

Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Dose any one konw how to use the SNIPER while he is jumping because I have try to do it but it not working. every time I jump the shoooooooot I miss the target. For example when I aim at some thing then jump to shoot it I hit another thing. I have seen some players to thant and they killed me many times so I start trying that but as I have said I could not do it. I want to know if it is some kind of cheat :devil: .

I you know how to do it till me how only if it is not a cheat.
It's a real rarity for you to do a succesful jumpshot with a Sniper Rifle of any kind.

A sniper rifle is a long range weapon, and as such needs a steady hand in the real world. Hence the fact when you jump, it all goes tits up and you'll hit the lightbulb on the ceiling instead of your target.. Sometimes people can pull off one, maybe even a headshot but its as rare as winning the lottery.
It's impossible to hit anything with any gun while jumping, especially with snipers.
i could honestly say that it is easier to shove a ripe pineapple up your ass that get a jumping kill with a sniper rifle
don_johnson said:
i could honestly say that it is easier to shove a ripe pineapple up your ass that get a jumping kill with a sniper rifle

If you can "honestly say" this, then are you speaking from experience?
Years of practice if CS is anything to go by. On old sylee CS you can predict the amount a bullet will miss by when firing a scoped awp due to movement speed, direction you are moving in and also the direction you are moving the mouse cursor in, all coupled in with the distance to the target. It's not a precise science, more of an art or skill.

Good awping is the hardest thing in the game which is why people who complain about "noobs" using awps always makes me laugh.

The majority of good cs players are still playing 1.6. When (if) valve get source up to spec I think you'll find a lot more exeperienced players moving over to it.

Also bare in mind that when you spectate an awper what you are seeing him aim at is not always what he is aiming at. You have to account for latencey between both of you and the server and also the latency of the person being fired at so quite often it can appear that they missed and in actually fact they get the kill.

There are cheats out for css but there's also years and years of experience in the CS community. Learning to spot the difference takes nearly as long as learning the skills in the first place.

For the sake of all of our sanity please try to appreciate skill first and accuse of cheating second.
I got a fall Headshot with a deagle once on CSS. In piranesi, I was on the tower, getting shot at, and I ran to the T window just below, and there were two there so I jumped off and fired ONE round randomly into the window, and it Headshotted someone. But that's a deagle, not a sniper.
bullets are the same size why should a sniper be harder to use than a deagle? ok more random spread at times but the more zoomed it is the smaller the range of spread.
MoJo|Night said:
bullets are the same size why should a sniper be harder to use than a deagle? ok more random spread at times but the more zoomed it is the smaller the range of spread.

Bullets are not all the same size, and a sniper rifle is much harder to use than a deagle 'cause long range = more time/chance for the trajectory of the bullet to change.
Its is easy to jump and shoot with other weapons but for the SNIPER I think it is impossible or very very HARD to hit while jumping
Ninja_Gaiden said:
Its is easy to jump and shoot with other weapons but for the SNIPER I think it is impossible or very very HARD to hit while jumping

A sniper rifle of any kind takes more work to aim than any other gun. I'd like to see you jump around with a sniper rifle trying to get precision shots. Talking about real life here.
why are you talking like the bullets are pysically simulated? because they're not.

On another note why the hell is getting jumping sniper kills one of your concerns. should you be wondering about level manipulation or perhaps strategy and solo hostage saving ?'s easy to do a jump shot with the scout. Because it's a lighter rifle and you can even have accurate aim while you're moving.

Another thing, people talking about sniper rifles being portrayed as accurate are wrong. When is the last time you saw someone running around with their eye in the scope of the rifle chasing someone? It's impossible in real life. You have to lower your weapon to run. One thing that CS fails at is capturing realistic motions of using sniper rifles.
You also should be able to reload your weapon without chambering a round everytime if there's allready a round in the chamber. Eg. you shoot 15 out of 30 rounds then reaload. There would still be a round in the chamber with a semi-auto or full auto weapon.

Yet the only gun in the game that uses this reallife gun mechanic is the ak47. For what reason? I have no damn clue. All guns of semi or auto work this way! It would make the game more fun in my opinion but whatever.

I bet it's just a gameplay mechanic. Kind of like how smoke puffs up really fast or how you can run with a sniper rifle. It would be nice to make people walk at least with the gun sighted. But I don't make games. I play them.
It's near impossible to snipe a target while in mid air in CS. However many snipers jump and shoot right when they land, and because of lag sometimes it looks like the shot was made in mid air, and this confuses a lot of people who are newer to the game.
So if you want to jump and snipe, just make sure that you land and stop right before you shoot.
However many snipers jump and shoot right when they land, and because of lag sometimes it looks like the shot was made in mid air, and this confuses a lot of people who are newer to the game.

I think you are right, it is impossible to jump and shooooot a target by sniper I have try to do it many times today while i am playing and miss all the target.