Skin Request


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
I dont know what game this should be for, But ive been thinkin. Wouldnt a Jesus skin be awesome?:afro:
I think a jesus skin would be pretty gay :)
it's really funny how jesus is always portrayed as a white guy with a blondish brown beard. he was jewish and born in the middle east so it's totally unfesable for him to have been white!

oh and someone did a jesus skin for quake. you're 7 years late,
Not really, Why would you?!?
I would say you can't hurt a Fictitious character, but I'd be starting the flaming arguement off again (sorry Sparrow)
reminds of a pentasmal comic is saw a year ago. It pictured two kids playing quake 3 and Jesus comes into the room and says "blessed art thou.... hey is that quake 3?"
"yeah, jesus it is" replies the kid"
"lemme play"
"You know jesus you shouldn't kill people while there trying to type"
"Chatty little bitch, should be in IRC if he wants to talk" is jesus's response.

the first time i read that nearly pissed myself. And Stone the existence of a man named Jesus of Nazuruth(sp?) who was a social reformer who attempted to reform jewish religion and was killed existed. Of course whether this person was the "son of god"; well like most agnostics i'm not even going to worry about that
Originally posted by killmequickly
yeah, but wouldnt you feel bad after gunning down jesus in deathmatch?

Originally posted by derby
it's really funny how jesus is always portrayed as a white guy with a blondish brown beard. he was jewish and born in the middle east so it's totally unfesable for him to have been white!

oh and someone did a jesus skin for quake. you're 7 years late,

I can't stop laughing ahahahahahaa
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
And Stone the existence of a man named Jesus of Nazuruth(sp?) who was a social reformer who attempted to reform jewish religion and was killed existed. Of course whether this person was the "son of god"; well like most agnostics i'm not even going to worry about that

Yes that's what I meant sorry, HiroProtaganist... It was just 3:30am and no-ones brain (espc one that hardly sleeps) works at that time...
theres something about posting late at night where it makes total sense to you and you come back and reread after sleeping and you can't figure out what you meant. though i understood what you meant by it so i could just be rambling.
hehe.. this happens to me most off the time when i post late
Same for me :cool:
happens also on irc when i look back to some of my logs :eek:
well, it's now 3 am, and This is my last post of the night...
I thought that it'd be fitting to post it on this, cos it'll probably make no sense what so ever in the morning...
well, techniquely it is morning, so it should already make no sense...
oh well, anywho, this will probably make no sense in the afternoon (or whenever i get up [if i get to sleep ;(])...

hmmm, I wonder who'll get flamed tomorrow...?!? (well today techniquely but PFFFT)

nite all
How about make it the VIP on CS, then you are tryin to protect him!
you'd have to change it so, the other people are like desiples, and the terrorsts trying to kill him are Romans :P...

Even though I wouldn't play it, would be a change from the normal models :(
Fragger, don't get me started on that topic again..please
And It's a good way to make your first post, I must say... :flame:
Fragger just made a bad rep. for himself already