Smelly D&D kids who are not unfairly judged


Sep 13, 2003
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I have a job which involves closing university rooms after they are used by the faculty. I went to one such room to close it, and found a group of kids playing Dungeons and Dragons. The first thing I noticed upon entering is how they absolutely reak of body odor. There were even two girls there, and the room still stunk. I didn't have it in me to kick them out, I had to get the hell out of there.

They're still in the room, and I feel like I should screw with them. Suggestions?
Grab some lysol, walk up to them, and spray them.

Come back and tell us how it goes. That shit'll be hilarious.
I scoured the office for lycol, but could not find any. I need to get off work soon, so perhaps sometime later.

Suggestion: be a ****ing human being and don't judge people.

When one judges people, I always think that a person sees another person, and makes unfound assumptions about said person. In my case, I saw people, I saw them playing D&D, and I could smell that they were very smelly. What I said doesn't seem to be judgement, but a statement of what I observed.
Suggestion: be a ****ing human being and don't judge people.

Don't judge people? One or more of them stinks. I find it offensive when someone stinks so much that they fill the room with their odor, and not just with bad BO, perfumes/cologne can be pretty disgusting too.

Suggestion: Kindly mention somehow that they stink and it would be nice if they did something about their hygiene.
Run in there with a fire extinguisher.

What you do with it is up to you.
It's funny how in fact the majority of people who do play dungeons and dragons reak of B.O. I don't get it, I guess they're too busy "battling" to take a shower.
douse yourself with gasoline light it up and run in there screaming incoherently

failing that just tell them you need to lock up the place and tell them go to the library/public showers
I play D&D, and I smell pretty. :(

Pretty UGLY hhohohohohoho!

Damnit, i ****ed it up.

You should probably douse yourself in gaoline, light it up, and run in there screaming that you need to lock up the place and that they need to go to the library/public showers.
Pretty UGLY hhohohohohoho!
douse yourself with gasoline light it up and run in there screaming incoherently

failing that just tell them you need to lock up the place and tell them go to the library/public showers


"OK kids you're gonna have to wrap it up in here and take the game somewhere else, perhaps the library but preferably the public showers."
Grab some lysol, walk up to them, and spray them.

Come back and tell us how it goes. That shit'll be hilarious.

I like this option the most. It's effective, and at the same time it gives them a clue that they need to take better care of their bodies, without you having to tell them directly.
I'd just grab some Lynx (Cuz it's cheap) stick my arm round and spray, repeatedly.

That or walk in, shout "YOU ****ING STINK!!1", and walk out again.
Grab a few D20's, D8's, D6's, D10's, a D4 and a D3, write up a wicked character and start playing ******!


Not all D&D players smell. I personally have to shower at least twice a day or I feel unclean. I also can't stand being around people who are not clean. Meaning the people I play with are also squeeky clean.


You're not at San Jose University by any chance are you? O_o
Go in there and say: "What the **** is this smell?" Then look at them and pointing fingers at them say you're taking away 50% of both their appearance and charisma points (or w/e there is in D&D).
Suggestion: be a ****ing human being and don't judge people.

Being a human being doesn't involve inviting all the smelly, anti-social freaks you meet to a garden party and singing kum-bay-aah. :x
It's funny how in fact the majority of people who do play dungeons and dragons reak of B.O. I don't get it, I guess they're too busy "battling" to take a shower.

Wrong, roleplayers dont like body odor either and the vast majority of them do not smell. In fact the reason is probubly a geek social fallacy.

Anyway, consider that the reason they smell may very well be an inherited metabolic diseasem and not bad hygiene. How would you feel if people kept spraying stuff at you for something you could do nothing about?
Consider the reason that 90% of the world's population are stupid is because of an inherited stupiditiy gene and not bad educational habits. How would you feel if people kept explaining stuf at you for something you could learn nothing about?

(I'm sorry, i just couldn't pass up the matephor, even if it doesn't work.)
Well when I walk by one of the many "role players" that go to my school and get a sharp piercing pain in my nose thats not a fallacy they just stink really really bad. Perhaps they all just suffer an inherited metabolic disease.

