Slow Heavy Metal songs


Jan 7, 2006
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how many slow, melodic heavy metal songs do some of you have or could name... Nothing like tool though i have all of their songs and have a new taste for Slow songs. GOGOGO!
oh yes, i love this type of music but i am too nooby in this genre. id really like some suggestions too. ..i really dunno

Incubus is not metal at all, let alone Coldplay.

I've no idea though. I don't listen to metal, as I find most of it is just people growling or constantly showing off their voices into the mics while the bassist does nothing, the guitarist plays scales really fast, and the drummer goes haywire on his double-kick.
ah yes metallica, have their slow melodic songs...tired of them, are there any orher bands at all that have that slow type of music in their songs?
Dream Theater;

Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
A Change of Seasons
The Ministry of Lost Souls

Stigmata said:
I've no idea though. I don't listen to metal, as I find most of it is just people growling or constantly showing off their voices into the mics while the bassist does nothing, the guitarist plays scales really fast, and the drummer goes haywire on his double-kick.

*throws up*

I hate bands like that. I know someone who listens to them all the time and he isn't exactly cool but he thinks he is because he wears striped-gloves, black clothes and make-up.
I also hate bands like that, the sort of 'lets hit our instruments really hard' and then you have the lead guitarist who will play riffs on the bass notes and put in these ridiculous sqeals, then you have the lead singer shouting something you can't even understand so what is the point of singing 'lyrics', the lyrics might as well be ';kjsdbgsdhbglihsdgvf;sdbfsdiufhsdkhfbsldkjfgsdfjds'.
It's not that slow, but Alice in Chains - Head Creeps. That's all I can think of right now.
I don't know if its what you're looking for, but alot of Grunge can be classified as slow, dissonant metal.
I also hate how almost every metal band has a retardedly generic name that ALWAYS relates to death, mythology, or how metal they are (looking at you Metallica), and how almost all the songs are about death, mythology, and how metal they are.

Though come to think of it, there are always exceptions, so I'll give a listen to the bands that have been listed so far.
Try Mudhoney - Sweet Young Thing Ain't Sweet No More. More heavy rock than metal.
Check out Down, specifically the track 'New Orleans is a Dying Whore', has such a phat riff and it's a relatively slow song.
Just about everything by Candlemass...lots of Doom Metal is slow and, frankly, a snoozefest to me for the mostpart.
I've no idea though. I don't listen to metal, as I find most of it is just people growling or constantly showing off their voices into the mics while the bassist does nothing, the guitarist plays scales really fast, and the drummer goes haywire on his double-kick.

I also hate how almost every metal band has a retardedly generic name that ALWAYS relates to death, mythology, or how metal they are (looking at you Metallica), and how almost all the songs are about death, mythology, and how metal they are.

Generalizations FTW

There's plenty of metal bands that don't have any of those characteristics, if you actually bothered to look for them.
Why not name some then?

I hate metal too, but if there's some out there that isn't shit I'd gladly listen to it
Why not name some then?

I hate metal too, but if there's some out there that isn't shit I'd gladly listen to it

Pretty much any melodic metal, except for some overly-cheesy power metal or some overly-virtuosic prog metal. But hey, if you hate metal, then you hate metal.
Generalizations FTW

There's plenty of metal bands that don't have any of those characteristics, if you actually bothered to look for them.
His second point is somewhat valid, I've seen hundreds of metal bands with song titles with the word 'Requiem' or lyrics containing the word 'Descending'.
Listen to Octavarium (song) nubs! The live version off Score. ;)
Pretty much any melodic metal, except for some overly-cheesy power metal or some overly-virtuosic prog metal. But hey, if you hate metal, then you hate metal.
Please name some bands then.

Also, while there might be two hundred metal bands that aren't like what I generalized metal to be, that's maybe 1% of all metal bands, and 1% is kind of hard to weed out from 100% :p

[edit] And I DID use the words "most" and "almost always", so it wasn't a generalisation :D
Please name some bands then.

You probably won't like any metal bands I list because it's obvious you don't want to like metal.

Devin Townsend, Angra, Agalloch, (some) Dream Theater, Opeth, Orphaned Land, Pain of Salvation, etc. I just recently got into metal, so there's countless other bands that I can't really speak for..

Also, while there might be two hundred metal bands that aren't like what I generalized metal to be, that's maybe 1% of all metal bands, and 1% is kind of hard to weed out from 100% :p

[edit] And I DID use the words "most" and "almost always", so it wasn't a generalisation :D

Yeah, you really don't have a clue... :p
Keane is right. Even if there were a metal band that played a song you liked, you still would still be repelled by it as it would be labeled as metal.

And to anyone about to suggest that Dragonforce is a power metal band, go rethink your life.
I also hate how almost every metal band has a retardedly generic name that ALWAYS relates to death, mythology, or how metal they are (looking at you Metallica), and how almost all the songs are about death, mythology, and how metal they are.

Though come to think of it, there are always exceptions, so I'll give a listen to the bands that have been listed so far.
Danzig - Mother

Type O Negative - Black No 1 (it is about darkness etc etc, but it's tongue in cheek lyrics,as the lead singer is a funny guy).

Metallica - Welcome home (Sanitarium)

Heavy Metal Darkness - Pain Pain Pain

I'm not into the whole Finnish kind of metal so they don't really have that cheesy names.

