Slow Motion in HL2!

How do you make a cfg file? I'd like to make something like that, but with a few tweaks...
JNightshade said:
How do you make a cfg file? I'd like to make something like that, but with a few tweaks...
Go to C:\Program Files\Games\Valve\SteamApps\"username"\half-life 2\hl2\cfg and in that folder create a new file in notepad, enter all of the tweaks you want (I personally slow down the player walkspeed useing "hl2_walkspeed 90" as well as "cl_ragdoll_collide" to make ragdolls colldie with other objects) when you are done, click SAVE AS and on the bottom where it says SAVE AS TYPE scroll down to all types, then name your file autoexec.cfg and it should work.

note that if you don't change SAVE AS TYPE it will save your file with the name autoexec.cfg but still make a .txt file. This can be frustrating but do what I said above and it should work.
Dr. A said:
i dun think so cos bullets flights paths are not rendered in source, they're instant-hits or sumthin...damn it, i dun know all the proper terms :rolling:

but the crossbow, grenade, bugbait and rocket should be slowed down :bounce:

This idea was taken from my thread on binding, as for the bullets I am not sure. They seem slower, but it may be because everything else so slowed down you can actually turn quickly and look at them. I will try on 0.1 and test that. One thing you will note that the Combine never seem to get a good shot at you... how innaccurate they are really is pronounced. Valve should make a "Super Hard" mode where the Combine are like the Combine Snipers--head shots and lethal. I am sure those who wanted a harder game would be happy :) Not complaining because I prefer 10-on-1 odds, but for those who think the AI is bad or too easy a super hard mode would make them happy :)
This is awesome, nice find!
I've gotta go back and play Ravenholm now!
Delerion said:
i made a small "mod" actually just a cfg file, by pressing "b" key it goes into "matrix" mode , which means dropping host_timescale to 0.1 and additionally adjusting physics' pushscale so shooting anything with physics will make the object fly much farther, this works on enemies also. (note. you must press b and keep it down for the time you want the effect to last)

sorry for the confusing readme, i wrote it fastly.

Get it from here

Can you just paste your code here? Sorry, you only have 2 posts and it is a zip... I would think the console commands in a txt file would be very small.

Thanks :)


Yeah, that would be great! I was thinking even in multiplayer giving players a small reserve (like 5-10 seconds per round) would be so kewl... so if you are doing something dangerous you could slow it down for a short period of time to get the initial upper hand... everyone would slow down but you would be the one initiating it for a purpose. I think that would be so cool! Then add the Matrix sound and maybe make it have a blend effect where it slows down over 1 second and speeds up over 1 seconds so it is not instantanuous.
Acert93 said:
This idea was taken from my thread on binding, as for the bullets I am not sure. They seem slower, but it may be because everything else so slowed down you can actually turn quickly and look at them. I will try on 0.1 and test that.
I apologize, it was take from your thread, but... as it was just a side note in there with a lot of other good stuff, I wanted to make a new thread that more people would see. Everyone should really give the credit of this find to Acert93, and not me. (and probably neither of us!)
Acert93 said:
One thing you will note that the Combine never seem to get a good shot at you... how innaccurate they are really is pronounced. Valve should make a "Super Hard" mode where the Combine are like the Combine Snipers--head shots and lethal. I am sure those who wanted a harder game would be happy :) Not complaining because I prefer 10-on-1 odds, but for those who think the AI is bad or too easy a super hard mode would make them happy :)
I think the game is way to easy. I loved every bit of it, but had no difficulty beating it at all... I have a thread going right now talking about this here , I am trying to find a ways of increasing the games difficulty, and help is needed.
Here is my new guide to making slow motion in HL2, many thanks to jacen and guchi for his help/input on making it a gradual change:

1.) goto the C:\Program Files\Games\Valve\SteamApps\"username"\half-life 2\hl2\cfg and in that folder create notepad file*
2.) copy this code into that file:**
sv_cheats 1
alias "wait15" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
bind ALT "host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .3"
bind v "host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale 1"
3.) Now, when you are in HL2 pressing ALT will gradually slow down time, and pressing V will gradually bring time back to normal.

