Small console font


Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Any clue as to why it's like this? I remember playing before and it was bigger. I just went in one day and it was like this.:frown:
It's normally like that for me. This happens if you change your direct X level to 9, or if you change screen resolution.
Woah that is small :eek:

Normally it's a bit bigger.
Have you tried changing to a lower resolution?
Hrm good point I'll give it a try. It's on 1024x768 right now.
If you've got an 800x600 monitor and are running it on 1024x768 resolution than thats the problem :P
Look what I found :O

To apply it to HL2DM is simple.
I included a practical ClientScheme.res (zipped) that you have to put in your hl2mp/resource folder. I think I changed the right things :p (I only touched fonts, although you can change border colours and hud colours and all that too.)
You can change it yourself if you want, just rename it to .txt or just open it in wordpad.


Ennui said:
If you've got an 800x600 monitor and are running it on 1024x768 resolution than thats the problem :P

lol does that even make sense to you????
giant384 said:
lol does that even make sense to you????
Monitors can only go to a certain resolution. Mine can't reach 1600X1200.

15' (that's inch, right? :p) monitors can only reach 1024X768, I think. Although I'm not certain.
Beerdude26 said:
Monitors can only go to a certain resolution. Mine can't reach 1600X1200.

15' (that's inch, right? :p) monitors can only reach 1024X768, I think. Although I'm not certain.

lol i know taht but u just asked him if he were running 1024x768 on a 800x600 montior which cant even be done
Thanks very much beerdude for the help, glad you want to assist me.

Yes giant, I am aware of that. I think what Ennui meant was if I had my desktop settings to 800x600 then the game at 1024x768.