


Would really appreciate some clues as to how to do away with the snipers who have Barney pinned down in the derelict building. Don't seem to be able to avoid getting myself blasted.
Be quick, have a grenade ready to throw just before you do, keep strafing. Basically, don't let them hit you before you can get your shot in.
I used a chest of drawers or a cabinet or something, and held it out in front of me to get the sniper at the end Barney's at. That way you wont take any damage. If you've got any grenades on your secondary fire machine gun now's the time to use them aswell.
Either pop out and shoot em quick or hide behind something and throw a nade into the window (the fun option).
If you really want to stay safe, then use the abandoned car as cover, then hit it with your grav gun (primary fire) until you are in position to lob a grenade through the snipers window.
He's talking about up in the building, where Barney is. I'd be surprised if there were cars on the second and third floor. :)
btw: if you're not, you can also actually dodge the sniper's bullets because you can see them coming, gotta be quick tho.
That's easy

hold a board in your hand to cover yourself and walk through
If you're desperate, the RPG works very well. Anything explosive, really.
In the street I took something to shield me from the guy in the tower, I think it was shot out of my hand so I just strafe ran and tried to find more stuff to use as shield. In the building I just strafed from side to side hiding behind the walls as cover and threw nades... Its been a while...
Arden said:
Basically, don't let them hit you
Best advise ever :D
I ran to Barney when the Snipers where shooting crows. Then threw Grenades through the windows.