Sketch someone from the forum!


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Basically, if you feel like drawing a picture of someone from the forum (their online avatar); as long as it's a decent sketch (No stick figures or penises), post it here ^_^

Here's mine, it's of Crusheh:




Zerimski ^_^



Crazyharij and TGB :)
No time, I have to revise for exams tomorrow ;(

But I'll do more tomorrow night \o/
Wow, is that Bliink and Crushenator together.

Suicide, you rock, but I'm never cool enough for your pictures.

Plus its just so blatently obvious that crush and bliink are internet dating. Right now they are probably making out through the internets. Oh yep.

Also, you got Farrow's form down pretty well, crush. A little more on the pecs, though.
LOL cool the bliink one rocks especially :) The second one I mean, not the one with crush.
I'm still new to the forums, but meh...


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TheSomeone said:
I'm still new to the forums, but meh...

:LOL: LOL! That's great :D You even got the smiley face om my PC right ^_^

Razor said:
No, but she sure looks sexy :naughty:


I can arrange a... meeting... if you so desire :naughty:




Sheepy's gonna kill Burnzie, and VADER SAYS NOOO!
Suicide42 said:

I can arrange a... meeting... if you so desire :naughty:

Make it a nice private meeting in the seclusion of my nice, English bedroom and you have a deal ;).

And Suicide, is it just me or in the "Oh My Gawwwwdd" picture of Bliink, have you drawn her as an elf with pointy ears?
Razor said:
And Suicide, is it just me or in the "Oh My Gawwwwdd" picture of Bliink, have you drawn her as an elf with pointy ears?

It looks more like my avatar like that ^_^

I think the pic is cool :D
Suicide42 said:
Pointy ears are hawt ;(

Definately agree. :)

But the picture is a truely amazing insight to the life of one of our dearest members. Bliink, when the monitor is off, can you see the baby Kangaroo inside?
wow, very nice drawings...

too bad i'm impossible too draw.

im just a green 'X' on a black backround :(
Razor said:
Bliink, when the monitor is off, can you see the baby Kangaroo inside?

Uhh... sure! why the hell not anyway? :D

the liberals of make a deal with terrorists. :D

you know im only joking, of course :cheers:
yeh, i was bored :eek:

Well i didn't have enough time but i did this! hehe

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crushenator 500 said:
Who's that meant to be...? :|
Well seeing as he joined the forum TODAY, he probably doesn't know anyone, and drew himself. Which is not the point of the thread at all. And, there is no point in drawing someone NO ONE knows about, because it can't be funny.

I am honestly confused at what he was thinking.