Well, I clocked out for the night at 11 PM (eastern standard time) and now I'm back at work at 8 AM. For a while I thought those guys would still be there, but they weren't. A coworker told me he was in yesterday morning and they were setting up their game at around 7 AM. I guess playing a tabletop game in a stuffy windowless room for 16 hours straight will make you smell pretty rank.

But seriously, 16 hours? Come on.

Also, I go to George Mason University. Does San Jose University have a big D&D subculture or something?
It depends entirely on the game itself, I have participated in games abou 14 hours long. Its not something you plan really, the game is great fun and you kinda lose track of time.
Bleh, table top pen and paper RPGs... never understood the appeal.
So I was in the game room at the uni innocently playing D&D and this guy who works for grounds was snooping around menacingly, sometimes shooting us dirty looks. I'm kind of nervous and I'm not sure how to handle the situation, help!

I played D&D and no one was smelly.
Oh, just read you're all in America. Well yeah that's understandable then.
Check if one of them has green teeth. Its bound to be one of my friends.
you could always just go in there and say you need to close up then take a couple of sniffs with a curious look and ask them if it smells like there might be a dead mouse. but also playing for that long in a windowless stuffy room can make you smell bad. most of the games i play happen at night so I try to shower before I go, but sometimes I cant due to work. we also try to keep the sessions short, about four hours in length, sometimes we get alot done, sometimes we barely get past the first part. it seems to work.
Not sure if this has been mentioned but has anyone noticed the indirect correlation between this thread and this one?

Coincidence? Or DESTINY!?
Anyway, consider that the reason they smell may very well be an inherited metabolic disease and not bad hygiene. How would you feel if people kept spraying stuff at you for something you could do nothing about?

Oh, come on. Are you honestly so intent on preserving political correctness in an online forum that you're suggesting that, thanks to some MASSIVE coincidence, they all have a genetic stinkiness disorder?

Look, I despise stereotyping. I consider it ignorant, misguided, and generally untrue. But there's a difference between stereotyping and fact. If somebody smells, they smell. End of story. Whether you should judge them for it is another thing entirely.

Personally, I choose to treat them with kindness, albeit from across the room.
Lol DandD is mutually exclusive with cool.
Look I don't give a shit if they smell. It's the whole bigoted anti-geek prejudice. It's like, "oh no, look there are some people who enjoy playing dungeons and dragons, ew they have cooties!" It's like a ****ing elementary school playground. If you think they smell, just avoid them. But don't say "oh, there are these DandD people and they're so smelly, oh what should I do internets? How do I go about humiliating and stereotyping them?" Just respect them and their lifestyle and leave them alone.
I have a friend who just has bad BO.

Some freaky girls like it. O.o

If it were me, I would have said "wow someone has some body odor", and waved and left. Try not to be a pansy about such things.
Walk in the room with a stereo while playing the last bit of the 1812 Overture, while setting off fire crackers.
Well Body Odour is natural, Ryuken. It was probably used at some point in our prehistoric past much akin to the pheremones and gender-sensing smells that animals use.
But don't say "oh, there are these DandD people and they're so smelly, oh what should I do internets? How do I go about humiliating and stereotyping them?" Just respect them and their lifestyle and leave them alone.
Being smelly isn't a lifestyle. It's poor hygiene, unless you actively choose to say, "I want to smell bad" and avoid soap and showers like a CR50 dungeon.

If you smell, you're gross. Stop it. I don't care what else you do; you can play D&D (most of my friends and I play D&D), you can LARP, you can put on your robe and wizard hat and grab that broom handle you pretend to be your Rod of Seven Parts, but ffs if you're going to be in the vicinity of other people, especially in a public place like a college lounge, WASH YOURSELF.
Well Body Odour is natural, Ryuken. It was probably used at some point in our prehistoric past much akin to the pheremones and gender-sensing smells that animals use.

Prehistoric past, eh? I still factor smell as a higher priority than looks in women. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. ;)