Smoking ban

May 24, 2003
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OK so this thread is really about two things.

What do you people think about the idea of completely banning smoking in any public place, be it the streets or a restaurant?

Also, anyone looked at the thing they have been researching into where you can basically get your immune system to react against nicotine?
Well if the majority is opposed, so be it. Luckily that won't happen here hehe :)
I think its just stupid, I mean... if people want to smoke let them smoke... thats why planes are non smoking, and they have non smoking sections in restaurants...

is it so hard to just ask someone nicely to put thier cigarette out?
What do you people think about the idea of completely banning smoking in any public place, be it the streets or a restaurant?

Cigarettes are poison. Second hand smoke is harmful to ones body. People should not be permitted to bruning harmfull poisons in places where other will unwillingly inhale them.

I think its unconstitutional, I mean... if people want to smoke let them smoke...

I think the reverse is unconstitutional. If people DONT want to inhale poisons someone else is burning, they should be protected form that.

If people want to deteriorate their own lungs with poisons, let them do it. Dont force the same harmfull substance to passers by who unwillingly get a lung full of that shit.
K... thats why you stand away from them... or they can go to a different part of the restaurant, or etc. and if its outside, well then your already inhaling toxins like crazy so yeah
Originally posted by MrWhite
I think its just stupid, I mean... if people want to smoke let them smoke...
Then why is drugs and narcotics illegal? See my post about deaths in the drugs thread.
Tobacco caused 30,000 TIMES (yes you read right) more deaths than extasy 1995 in the UK :)

I'm for an allout ban. Cigaretts are a cheap way of making money with legal drugs. They make money by killing people and making them addictive. The one's selling them are drug dealers. Normally we arrest them, but somehow this is not the same thing?
You make good points but its to way different degrees

Also: Most people who die from cigarettes are like... 70-80 range, in which they were going to go soon anyways

But meh, im not up for a debate, too tired
K... thats why you stand away from them... or they can go to a different part of the restaurant

You dont always have that option.

and if its outside, well then your already inhaling toxins like crazy so yeah

So that makes it okay to add to them? Well, im already smoking this cigarette full of multiple poisons, i might aswell shoot some heroin too, and swallow a handfull of rat poison. Does that sound reasonable to you?

Smoking is the most idiotic addiciton a person can have. It has absolutely no positive affects. Its just a really slow method of suicide. And to force that on others who are in the nearby area is irresponsible.

And dont give me any shit like "but some peopl elike to skoke". that doesnt make it good or smart. I may like the taste of rat poison, but im still a ****ing idiot if i eat it.
Originally posted by MrWhite
You make good points but its to way different degrees

Also: Most people who die from cigarettes are like... 70-80 range anyways, in which they were going to go soon anyways
Still, its caused by it. Or is it more horrible that 4 young kids die than when 120,000 adults dies?

Everyone who smoke should get a lesson in cigarett contents... Poison is not a strong enough word...
Banning them is stupid. Cigarrettes generate billions in revenue for the economy and government becuase of the high taxes that are put on them. People know the risk, it says right on the box, if they choose to smoke it they should be able to.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
And dont give me any shit like "but some peopl elike to skoke". that doesnt make it good or smart. I may like the taste of rat poison, but im still a ****ing idiot if i eat it.

Yeah... so some people are idiots...

If a grown adult wants to drink rat poison then they should be allowed to drink rat poison -- its thier choice
If a grown adult wants to drink rat poison then they should be allowed to drink rat poison -- its thier choice

you misunderstand me. I made that comment while making a point that smoking is a very idiotic thing to do. i wasnt saying people shouldnt have the choice. If people want to smoke they should be able to, but in the privacy of their own homes or in a designated place. Not in the general public. If smoking wasnt harmful to other people in the area then i wouldnt have a problem with it. But it is, so i do.

People know the risk, it says right on the box, if they choose to smoke it they should be able to.

thats the problem. not everyone who is affected by cigarett smoke willingly inhales it. It is forced upon them. You should not be allowed to smoke in the general public.
Originally posted by SenorDingDong
Banning them is stupid. Cigarrettes generate billions in revenue for the economy and government becuase of the high taxes that are put on them. People know the risk, it says right on the box, if they choose to smoke it they should be able to.
Money huzzah! Who cares about some 5 million dead every year, when we make MONEY!!! :smoking:

Heroin is illegal. You can not just go and pick it up if you want. Why? It kills people.
You can not go around and shoot a guy in the street. It is not legal. Why? You would kill a person.
You are not allowed to push an elderly lady off a bridge. Why? You would kill her, and that is against the law.
You may not sell nuclear weaponry at your own leasure. US would say its illegal. Why? It can kill alot of people.
You are allowed to smoke. No limitations. Why? It... Uhm... Errr... Kills people...
Banning smoking in public wouldn't stop me as I smoke where I like anyway.