*You can place other lines of code that you want to be executed everytime you enter HL2, such as "cl_ragdoll_collide" (turns on ragdoll collisions, something that I think should have been on in the first place) or decreasing Gordon's walkspeed "hl2_walkspeed 90" or whatever else.

**Note that the code I posted is definetly not set in stone. Here is a explanation of what that code you just copied did:

sv_cheats 1 this is needed to allow the console to change the variable "host_timescale", as it is not enabled by default

alias "wait15" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" this creates a function called "wait15" which will create a 15frame pause before it performs the next function, note here that people with higher framerates will have less of a pause before it continues to the next command, and that people with lower framerates will have longer pauses. (you can see your frame rate by typing "cl_showfps 2" in the console, and for those of you who don't know, the console is open by pressing the "~" key, after you have enabled it, you enable it by going to Options>Keyboard>Advanced off the main HL2 menu)

bind ALT "host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .3" Bind "key" "lines-of-code" tells your computer to execute whatever code you have in parenthesis when you press the designated "key" (in this case ALT) host_timescale "#variable" this variable controls the what timescale is used in the HL2 world, 1 is the default setting, below 1 is slower (ie. .3) and above one is faster. As you can see the effect is when you press ALT, or whatever other key you want, the computer will slow down time a little, wait 15 frames, slow down time a little more, wait 15 frames etc...

The last line of code does exactly the opposite of line 3, bringing the timescale back up to 1 gradually

As you can see, there is much room for tweaking; you could make the change more gradual by changeing "host_timescale" smaller increments, you can change "wait15" to fewer or more frames by deleting or adding "wait;"s to the second line of code. You could also make a function that would slowly slow down time, and then speed it up again, or any endless number of other things.
a few things
someone mentioned that he would like it to have on one button/key to shut it on or of. here is how to do that:

alias "slowdown" "host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .3; bind alt speedup"
alias "speedup"host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale 1; bind alt slowdown"
bind "alt" "slowdown"

i hope you get the idea behind it (its called pipeswitch .. from the ol days of ut1 and hl1 :) )
I have to say that this is the most fun console command ever. It beats sv_airaccelerate -15 by far.

Here's a neato thing to do. Find a big open map. Set cheats on. Do host_timescale .4 and noclip on. Find a convenient place at the far end of an open place. Get an RPG and fire, then follow it with noclip. You can follow right behind the rocket and guide it like a cruise missile. With this I was able to get the rocket to fly a very complicated course. Great for moviemaking.

I find something funny though. With the time slowed down, it's much harder to stick people to walls with the crossbow. Dunno why this is, but I tried it out in the trainstation and tried shooting the combine with the crossbow. Normally these guys stick to the walls, but now they dont. Oh, and the dialogue is still normal speed, but I didnt expect it to be slowed down at all.

Overall, very fun to play with. Especially explosions and lots of items to throw around.
jacen said:
a few things
someone mentioned that he would like it to have on one button/key to shut it on or of. here is how to do that:

alias "slowdown" "host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .3; bind alt speedup"
alias "speedup"host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale 1; bind alt slowdown"
bind "alt" "slowdown"

I hope you get the idea behind it (its called pipeswitch .. from the ol days of ut1 and hl1 :) )

very nice! I am not a clever guy, and wouldn't have thought to do that on my own.
now the only thing missing is the muffling...

imagine slowing down time gradually, and the sound gets more muffled as the time slows down!
the source engine dosnt seem to know what "wait15" is =\

edit: oooooh nm
guchi said:
the source engine dosnt seem to know what "wait15" is =\
jacen said:
i suggest that you make alisases to block togehter waits and then execute them
alias "wait10" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"

and then execute them by just
"host_timescale 1; wait10; host_timescale 0.9; wait10; host_timescale 0.8; ... "
this was written on page 2
also this example is incooperated in the scriptcode on page 4 in the 2nd post.

please read the topics you reply in :(
This would be fantastic if it slowed down sound aswell. Ah well...
BigGoose2006 said:
You can change the games timescale by following these steps:

1.) Make sure that your console is unlocked. In HL2 you need to enable the console by going to Options>Keyboard>Advanced and pressing "enable user's console"
2.) Press the tilda "~" key to open the console and type in "sv_cheats 1" and press enter
3.) type: bind v "host_timescale .4" and press enter
4.) type: bind b "host_timescale 1" and press enter

Now when you are in the game pressing the "v" key will slow down time, and pressing "b" will return it to normal.