If you hate every one of these songs then you have bad taste in music.
Generalisations FTL. It's kind of tiresome to see the same poorly reseached tripe coughed up every time someone mentions metal. One guy will waddle along and start off with a criticism to the tune of 'YOU CAN'T HEAR THE WORdS...!!', sounding like someone's grandmother. Then someone else will put up the 'it's just noise!' argument, as if they're accusing all metal of being free improv - sometimes this person will go to the effort of breaking it down on a per-instrument level, and tell us how each component of the music is 'just noise'.

So the natural response is 'no it's not, Here are some bands that are obviously astoundingly technically talented: *list*'.

Which prompts the naysayers to start hooting 'LOL music isn't all about technical ability!' Make up your minds... There is great both great technicality and great songwriting to be found within metal. Some bands have both, some bands have one or the other, some bands possess neither, (just as in any other genre you care to mention). However if you're going to moan about growled vocals and how you can't hear the words, or if you somehow think that a frenetic drumming performance is a minus, or if you don't like having to invest emotionally in the music; basically if you WANT to dislike metal, then you'll never agree, so screw it.


Keane said:
MutantBeef said:
And to anyone about to suggest that Dragonforce is a power metal band, go rethink your life.
They are power metal. Just not very good power metal.
Rethink yours, beef, of course they're power metal.
Martin Grech; Holy Father Inferior, I Am Chromosome of Worldly Divine, all from the album Unholy. Also Dali from his debut, Open Heart Zoo. It has a fantastic riff. Those tracks are some of the best and most underrated indulgences into the metal/heavyish style that I've known. He has, however, since moved into gentlerm, folky regions for his latest album. He's very versatile and brilliant.

Online audio is quite hard to find now, and there's not much of him on YouTube. I'll upload some stuff if anybody wants to listen to the songs I mentioned, and can't find them.
Dragonforce are so talentless it's unbelievable. To me, a lot of their songs seem to have the same double-bass drum beat hammering away constantly and guitar solos which lack any emotions that I can connect to.

Watch a live video of them. *throws-up*
Dragonforce are so talentless it's unbelievable. To me, a lot of their songs seem to have the same double-bass drum beat hammering away constantly and guitar solos which lack any emotions that I can connect to.

Watch a live video of them. *throws-up*
They aren't serious business or about emotive song writing, I thought it was obvious with the way Herman Li incorporates video game sounds into his guitar solos.

They are a laugh live though, especially with their 'Slow' circle pits :D
I'm aware that they aren't too serious but a lot of their fans are all "GO CRY SOME MORE AND LISTEN TO EMO".

Generalising again. :P
Dark Tranquility - The Gallery, Mine is the Grandeur...

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death , Worth Fighting For.

Iron Maiden - Dance of Death , Ghost of the Navigator, Brave New World , Blood Brothers, Hallowed be thy Name .

Manowar ( yah ! \m/) - Swords in the Wind , Warriors of the World.

Tyr - Regin Smi?ur, The Edge.

And TONS of ****ing more , you people are stupid.

And if you want melodic and not slow,just every Melodeath\Power\Heavy\Folk metal bands.
For the most part they aren't metal, but some Porcupine Tree songs can be described as such. But they're all around a great band.

Pain of Salvation is good too. Yes, the name fits the stereotypical metal band name, but their music is quite unique.

Also: cheesy power metal ftmfw. Stratovarius and Kamelot are aweshens.
Yeah, I like cheesy power metal bands, just not DragonForce, they are way too overrated and are really lacking in every aspect. They speed up their solos in studio, and that MTV video was doctored to hell.

If you guys want to know an insane power metal band, check out Magistral. They play mostly in Houston, which is where I heard about them.

I also like Stratovarius, Rhapsody of Fire, Kamelot, Blind Guardian, and Pyramaze.
how many slow, melodic heavy metal songs do some of you have or could name... Nothing like tool though i have all of their songs and have a new taste for Slow songs. GOGOGO!

Melvins - Charmicarmicat

A 16 year old song which is hands down the slowest heaviest song ever recorded, 15 minutes of pure sludge (no screaming either)! You have to hear it to believe it.

Listen to the 30 second sample; this is before the main heavier riff comes in.
nice suggestion guys, been listening too most of them are really great. more suggestions would be really great too :)
That Type O Negative song on page 2 is the only thing I somewhat liked so far.
Dragonforce are so talentless it's unbelievable. To me, a lot of their songs seem to have the same double-bass drum beat hammering away constantly and guitar solos which lack any emotions that I can connect to.

Watch a live video of them. *throws-up*

I did... they were all voice overs. :| I still throwed up of course.
Dragonforce are so talentless it's unbelievable. To me, a lot of their songs seem to have the same double-bass drum beat hammering away constantly and guitar solos which lack any emotions that I can connect to.

Watch a live video of them. *throws-up*

Cant agree more. At a bar one night I was telling a mate about the technical and passionate genious of Hendrix, and how his solos are amazing. He starts coming in with, 'well if you want fast solos, look at Dragonforce'. Why Dragonforce was even brought into comparison with Hendrix? Yeah I can see they do have talent for actually pulling off solos like that, but in terms of substance, its a plain zero.
I think this video is appropriate.
