So apparently the f*cks are releasing it tonight

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im sure lots of people here would download the demo and not admit it, I probably would if it was safe.
Originally posted by KaneRobot
Don't know much about bittorrent, but couldn't they find out the IP of the person who originally uploaded the .torrent to the tracker? At least that would let them go after the people who "originally" distribute it.

For the time being yes...It depends though were this person is uploading it from. I think whoever is going to do it will probably upload it from a t-1 source at least and from probably somewhere such as a workplace or something where they cant pinpoint them like a household user. The "seed"(or origanal uploader) usually stays uploading until another one of the people are done downloading and become seeds also, Once that is done then the origanal seed can disconnect and the file keeps spreading.
Originally posted by Shockwave
They cant go after the tracker owners, all they can do is give the host a warning and by that time it will be tuesday morning and it will be spread like wildfire. Tracker sites dont have the actuall files this is why nothing can be done against them other than pressure them to shut down. THe owner of the trackers usually state anything on this site is not a reflection of his doings but others.

True, but I imagine with a little bit of legality threats or even a ring up to the ISP provider of the tracker might convince them.

When the tracker goes down torrent downloads become very ugly...
Originally posted by Shockwave
For the time being yes...It depends though were this person is uploading it from. I think whoever is going to do it will probably upload it from a t-1 source at least and from probably somewhere such as a workplace or something where they cant pinpoint them like a household user. The "seed"(or origanal uploader) usually stays uploading until another one of the people are done downloading and become seeds also, Once that is done then the origanal seed can disconnect and the file keeps spreading.

Oh, ok. Thanks. I know how the seed process works but I didn't think about the fact he could upload the original seed from somewhere where he couldn't be pinpointed.
Originally posted by Orange
dear god i hope the models and art are place holders and not the real ones from valve.

then valve would be Really screwed.

Valve won't be screwed, but it would be one of the worst possible things that could happen. I mean Doom 3 got leaked, but way back in the early stages. This leak could end up being a fully functioning product from front to back. And depending on how new the code is, it could be the final release version. That would be devastating from a certain perspective, but at the same time, I think the vast majority of people will still end up buying the retail game. Valve could lose money through other means, but I don't think it'll be the end of Valve for sure. It's just gonna be a huge learning process for them and the rest of the industry. If a demo or "beta" ends up being released, then this is going to be a momentous, in a bad way, event for the industry.
but if its real it could really be bad for valve. it really doesn't take much to start the circulation of something like this. its like a spark on dry leaves. if only a few get it it will only be a matter of time before its released everywhere.
ya what im saying though these tracker sites host wont be able to be actually contacted until about 8-9hrs after the file is origanally released. By that time 1000's will have it already.
If Valve wouldn't have delayed the game from being released on the 30th, none of this would have happened. :(
Originally posted by Shockwave
ya what im saying though these tracker sites host wont be able to be actually contacted until about 8-9hrs after the file is origanally released. By that time 1000's will have it already.


And this time if it is released alota BT sites won't take it down since it is a bonifide game.

They took down the source code not so much outta threats from Valve but out of respect and the notion that pretty much no good can come from having the source code leaked...
Originally posted by Axium
If Valve wouldn't have delayed the game from being released on the 30th, none of this would have happened. :(

ALl of this is probably part of the reason it got delayed. Didn't you know? The hacker stole the code prior to the 30th, and actually started the hack around Sept. 11th.
Even so, if they still released it, it probably wouldn't have had as huge of an effect as it does now.
I wont get it, no point. But id like to see some official screenshot!!!1
Originally posted by Axium
If Valve wouldn't have delayed the game from being released on the 30th, none of this would have happened. :(

You make it sound as if it's Valves fault... Umm, no.

Its our fault actually, if we weren't so nosey, and such immautre brats and just let the game come out whenever they were ready to release it.. Instead people blamed Valve, and took it upon theirself to get access to it.
I'm not going to download it. Although I did download the alpha of Doom3 and played it. This is probably going to be pretty much the entire game, not some rinky dink showcase made for E3.
Originally posted by G·Man
You make it sound as if it's Valves fault... Umm, no.

