

Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I was talking about this earlier with a friend of mine and wanted to get some other input on the matter.

What would your personal reaction be to a ban on cigarettes? Would you be for it or against it? It boils down to a matter of civil rights as well as censorship. If someone has the right to smoke yet a person near them cant stand the smell, who is in the right? Is person A (smoker) infringing on the rights of person b (non-smoker) or vice versa?
I would be for it. It's been completely forbidden in Danish trains now, but a ban on cigarettes as a whole? I don't think that would stand for one day. If people want to smoke outside, that's their business, but not in crowded spaces.
F*ck that. My body, my choices. Shit, I don't even smoke cigarettes, and I still think that an outright ban is retarded.
Are you talking just a ban on cigarettes, or on all forms of tobacco in general (i.e. rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco etc.)?

What would your personal reaction be to a ban on cigarettes?

I wouldn't be too bothered, as someone who only smokes socially it wouldn't affect me much at all. Besides, banned substances always have a way of making their way into the right hands i.e. mine :p

Would you be for it or against it?

As mentioned above, I'd be apathetic towards it.

If someone has the right to smoke yet a person near them cant stand the smell, who is in the right? Is person A (smoker) infringing on the rights of person b (non-smoker) or vice versa?

Well given the current smoking ban it all depends on the location of this hypothetical situation. If smoker A was in a designated smoking area outside area of a pub for example, then person B has no right to complain.
Where do you draw the line though? If you place a ban on it in public places, what makes a place public? Is it an event/location where the individuals therein are non-smokers? What if everyone there is a smoker?

Its kind of a philosophical question...

Edit: Im not for a ban by the way, I believe a person has the right to do what they want and if it bothers someone else, they can leave...
I agree that it's pretty ridiculous to regulate what other people do to their bodies. Banning them in public places is understandable, but recently where I live they banned them from being smoked in bars :rolleyes: It's your choice whether or not to go into the bar, I don't see why people owning their own business have to have their hands forced. And we also had a "sin" tax instated on tobacco products, raising their price nearly $2 USD per pack... I wonder where all that extra tax money goes :|
where I live they banned them from being smoked in bars :rolleyes: It's your choice whether or not to go into the bar
I go into a bar for a few pints, not a lungful of second hand smoke and smelly clothes. The bans here in Scotland too and it's a great thing.
Although I dont support a ban on cigarettes, I am completely for the segregation of such products in restaurants. I smoke a good amount of pot, but I cant stand cigarettes smoke, so personally that would be beneficial.
Although I dont support a ban on cigarettes, I am completely for the segregation of such products in restaurants. I smoke a good amount of pot, but I cant stand cigarettes smoke, so personally that would be beneficial.
You mean like smoking... and non-smoking areas....

As much as it annoys me, I do agree with smoke bans in public places. But bars? Erk. I think that should be left up to the owner. If they allow smokers, that gets into a gray area of worker's rights that I've heard reasonable cases both for and against. My stance? If you don't want to work in a smoky bar, don't.

Likewise, if you don't want to drink a pint with smokers, then go find a different bar that's prohibited it.
I'm not sure where I stand on this subject. I've been raised in cigarette smoke since year three of my life. My house smells like it, my car smells like it, and my clothes do (to an extent... I try to avoid that smell radiating to my clothes as much as possible). So, yes, cigarette smoke still annoys me, but not to the point where it would bother a person that is new to cigarette smoke. I understand the right of others, and I guess if I smoked I wouldn't appreciate a total ban. Yet... see I'm on the fence here. I can also understand people who are severely bothered by it. They could always move... tough subject. As it is now, I think the amount of smoking ban in the US is sufficient.
recently where I live they banned them from being smoked in bars It's your choice whether or not to go into the bar,
Bar-workers on the other hand, don't have the same freedom to pick and choose their working enviroment. A large part of the public places ban is in support of workers right, not just consumers.
Smoking should be banned in public outdoor areas unless you have the explicit consent of all bystanders. It should be banned in all public indoor areas. On private property it should be allowed at the owner's discretion.
Bar-workers on the other hand, don't have the same freedom to pick and choose their working enviroment. A large part of the public places ban is in support of workers right, not just consumers.
That's true, but I still feel it's a freedom of choice issue. It's not like anyone is forcing you to work in a place with cigarette smoke, and if a bar owner feels he wants people to be able to smoke on his private property in his private business I feel that is valid.

It's sort of like complaining of having to work around flagrant nudity when taking a job at a titty bar.
F*ck that. My body, my choices.

But its not a choice for non-smokers is it? Ok course with this ban on public places its fine, but it annoys me when smokers say "my choice" because it makes them sound so selfish (I'm not saying you are don't get me wrong)

You and Absinthe should quit, your both to awesome to leave.
I say ban them!

..until marijuana is legalized. That might wake us the hell up and I bet you pot would be legal in a matter of days.

Who's with me?
No ban, but it shouldn't be allowed to smoke in public places, since second-hand smoking is lethal to say the least.

If you want to smoke, do it at home, I don't wanna get cancer just because I'm within 10 metres of some respectless dickhead.
No ban, but it shouldn't be allowed to smoke in public places, since second-hand smoking is lethal to say the least.

If you want to smoke, do it at home, I don't wanna get cancer just because I'm within 10 metres of some respectless dickhead.
There are plenty of other ways to get cancer, don't you worry!
Likewise, if you don't want to drink a pint with smokers, then go find a different bar that's prohibited it.

But that doesn't work, you have to either force a ban on smoking in bars or else there won't be a single bar out there that prohibits smoking. It's not lucrative, so why should they voluntarily bother? Besides, smokers aren't the rule but the exception (albeit a large exception) so why should the rest accommodate to them?

