Small HL2 Article


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Uh, sort of an article, I guess. Then again it's more like an editorial. Anyway, you can find it at (scroll down to the second article), and it's really nothing all that interesting to read (a lot of it is stuff we've been speculating at for awhile), but this little tidbit caught my eye:

Valve, as of today, still says there has been no slippage from the September 30 release date.

The guy wrote this little article yesterday. Wonder if he's just saying that this is the last we've heard regarding the release date, or if he really JUST heard that Valve is still on track for September 30th.

I don't want this to be a release date thread, I just more want it to be just pointing everyone toward a small HL2 article. But, take the information you read as you want.

Sorry if this has been posted a billion times, as tends to happen on internet forums.
v00t!!! Well of course no slippage they haven't said anything. And yes it is interesting
um ya half-life2 will come out on steam but not in stores. i can guarantee you that :afro:

remember spitfire's last comment?
Originally posted by Joneleth
Sorry if this has been posted a billion times, as tends to happen on internet forums.

because people don't use the search function
Oh, yep, it's been posted. My bad. You can close this thread now.