Note that you can bind any keys you like, just substitute them into steps 3 and 4 above, also note that "host_timescale 1" is normal, above is faster, and below one is slower, so go ahead and experiment, have a good time.

I read this in a console command thread, and tried it out, and thought that it was so much fun that it deserved a thread of its own. Its great for taking movies and screenshots, as well as a lot of fun to mess around. Post stupid things you do with this, screens, and any ideas/thoughts on the topic.

If anyone could post how to set up Half-Life 2 to execute several lines of console commands upon entering the game it would be greatly appreciated.

you sir, KICK ASS!
BigGoose2006 said:
I apologize, it was take from your thread, but... as it was just a side note in there with a lot of other good stuff, I wanted to make a new thread that more people would see. Everyone should really give the credit of this find to Acert93, and not me. (and probably neither of us!)

Not a problem.

Btw, when I slowed the game down to host_timescale 0.05 the bullets ARE SLOWED DOWN. You can dodge them :)

I am thinking of making a "Console Command Guide" and a sample userconfig.cfg file so more people can try this stuff out. I just had a huge war of Combine vs. Citizens. I had 2 striders and a combine gunship running around plus ant lions... it was very kewl. I have fraps and was thinking of doing a video :)
Acert93 said:
Not a problem.

Btw, when I slowed the game down to host_timescale 0.05 the bullets ARE SLOWED DOWN. You can dodge them :)

I am thinking of making a "Console Command Guide" and a sample userconfig.cfg file so more people can try this stuff out. I just had a huge war of Combine vs. Citizens. I had 2 striders and a combine gunship running around plus ant lions... it was very kewl. I have fraps and was thinking of doing a video :)
I am working on a guide to hl2, but I haven't started yet, we could do a dual author sort of deal.... the guide I am working on isn't so much a walkthrough as it is a guide to let the casual (or intense) gamer get more out of HL2, partly by useing console commands such as this one, but also by having lists of hidden areas, interesting strategies, listings of the g-man sitings etc. and all of this done in a well-formatted HTML/CSS guide, unlike many of the text only guides I see out there. Just a thought, I understand if you would like to write your own guide.
Man this is awesome. timescale 0.1 plus zoomed crossbow is the ownage :) I've been playing like this for hours now. Now IRL moves slowly too kinda :E I'm practically typing in slowmotion. This is weird. I hope someone fixes the audio for this too so it gets muffled. Can't be that hard ;)
guchi said:
now the only thing missing is the muffling...

imagine slowing down time gradually, and the sound gets more muffled as the time slows down!

You could make a command in the console to do the effect the grenades have when they explode close to you.
Alec_85 said:
I hope someone fixes the audio for this too so it gets muffled. Can't be that hard ;)
without the sdk its pretty impossible
you will hav to write a shader that gradually decreases audio sample speed .. i know little about audio, so i cant tell you specifics.
Here is a copy of my new autoexec.cfg file: we were able to bind activating and deactivating slow motion to the same key:
sv_cheats 1
bind ALT "slowdown"
alias "wait15" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "slowdown" "host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .3; bind ALT "speedup
alias "speedup" "host_timescale .4; wait15; host_timescale .5; wait15; host_timescale .6; wait15; host_timescale .7; wait15; host_timescale .8; wait15; host_timescale .9; wait15; host_timescale 1; bind ALT "slowdown
there is an error in the last posted code

in the
bind ALT "slowdown
should go there
bind alt slowdown"
since its closing the commandchain.
you dont need to use " in alias chains if u want to rebind keys
obsidian said:
a matrix mod on source would rock so hard, it would blow enter the matrix out of the water.

If any of you remember there was a HL1 mod called The Specialists, which did exactly just this, and it had the best graphics of any other HL1 game, and you could see the bullets flight path and trails in slo-mo, if it is capable with HL1 engine it should certainly be able with Source, and even better,
Does anyone know if there is a way to make the world's time slow down, while Gordon stays the same speed?
Great !
Thanks for that !

