stance, attempting to publicly humiliate her. The article is (naturally) incredibly biased.

Oh. I thought we all agreed to pretend the articles they write don't exist?
Society may imprint this into her, thus making her far less likely to.
Less likely to what, sell a dead relatives personal effects for a pleasure cruise? I'm pretty sure she just got written out of everyone's will ever, so I don't see that happening again any time soon. :p

Perhaps its society's way of ensuring the trust by knowing there would be outrage/disgust if something like this happened. You can't be sure to trust anyone if there was no subtle pressure from society, constantly. After all, isn't that where our morals come from?
I'm not gonna say this isn't kind of despicable from an outside perspective, but I don't see how society and "morals" (in the universal sense of the word) come into it. She sold on a material item for material wealth, there's nothing inherently wrong about it until you bring sentimental value into the equation, and then it becomes a very personal matter. Did it have any sentimental value to her? Obviously not enough to care, so this makes little to no difference to her, and if it did it'd be down to her own conscience. Could it have had value to his family or other loved ones? Probably, but then it's up to them to judge her, and nobody else. The idea that morals must be upheld by brandishing these kind of people as a society instead of leaving it to the people personally involved seems kind of barbaric, to be honest...