And I don't give a **** whether people think smoking is dumb.
Banning smoking in public wouldn't stop me as I smoke where I like anyway. And I don't give a **** whether people think smoking is dumb.

You may not give a ****, but you should atleast be responsible and considerate enough of other peoples health not to smoke around them if they dont want to inhale it.
Originally posted by mosquave
Banning smoking in public wouldn't stop me as I smoke where I like anyway.

And I don't give a **** whether people think smoking is dumb.
Just as a curious question, why do you smoke?

And btw, I'm actually not against ALL kinds of smoking... More natural things (like some cigars I beleive, but I'm not sure what they contain either in full, if there's alot of stuff added) isnt THAT horrible, though still harmfull I suppose. Its just the stick of crap that is known as a cigarette that I'm really against. Its so unnatural its unbeleivable.
What is this nonsense I hear? smoking is stupid? what the hell is that supposed to mean, oh yeah right it's harmful to your health that's why it's stupid, with your logic sheep you could say soldiering is stupid... you see my point? besides it's a personal decision I don't give a rat's ass if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to smoke. And I'm pretty sure you don't mind smoking pot.
Originally posted by dawdler
Just as a curious question, why do you smoke?

Because I like it, simple as that. Why do people fancy tea over coffee, red meat over chicken, etc... It's a matter of taste.
In California, smoking has already been banned from all if not most public indoor areas for many years now.

As far as smoking in the streets, I don't think it should be banned, but I do think that smokers should be courteous with their smoking around non-smokers.
Originally posted by mosquave
Banning smoking in public wouldn't stop me as I smoke where I like anyway.

And I don't give a **** whether people think smoking is dumb.

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Because I like it, simple as that. Why do people fancy tea over coffee, red meat over chicken, etc... It's a matter of taste.
There is one big difference: You do not need smoke to survive. You do need food however. Whether or not you like red meat over chicken.
with your logic sheep you could say soldiering is stupid

soldering, you mean? Soldering accomplishes something. It is productive, it has a positive affect. As i said, smoking has no positive effect at all. Ok, so you like it for one reason or another. Maybe you like the taste. That doesnt make it smart ot do it. Heroin makes you feel better than a cigerett can, is it right or smart to shoot up? Anthrax may smell good to you, does that mean its a smart thing to stick your nose into a pile of it and get a good whiff?

Im not saying you shouldnt be allowed to smoke, all i msaying is that non-smokers should be allowed to go around in public without having to unwillingly breath second hand smoke.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Because I like it, simple as that. Why do people fancy tea over coffee, red meat over chicken, etc... It's a matter of taste.
Yep...gotta love that cool, smooth taste of burning tobacco. Honestly, cigarettes do not taste good whatsoever, unless you have become addicted I suppose they are somewhat gratifying. People who smoke do so because they have problems with their self-image and are trying to "fit in" or be rebellious.
People should have the right to smoke if they wish. It is after all their health.

But people should also have the right not to smoke. At present this right is not respected. Separate areas in bars and restaurants would are all very well, but last time I checked, the smoke was permeating the whole establishment as one would expect of a gas. And as for the suggestion to politely asking for people to stop - yeah, right you try it. Last time I did I learnt some new words!

I applaud Pizza Hut for starting what will hopefully become a trend and banning it within their establishments. I am also awaiting the first case of someone who has worked in a bar contracting lung cancer from secondary smoke, then suing their employer. When it becomes impossible for pubs that allow smoking to get compulsory insurances, that's when you will see a real shift.
Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a pissing section in a pool, I mean shit it deludes but I don't f'ing want to swim in it if you know what I mean? I think their should be a charge to smoke in a public place to pay for health costs of others who you are damaging progressively, environmental and possible emotional damage etc. Or if I am in a public placed and forced next to you and you breath out smoke in my area I should be able to vomit on your sweater and/or spit in your hair for an even trade, I don't want to smell like your smoke, you don't want to smell like my vomit, I don't want to have your smoke in my lungs, you don't want my spit in your hair, I mean c'mon its only fair.
Originally posted by CommieX
Yep...gotta love that cool, smooth taste of burning tobacco. Honestly, cigarettes do not taste good whatsoever, unless you have become addicted I suppose they are somewhat gratifying. People who smoke do so because they have problems with their self-image and are trying to "fit in" or be rebellious.

Smoking to fit in or to be rebellious died years ago... I was an idiot for trying it, cause I was curious, simply curiosity... but yeah I do enjoy the taste, and it does relax me during stressful times

but there are negatives... and I do beleive smokers should be courtious aswell though, step outside, etc.

Especially around kids
Banning smoking in bars is the latest stage of an elaborate and bizarre plan by the government to limit our rights. If people don't want to inhale second-hand smoke they could just go another non-smoking restaurant.