I was searching for this command.
I already use that trick with other engines.

With all Id software engine it's timescale 1.0 and with Unreal engine it's slomo 1.0.

Tantalus said:
Does anyone know if there is a way to make the world's time slow down, while Gordon stays the same speed?
you have to speed up gordon with
adjust the friction with
and the gravity with
jacen said:
you have to speed up gordon with
adjust the friction with
and the gravity with

Why would you have to change gravity or friction? Going into slow motion shouldn't make Gordon jumb higher... the main problems are dealing with the player's movement speed, as well as the gun's relaod, response, and shooting speeds. I believe that movement speed wouldn't be too difficult to do using hl2_normwalkspeed, hl2_normrunspeed, ... but reload times I am not sure could be done without the SDK.

As far as bullets in slow motion, you can't see them if they hit you for most of the guns, ie. the glock, but if they miss you can sometimes see them, change host_timescale to .005 and bullets float by VERY slowly, but if the enemy hits you, the detection is instant.

Sound will have to be done with the SDK.

I am now trying to set slow motion up so that the player loses 1 health/second when it is activated, so it can be used playing through HL2, without it being flat out cheating. Post what you think about this idea.

I am also attempting to make the HUD show some sort of Icon when you are in slow mode, and remove it when you turn it off. This might not be possible with just the console, if anyone knows a way to do this post it up please.
I am also working on some more cool slowmo possibilities (like what do do with sounds). I was just wondering - is the "wait" command the only method we have to put a delay through console? An actual time delay command would really beat a delay based on framerate.
BigGoose2006 said:
Why would you have to change gravity or friction? Going into slow motion shouldn't make Gordon jumb higher...
but he will fall slower
gravity = distance/time²
so you see that time does matter :)
BigGoose2006 said:
I am also attempting to make the HUD show some sort of Icon when you are in slow mode, and remove it when you turn it off. This might not be possible with just the console, if anyone knows a way to do this post it up please.
cant do that without the sdk
creating/introducing a own icon or even use an unused one for another purpose isnt possible only with the console
jacen said:
you have to speed up gordon with
adjust the friction with
and the gravity with

i tried all of these, and it didnt seem to work...
are there any other possibilities?
jacen said:
but he will fall slower
gravity = distance/time²
so you see that time does matter :)

Yes, gravity is acceleration, which is m/s/s or distance/time/time when a person jumps he is pushing himself into the air, gravity defines how quickly he will fall back down, -9.81 m/s/s. So yes, time is related to gravity, but the ratio of velocity to time is going to be the same if the time scale is changed, namely with a slower timescale you will still jump the same height, you will just complete it in more time. So you are correct when you say he will fall slower, but I stand by what I said, gravity should not be changed, changeing it will change the height of your jump, which would change how the game is played considerably.
Ok here is my version of the mod thing, feel free to edit it or play around with it all you like. Here are the contents of the two config files:

alias "fovslowdown" "fov 76; wait; fov 77; wait; fov 78; wait; fov 79; wait; fov 80; wait; fov 81; wait; fov 82; wait; fov 83; wait; fov 84; wait; fov 85; wait; fov 86; wait; fov 87; wait; fov 88; wait; fov 89; wait; fov 90"
alias "fovspeedup" "fov 89; wait; fov 88; wait; fov 87; wait; fov 86; wait; fov 85; wait; fov 84; wait; fov 83; wait; fov 82; wait; fov 81; wait; fov 80; wait; fov 79; wait; fov 78; wait; fov 77; wait; fov 76; wait; fov 75"
alias "timeslowdown" "host_timescale .95; wait; host_timescale .9; wait; host_timescale .85; wait; host_timescale .8; wait; host_timescale .75; wait; host_timescale .7; wait; host_timescale .65; wait; host_timescale .6; wait; host_timescale .55; wait; host_timescale .5 wait; host_timescale .45; wait; host_timescale .4"
alias "timespeedup" "host_timescale .45; wait; host_timescale .5; wait; host_timescale .55; wait; host_timescale .6; wait; host_timescale .65; wait; host_timescale .7; wait; host_timescale .75; wait; host_timescale .8; wait; host_timescale .85; wait; host_timescale .9; wait; host_timescale .95; wait; host_timescale 1"

