So about what Valve said...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone wanna take a stab at what the new gameplay mode is they're releasing the coming days/weeks?
prolly some rehash of DOD, done with hl2 models....

(and once again, it wont have any netcode, at all :))
css an hl2 dm

no way they promesed some new cs:s maps so they'll probaply trow in some hl2 dm maps as wel :p
Pi Mu Rho said:

With nodes ala ut2004, and combine and resistance vehicles.
MaxiKana said:
With nodes ala ut2004, and combine and resistance vehicles.

By god shut it damnit!
It's not bloody UT2004 :flame:
And I'm glad it is not.
gentle jesus I hope it's some form of real teamplay such as CTF, push, or attack//defend like good old TFC...all this chaotic DM is fun, but team DM feels the same, you just dont shoot people who buy clothes at the same shops...
well i think pi just gave us a big hint. sounds good enough to me.
go 2 the news archives at cs nation they meke a promis theire have look bimbo's
Probably a attack and defend thing. That would be sweet :0
*coughCombineVsResistancecough *

* coughit'sbeendonealreadycough *

it's team deathmatch, did you not notice that one side was combine and the otherside was resistance???

no way! its gonna be some kind of hide and seek game and you'll have pile up things with the manipulator to build hideouts...
toddja00 said:
* coughit'sbeendonealreadycough *

it's team deathmatch, did you not notice that one side was combine and the otherside was resistance???


That's team DM, not Combine vs Resistance.

Think strengths and weaknesses, abilities, weapons etc.
yea. i seriously think it is going to be a combine vs resistance. valve is known for giving us what we are whining for :D
Thadius Dean said:
yea. i seriously think it is going to be a combine vs resistance. valve is known for giving us what we are whining for :D
*sends whiny emails to Valve begging for a million dollars*
Throwing a flag arround from teammate to teammate would actually be pretty fun..... heheh i can just imagine someone jumping up and grabbing it in mid air hence breaking a chain! :)
same here, nothing better then a nice game of CTF imo
combine vs. resistance would rock. maybe that scenerio with a few gameplay types of its own (ctf, assault/defend, etc...)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Throwing a flag arround from teammate to teammate would actually be pretty fun..... heheh i can just imagine someone jumping up and grabbing it in mid air hence breaking a chain! :)
Specially with some of the new tricks being worked out.. mmm :)
ComradeBadger said:
Specially with some of the new tricks being worked out.. mmm :)
what new tricks do you speak of?
ComradeBadger said:
Specially with some of the new tricks being worked out.. mmm :)

You know...really...its so annoying when mods know stuff and dont share with the community. Why does everything have to be so hush hush?
They always do :E But we will all have to wait and see anyway. CTF would be great though.
It's been demonstrated in the past that often when people think the mods know something, they don't.

Combine vs Resistance could be interesting. Obvious things to do right off the bat: Combine get I-Rifles and manhacks, Resistance get the gravity gun.
ShinRa said:
You know...really...its so annoying when mods know stuff and dont share with the community. Why does everything have to be so hush hush?
I'm talking about ingame stuff, cap that paranoia.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Throwing a flag arround from teammate to teammate would actually be pretty fun..... heheh i can just imagine someone jumping up and grabbing it in mid air hence breaking a chain! :)
Oh... oh yes... I can see it now. Kind of like Bombing Run in UT2k4, except a lot better, because you could carry the flag with the manipulator and pass it to teammates!
Lanthanide said:
Combine vs Resistance could be interesting. Obvious things to do right off the bat: Combine get I-Rifles and manhacks, Resistance get the gravity gun.
That would be brutally unfair (since manhacks would be worthless if everyone has gravity guns). Maybe only one or two resistance members get the gravity gun, the rest get normal machine guns. But you can pick up the gun when someone gets killed (so resistance can eventually get I-Rifles and combine can eventually get the gravity gun).
I'd like to see CTF or even a generic "rip off" CvR teamplay mode. It'd be great if the flag could be mounted on vehicles!

Specially made TDM maps that just happen to have special spawns, underlying scenarios and vehicles... that'd do me. I want to see those mounted pulse rifle things and placable turrets, for one thing :D
DSD - you're not thinking outside the square.

People can only pick up all the weapons because they let them do that. Grav guns can only kill the manhacks so easily because they let them do that.

There's no reason why they can't change the rules in order to make it fairer.

Easy way to deal with the GG vs Manhack thing is to stop the manhacks being able to be killed by slamming them into walls/primary GG fire. It would knock them away from you, but they'd take no damage and come flying back at you. You'd need to shoot them or whack them with the crowbar.
If they actually release combine vs. resistance... with full fledged weaknesses and strengths on both sides (instead of a straight up team DM thing), I would probably love Valve forever. That's a lot of extra work!