Its our fault actually, if we weren't so nosey, and such immautre brats and just let the game come out whenever they were ready to release it.. Instead people blamed Valve, and took it upon theirself to get access to it.

our fault? I'm sorry, but I'm not repsonsible in any way. it's not our fault, and there's nothing wrong with being nosey, but there is something certainly wrong with hacking a company to get a hold on unreleased software.
i might consider getting it if valve announces its pushed back again past holidays
Originally posted by G·Man
Its our fault actually, if we weren't so nosey, and such immautre brats and just let the game come out whenever they were ready to release it..

Technically, it's Microsoft's fault. Read below:

Security experts are blaming known but unpatched vulnerabilities in Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer for the theft and distribution of the source code for a much anticipated new video game.

That information was posted on Planet Half-Life yesterday.

"This is what happens when you have 31 publicly known unpatched vulnerabilities in IE," wrote Thor Larholm, senior security researcher for PivX Solutions LLC, in a posting to the NTBugTraq mailing list. "I have seen screenshots of successfully compiled HL2 installations, with WorldCraft and Model Viewer running atop a listing of directories such as hl2, tf2 and cstrike."

Take that for what it is.
I'm in no way blaming Valve, sorry if I made it seem like that.
Alls I'm saying is that the leak probably wouldn't have had such a huge effect if the game was released as intended.
the only one(s) who are responsible are the hackers
I'll probably wait a week or two after the "release" to see if theres a time delay virus or something in it before I decide whether or not to DL it...
Meh, burn my knackers in boiling oil if you want to, but if I see a genuine beta I will download it. I'll buy the game when it comes out as well, I just want to have something to play with now.
i wonder if havok will make a statement on the leak and what they think or actions they are taking.
You have to be retarded to download the beta if it's real. Leeching might work, but if you're caught sharing even a part of it, your goose is cooked.
@ moocow i agree for the most part. its not like im not gonna buy half life 2
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
You have to be retarded to download the beta if it's real. Leeching might work, but if you're caught sharing even a part of it, your goose is cooked.

in bittorrent experimental you could set your upload rate to 0, that might solve it.
wow , all this probably gives me another YEAR to upgrade for hl2.
if this is real and someone gets it and uploads it to a usenet nobody can track the person down since they use anonymous nntp to upload it.
i wish someone from valve would actually tell us more about what is going on for once. all this tight lipped stuff has really gotten on my bad side with them especially with the whole 6 day notice on the delay :( altho it was nice to see gabe telling us about it somewhat in the help valve post
I do not want to influence anyone to download the beta, because it will
A. Be crap and not a valid representation of the final product.
B. Full of Viruses/Trojans/Worms,
C. 1.3 Gigs of porn.
D. Ruin the legal, officially released, completed version of the game.

However, if memory serves, if you are on the distributing end of the software, then you will most definately get in trouble. If you simply download it and do not distribute it, you will not get in trouble.

This is true with movies/TV episodes and music, I would venture to guess it is true with software also. :|

Do not download it. It will not be safe, and it will be a disappointing representation of the game.
The whole 6 day notice for the delay is likely due to the fact that they were still trying to figure out exactly what the hacker got to and didn't know if they'd be able to release the game or not. I mean, if you found out that some theif had been in your factory for the past few weeks behind your back, how would you know if your product was still secure, reliable, etc., depending on exactly what they got in to?

LOL, that was a crappy analogy, but it's what came to mind first. Catch my drift though? lol...
yea but why dont they just admit that it was because of the hacker or steam or whatever it was i just dont buy 'it wasn't done' thing
Originally posted by otomo
i might consider getting it if valve announces its pushed back again past holidays

Ditto. Although, I've already paid for the game in full, so Valve already has my money (& support).
Originally posted by otomo
yea but why dont they just admit that it was because of the hacker or steam or whatever it was i just dont buy 'it wasn't done' thing

Exactly. Why wouldn't they just say it was because of the hack? Only logical explanation is that it wasn't.
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