sv_cheats 1
fog_start -200
fog_startskybox -200
fog_end 2000
fog_endskybox 2000
fog_color 255 150 0
fog_colorskybox 255 150 0
fog_enable 1
fog_enableskybox 1

play slowdown.wav
fog_override 1
sv_gravity 250
sv_infinite_aux_power 1
bind x "exec matrixoff.cfg"

play speedup.wav
fog_override 0
sv_gravity 600
sv_infinite_aux_power 0
bind x "exec matrixon.cfg"

Some of the ideas came from this thread obviously and some came from my head :) Instructions in the readme.
There is a reason PC games are better than consoles, even beyond the simple fact that console hardware is always outdated quickly.

You can do so much with computers.

Replayability is much easier to come by in a game when people can come up with stuff like the matrix mod in the previous post.

Nice job zul, that is a neat little... uh mod or hak or whatever the proper term is. I must say, however that the sound you added can get rather annoying and I would suggest using a different .wav file, notwithstanding that it is still pretty cool.
BigGoose2006 said:
Nice job zul, that is a neat little... uh mod or hak or whatever the proper term is. I must say, however that the sound you added can get rather annoying and I would suggest using a different .wav file, notwithstanding that it is still pretty cool.
lol, yeah the sound was just a quick edit of a sound i found in one of the HL2 gcf's, if someone finds better slowdown/speedup sounds please post them for everyone to use. (you can always remove the sounds completely from the sound folder if you dont want any sound)

And of course if you dont like the fog/fov effects you can change/remove them, infact i'd love to see what kind of fog effects other people can come up with.
good job on the matrix hak, i really like it
right now im messing with the fog and fov, ill tell u if i get anything good.
Acert93 said:
I am thinking of making a "Console Command Guide" and a sample userconfig.cfg file so more people can try this stuff out.

BigGoose2006 said:
I am working on a guide to hl2, but I haven't started yet, ... all of this done in a well-formatted HTML/CSS guide, unlike many of the text only guides I see out there. Just a thought, I understand if you would like to write your own guide.

Acerrt93 and BigGoose2006,
Just reading those posts. You mentioned considering making a console commands guide for HL2. Please please do it. I used to rely on a great one for TFC and HL on, and half life engineering, and while I didnt find those until months after HL was out, I feel lost without something. There is great stuff showing up in this forum and even steampowered forums, but it is disorganized (and steam search is turned off :-( ) so if you can organize it, cool. I can help type, do some html , maybe develop a style sheet (RoboHelp has a great CSS editor as an aside) , edit, fact check, test, or even find a free website to host it . Anyway, I'd help you if you seriously take up the challenge.

Good luck.
meh138, [email protected]
http://thegrabbag. tripod . com
meh138 said:
Acerrt93 and BigGoose2006,
Just reading those posts. You mentioned considering making a console commands guide for HL2. Please please do it. I used to rely on a great one for TFC and HL on, and half life engineering, and while I didnt find those until months after HL was out, I feel lost without something. There is great stuff showing up in this forum and even steampowered forums, but it is disorganized (and steam search is turned off :-( ) so if you can organize it, cool. I can help type, do some html , maybe develop a style sheet (RoboHelp has a great CSS editor as an aside) , edit, fact check, test, or even find a free website to host it . Anyway, I'd help you if you seriously take up the challenge.

Good luck.
meh138, [email protected]
http://thegrabbag. tripod . com
Thanks, it is always nice to have encouragement. Currently I am working on a .cfg file to increase the difficulty of hl2 (see here) but when I finish that I will start writing a console command guide, it wouldn't be a full guide like I had thought about doing for a while (I think you are refering to a thread I had going) but just a short console command guide that would go over some neat ideas people have thrown out there, common commands, lots of code to be put into .cfg's doing all sorts of things... you know. Once christmas is over I will have to start focusing 100% on school and track season is coming up as well, but in the mean time I will have quite a bit o free time to spend on projects like this. I'll contact you in a couple of days and tell you whats going on with the guide and we'll see what we can work out.