I'm all for a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants, not because I'm afraid of passive smoking but simply because it's disgusting and unneeded so why shouldn't it be banned?
smoking has been banned from restuarants bars nightclubs for a number of years here a smoker I cant say I'm all that bothered with the ban to be honest ..I dont mind having to go out for smoke as I smoke less because of it's pretty much the norm everywhere anyways so no biggie
As an ex-smoker I say BAN! If i'm not having any fun I don't see why you guys should be.
But that doesn't work, you have to either force a ban on smoking in bars or else there won't be a single bar out there that prohibits smoking. It's not lucrative, so why should they voluntarily bother? Besides, smokers aren't the rule but the exception (albeit a large exception) so why should the rest accommodate to them?

In my personal experience, non-smokers generally don't go out of their way to accommodate anybody. Every non-smoker I know doesn't care about sitting in bars where people can smoke, unless they're blowing it directly in their faces.

If the free market ends up with most bars allowing smoking, then I guess that's tough tits for anybody who disagrees with it. But then I'm heavily biased when it comes to this. Drinking and smoking have formed a symbiotic relationship in my behavioral schema. If it were universally banned from pubs, I'd be able to see the reason behind it. But I'd be one pissed off camper any way and would probably relegate myself more to hobo activities: Taking my alcohol to a park somewhere and drinking myself to death in misery.
/me puffs smoke in Warbies face


"cool refreshing nicotine, now with less deadly poisons"
As much as it annoys me, I do agree with smoke bans in public places. But bars? Erk. I think that should be left up to the owner. If they allow smokers, that gets into a gray area of worker's rights that I've heard reasonable cases both for and against. My stance? If you don't want to work in a smoky bar, don't.

Likewise, if you don't want to drink a pint with smokers, then go find a different bar that's prohibited it.

I completely agree. I used to be a smoker and while I agree there are some places it shouldn't be allowed (I can't believe theatres need signs because people are that goddamn stupid), bars isn't one of them. If I'm going in to put horrible things into my body, I shouldn't be limited. The smoking ban in bars keeps me away from them 90% of the time. I like smoking when I'm drunk.

There's a Dennys I go to in Pelham or something that still has "smoking" and "nonsmoking" sections despite the fact that it's one small building. I like it there.

The problem with limiting public smoking is that there are those of us who won't smoke indoors. I won't smoke in my home or car because it really ****ing soaks in, like Qonfused talked about.

And anyone who's worried about cancer from second-hand smoke: Honestly there are much much much larger things you should be worried about ffs.
Of course, smokers have the right, but non-smokers have even more of a right not to breathe it in.

I say we should legally kill anyone who smokes in a public space :)
I don't get why tobacco is legal. But that's a different matter.

Certain places it should be banned from. Places of business, public buildings etc. Otherwise it probably would be most fair to leave it up to the owner to decide to ban or not. The public will go where they want to. If they can't stand it they won't be there.

My dad is actually a bit allergic to tobacco smoke. He picks places that either ban it or have their smoking section walled off (not just a higher level or a lattice between sections). Some places have horrible ventilation too. Get it across the room.
The smoking ban in bars was mainly out of concern of the employees. I don't know about the other countries, but they did a poll in Sweden that showed that 99% of the employees in bars supported the ban.

The government should do everything in its power to prevent people from starting to smoke, and help those who already do to stop.
The smoking ban in bars was mainly out of concern of the employees. I don't know about the other countries, but they did a poll in Sweden that showed that 99% of the employees in bars supported the ban.

The government should do everything in its power to prevent people from starting to smoke, and help those who already do to stop.
They wouldn't want to do that, not with the amount of tax revenue they generate from cigarettes.
The smoking ban in bars was mainly out of concern of the employees. I don't know about the other countries, but they did a poll in Sweden that showed that 99% of the employees in bars supported the ban.

The government should do everything in its power to prevent people from starting to smoke, and help those who already do to stop.

The government (asshole congressmen and politicians who get lucrative jobs in the industry)as well as the Health care Businesses LOVE cigarettes, they suck a good amount of money from people before they die....
The government lose more money in treating smoke-related diseases than they gain in tax income from tobacco products.
The government lose more money in treating smoke-related diseases than they gain in tax income from tobacco products.

I think I remember stats here saying that Tobacco duty more than paid for their smoking related healthcare.

But on the plus side, they tend to die earlier, increasing the rest of our pensions.
Agree with a ban on smoking in inclosed, public places (Perhaps waved if there is a smoking and non smoking section provided and it is well vetilated) but completly and utterly disagree with a complete ban.
If tobacco was banned I would not really be opposed. The health care costs caused by smoking are very high. However, I don't feel strongly on this issue.
The only people who would care, obviously, are the smokers. There'd be lots of complainging, probably a few killings/riots (make for good tv at the least), and then they'd eventually all chill out and not really care any more.

I say let's give it a shot!

if I don't get to smoke, nobody does!
If tobacco was banned I would not really be opposed. The health care costs caused by smoking are very high. However, I don't feel strongly on this issue.

I have to hand it to you, the way you phrase everything you are covering your ass very well. The way you put it is "Well I would certainly support a smoking ban but in case anyone challanges me on that I want to make it clear I don't feel that strongly about it". Brillient. :LOL:

I don't get people that are for a total smoking ban, let people live for christ sake, you only get one life, live it the way you wanna live it.
I don't get people that are for a total smoking ban, let people live for christ sake, you only get one life, live it the way you wanna live it.

Id rather live it being stoned rather than being smelly :)