Slomotion HL2 - how?


Jun 6, 2003
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This is what I got so far:

Im looking to do the whole slowmotion at the end of HL2 idea.

there are two ways of doing slomo - "host_timescale" and "phys_timescale "

I abandoned the use of "host_timescale #" becasue it will slow everything down - even voice and sequences that I want to play over/in a slow motion scene in real time.

SO I had to use "phys_timescale #" instead.

BUT I still wanted a npc caught up in an explosion and then frozen in mid air.

Unfortunately, source deosn't treat dead npc's as physical objects, so they will quiet happily travel at normal speeds when thrown by an explosion no matter what the physics timescale is.

The only way I could think of getting over this was, a split second before the explosion, kill the npc and spawn a ragdoll in the same place (probably glossing over the actuall moment of transition with a little white fade out)

HOWEVER when you put an npc and ragdoll next to each other in an explosion the npc will die and fly miles and the ragdoll will just fall over.

The only thing that will make ragdolls fly up into the air in a cool way is if you reduce the gravity which sucks because the player will beable to jump really far and dmbstuff.

SO is there a way (entity or console command) to reduce the mass of a ragdoll, or get source to simulate dead npc's as physical objects or otherwise achieve what i'm trying to do?

Incidently, heres the basic example map using host_timescale 8 times to get a "grinding to a halt" effect.

As I said I have now abandoned this in favour of a phys_timescale effect I am working on, but you might find it interesting.

Also it still looks v. cool

Change txt to vmf
okay basically I have it worked out that I need a way of throwing ragdolls further than the physics currently does by itself

as you can see the ragdoll equivilent of the npc has some sort of limit on it's motion or somthing and just won't fly in the cool way that the dead npc does!
I'm not quite clear on why you do not want to use host_timescale. However, from your original post I managed to gather that you are having problems with the audio being in slow motion. I would personally find it strange if I was playing something in slow motion and the sounds were all played back to me in normal time. However, if you are trying to create a sort of effect with the G-Man talking to Gordon while Gordon is in slow motion (I know, strange example) then you could speed the sound file up with an audio editing program so that when it is played back in your map in slow motion the two factors negate each other and you're left with a normal sounding audio file. However, if you are looking to do this with all game sounds such as explosions and such then you would have a lot of sounds to edit.

Anyways, if you could elaborate on why you have chosen not to use host_timescale it would be easier to help you out. As of now I am only gathering that you do not like how the audio is produced but you also mentioned sequences not being displayed to your liking as well.
in adition to the audio being slow, I would like the non slowed characters (i.e. the g-man and the player ) to conduct his animations/ and activities in realtime.

Basically, I have the setup planned out, I simply need a way of creating and throwinga ragdoll from a trigger.