I don't smoke 362 days a year, BTW, but sometimes I do like to have a smoke and a nice cold beer.
Originally posted by CommieX
Yep...gotta love that cool, smooth taste of burning tobacco. Honestly, cigarettes do not taste good whatsoever, unless you have become addicted I suppose they are somewhat gratifying. People who smoke do so because they have problems with their self-image and are trying to "fit in" or be rebellious.

Look at how the brilliant anti-tabacco ad-campaigns results, teens don't want to smoke anymore.

And you cant make an amalgam like that, some teenagers who start smoking do think it's a way to fit in, it's called peer pressure. But they're not the real consumers, most of them can't afford their own packs.

And to Dawdler: no we don't need cigarettes to survive and we don't need computers to entertain us, there are a lot of things that we don't need but we still have and use.
Thinking that you have the right to smoke wherever you want just becuase you think its alright doesn't mean you should.

Whats wrong with going in public nude? Nothing at all, but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with having sex in the middle of the sidewalk? Nothing really but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with walking around with walking on the sidewalk spinning a gun that you legally own but has no ammunition? Nothing but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with spitting at someones feet? Nothing but its still not something that you should do.
Whats wrong with masturbating in a stadium? Nothing but its still disgusts and people do not want to see it.

All of these things won't physically harm anyone yet you still shouldn't do them. Smoking can hurt someone because of second hand smoke and non smokers see it as an insult. So smoking is exempt from the list of things that you shouldn't do even though it insults and hurts people?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I don't smoke 362 days a year, BTW, but sometimes I do like to have a smoke and a nice cold beer.

So you only smoke 3 days a year?

Originally posted by The Mullinator
Whats wrong with going in public nude? Nothing at all, but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with having sex in the middle of the sidewalk? Nothing really but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with walking around with walking on the sidewalk spinning a gun that you legally own but has no ammunition? Nothing but its still illegal.
Whats wrong with spitting at someones feet? Nothing but its still not something that you should do.
Whats wrong with masturbating in a stadium? Nothing but its still disgusts and people do not want to see it.

That has to do with our culture.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
So smoking is exempt from the list of things that you shouldn't do even though it insults and hurts people?

What? come again?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
What? come again?
If smoking often insults people around the smoker, and it has a potential negative impact on those peoples health, then why do smokers still decide its alright to smoke in the same area as those people? I just gave a list of things that you shouldn't do in this society, and what im trying to say is that if you are going to smoke you should do it somewhere where its not going to affect anyone but yourself or other smokers.

I don't really know if that clears things up for you but im tired and I can't really think of the best way to put my thoughts into words at the moment.

Originally posted by mosquave

Banning smoking in public wouldn't stop me as I smoke where I like anyway.
This is the kind of attitude im talking about when I say that smoking around people who may not want you to is something that you can do if you want, but you really shouldn't.

Originally posted by nw909
That has to do with our culture.
Smoking also has to do with our culture.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
And to Dawdler: no we don't need cigarettes to survive and we don't need computers to entertain us, there are a lot of things that we don't need but we still have and use.
Of course, but as with food there is one big difference: We can use computers to learn and calculate things, and that helps us evolve as men. Without the computer, we wouldnt be here. You wouldnt even have your cigarettes, as the manufacturing plant would have to do manual labor with no way of pumping out the amounts needed. Not to mention, no way of adding all the 4000 ingredients needed.

Things such as this help us survive. And that is the main point in life, to help us survive. You can say this about many things (for example, if you need a car to get to work, so you can get money, so you can buy food. The car is helping you survive, but we have obviously not always needed it), but not all, true (I have a cactus in my room. Its not exactly for any use :)). We depend on computers today. Whether or not they could be used for gaming.

Smokes in no way helps mankind to survive. Not a single way. All it does is kill us slowly. Once you learn what it does, it should actually be against your primal instinct to smoke. It goes against the very definition of what you are doing on this earth. So why do you like it? There should be *something* in your brain saying "STOP! ITS KILLING ME!" and it ALWAYS does, whether you know it or not, but it doesnt in this case? That's addiction to you, nothing to do with liking it...
I smoke......but i respect other people that dont.

Your a ****ing asshole if you cant be be nice enought to move away or put out a stogy when someone asks.
Originally posted by The Mullinator

Whats wrong with walking around with walking on the sidewalk spinning a gun that you legally own but has no ammunition? Nothing but its still illegal.

actually in some states, Arizona for one, you can walk around with a gun in your hand as long as you have a license, but you cant conceal it.
Originally posted by Tek
actually in some states, Arizona for one, you can walk around with a gun in your hand as long as you have a license, but you cant conceal it.
My mistake, I rephrase what I said to "illegal in most places."