SMOD Commands


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
The SMOD is in Japanese and this mod kicks ass, but I can't understand the readme, so is there like an English readme, or does anyone have a list of console commands for SMOD?
theres nothing different from hl2.its all the same commands.
get all weapons type in impulse 101
god mode type god
No, there is commands to make the bullettime effect with the "warping" around the bullets, commands to add different difficulties, etc.
should be in the keyboard settings

They aren't.

I know what you are talking about, if I remember you had to do the "exec <config file>.cfg" command to load some stuff. I don't remember the config file names though.
in my smod they were but i used the one thats on
I got SMOD from it's creators site, the whole site is in Japanese, and I only found the file because it ended in .zip :\

I found a tiny FAQ with a few commands, I actually got the slow-mo to look like FEAR, it's awesome, lots of sparks on the Combines heads when you shoot them, bullet-time bullets have the "warp" effect, the bodies twitch, etc. :D. The SMOD difficulty setting is damn hard, I'd hate to see what the "extreme" setting is
, on SMOD difficulty some Combines are spawned with sheilds that take like 30 SMG bullets to shatter.. With extreme difficulty they have "Twice as strong armor over their entire bodies, and super accuracy" :)