Skull And Bones- Whats the real truth?

I'll never be convinced dropping 2 bombs that killed millions (people to this day are still dying before their time due to cancer from the radiation) was the right thing to do.
CptStern said:
I'll never be convinced dropping 2 bombs that killed millions (people to this day are still dying before their time due to cancer from the radiation) was the right thing to do.

well, it was. The projections showed it would be 10 million each side if they tried to invade.
the projections were closer to half a million americans and 2 million japanese was later revealed that these number were substatially lower have to remember the people who came up with this figure were also advocating for the use of the atomic bomb ...they had an agenda to promote ..scare tactics if you will. The truth is that the japanese were so demoralised that many historians believed an invasion would have lasted only a few days and that the casualties would likely be in the tens of thousands for both sides.
Well, let's try a different line of thought.

If they hadn't showed their superiority, the destructive power of the atom bomb and the necessary determination to launch, and left the atom bomb unknown, the Cold War would have never been "cold". The Soviet Union had their spies on the Manhattan Project. It's possible they would have advanced thru Western Europe with the aid of nuclear weapons, possibly even with a greater nuclear arsenal than the USA.

The World Communist Revolution, as marxists-leninists so eagerly wanted at the time, would be a reality.

How would like that?

"It's possible "

we dont know either way could argue that the cold war had tremendous impact on the world: vietnam, Korea, afghanistan ...these were all wars to stop the incursion of communist regimes
The idea that we were trying to scare the Russians is a relatively recent development thats been the result of a lot of revisionism. I don't think theres any question that for the people sitting in the hotseat in 1945 that the dropping of the bombs were the right decision at the moment, regardless of what we can now see over half a century later.
Direwolf said:
The idea that we were trying to scare the Russians is a relatively recent development thats been the result of a lot of revisionism. I don't think theres any question that for the people sitting in the hotseat in 1945 that the dropping of the bombs were the right decision at the moment, regardless of what we can now see over half a century later.

" [July] 1945... Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. ...the Secretary, upon giving me the news of the successful bomb test in New Mexico, and of the plan for using it, asked for my reaction, apparently expecting a vigorous assent.

"During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'. The Secretary was deeply perturbed by my attitude..."

- Dwight Eisenhower

"On June 28, 1945, a memorandum written by Ralph Bard (Under Sec. of the Navy) the previous day was given to Sec. of War Henry Stimson ..........I think that the Japanese were ready for peace, and they already had approached the Russians and, I think, the Swiss. And that suggestion of [giving] a warning [of the atomic bomb] was a face-saving proposition for them, and one that they could have readily accepted." He continued, "In my opinion, the Japanese war was really won before we ever used the atom bomb. Thus, it wouldn't have been necessary for us to disclose our nuclear position and stimulate the Russians to develop the same thing much more rapidly than they would have if we had not dropped the bomb."
It's a lie that the Russians wouldn't have developed the atom bomb without Hiroxima and Nagasaki.

They had several spies inside Proj. Manhattan, including top scientists. They would've developed it anyway, the USA just didn't know that.

Really, I've studied the subject a lot. Dropping the bomb was, in the end, the right thing to do. (is no one even caring about the Balck Dragons, they are one of the main reasons I support the atom bombings)
bliink said:
sounds like its time for a.....commando mission! :D

Pff, I go commando all the time :|

Oh wait..Not that commando :o

...elite Yale University society...

Judging by what a lot of people on this site say...I'm expected to believe George W Bush is part of this?
CptStern: Eisenhower wasn't the only person at the time trying to decide whether to go through with it. That he had misgivings is a great sign of his character, since no true leader wouldn't. In the end the argument for the bomb was obviously enough to bring around those most responsible for the decision (Eisenhower included), albeit oftern with great reluctance.
I do myself believe that history has vindicated their decision, especially since that has remained the only instances of a nuclear weapon ever being used.
I would so take a bag of dog shit, set it on fie and set it on the skull and bones doorstep.

then dissapear.
nw909 said:
I would so take a bag of dog shit, set it on fie and set it on the skull and bones doorstep.

then dissapear.

oh you'd disappear all right ...probably not the way you intended thou
hmmm I dont think you'd be killed ...maybe just be de-programmed might just show up at a later date to be the government patsy when they assasinate some world leader

"news item: nw909 assasinates Canadian Prime Minister, says he doesnt remember anything"
I do not understand how the PNAC is considered such a bad thing by you people.

It is right, and it needs to be done.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I do not understand how the PNAC is considered such a bad thing by you people.

It is right, and it needs to be done.

what needs to be done? the US needs to rule the world according to their own needs? please ...there are only 250 million of you out of a possible 6 billion
CptStern said:
what needs to be done? the US needs to rule the world according to their own needs? please ...there are only 250 million of you out of a possible 6 billion

I don't know what the **** the PNAC is but if the US ruled the world I would kill myself.
US will never rule the world, don't worry about it (no offense meant)! Its just that after the Soviet Union fell the "power" scale became unbalanced. Thats why americans are now so cocky! If you look back, there has always been a super power which used to bully around the rest, lets see: the Egyptians (remember Mozes & company); the greeks (the colonizations, which lead to many wars-sicily, northen Balkan, the Egean and eastern Mediteranian shores); the Romans (ok, no comment), Constantinople (eastern Europe, western Russia, middle east-well, not for long); Holy German empire (pretty much the rest of europe), then came Spain and Portugal with the great colonizations ( mainly southern and middle America); England and France (they pretty much ruled the world like US today); then the Germans again (Bismarck-before WW1, they had the last world everywhere-ok, atleast in Europe); then surprisingly again the Germans (Hitler, every one feared germany then); then was the cold war (I belive that Russia didn't have a fair fight- before WW1 Russia still had feudalisem-despotizem, compared with America which was one of the powerfulest industrial nations); "so here we are";---speculation---; US will lose its power in aprox. 30-50 years from now, Europe or China will take its place; then Africa (when they solve the ****ed up situation); then Russia again; and then...i'm tired of writing all this bullshit...---that is, if US doesn't nuke the world into oblivion in the next 30 years, hehe

Hehe, as you can see I'm getting ready for school!

Ok, the point is that US will never rule the world beyond what is today! As you can see above there was always somebody to have a big influence on the world! So just sit down and watch US fall to the ground (no offense ment...again)! Personaly I have big hopes for EU, not because I'm european thats because Europe has seen so many ****ed up events, so much blood has been spiled on this land over its 2500 year history, that something good must come out of it! Ok, this might sound funny but I'd gladly give my life if Europe was being invaded by some other force! Can't wait the day till we're all united! I'm no racist/nazi nor a hippie, I just can't see why we have to kill each other, for a barrel of oil (today that is)! Ok, maybe it's in our genes, who knows!

No wonder that i've taken history and sociology for my main subjects, hehe!

And please don't vote for Bush again! :thumbs:

Peace! :cheers: