So apparently the f*cks are releasing it tonight

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Maybe the game really wasn't done. No one really knows, but them. You can either believe what they tell us or form your own ideas. Why wouldn't they tell us it was the leak if that's what really caused the delays? I don't know. In a way thought telling us it's not done doesn't mean it;s not cuz the leak. After all, this leak certainly created more work for them.
why can we never get a straight no bs answer from them about release related stuff honestly thats all i've ever really wanted :(:(
Have you guys considered that if these hackers are good enough to break into VALVe's system, they might be good enough to mask their IP adresses from the FBI and indeed leak the beta tonight? I mean they might get caught eventually but not before every man woman and their dog has a copy of the beta.

Just my 2 cents.
i doubt they will be caught if they are it will be on something like bragging or what not its actually pretty easy to confuse the crap out of people trying to track you if you know what your doing which appearently these guys seem to.
Originally posted by Deadlor
Have you guys considered that if these hackers are good enough to break into VALVe's system, they might be good enough to mask their IP adresses from the FBI and indeed leak the beta tonight? I mean they might get caught eventually but not before every man woman and their dog has a copy of the beta.

Just my 2 cents.

Gaming company 10th Floor suit A security vs. FBI Headquarters security

Hmm, is it me or does that just make you laugh?
We simply aren't finished. It's a very large project.

-----Original Message-----
From: AnAmiC [mailto:*******]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 9:27 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: A question

Hi Mr. Newell,

I am like many in the community very exited about hl2 and its delay.
So here my question:
What are you currently doing on the game causing the delay,
or isn't it the game but anything else?
my guess is that they were doing damage control after finding out about the leak, but understandably didnt want to alarm the fans by telling them there was a leak if it turned out to be false. that explains all the "i don't knows" about the release date after the annoucement.

and technically, they "weren't done" so they didn't lie. they weren't done with damage control and checking the game's security.
Originally posted by otomo
i doubt they will be caught if they are it will be on something like bragging or what not its actually pretty easy to confuse the crap out of people trying to track you if you know what your doing which appearently these guys seem to.

These guys aren't guys with jobs with the FBI, these are the guys that innovate because their lives revolve around this kind of stuff. FBI agents have families and have other things to do besides this stuff. These nerds have absolutely nothing else in most cases, or their focus in life is on this stuff. If there were no hackers there would be no antivirus programs REQUIRING constant updating, exploits being exploited and other such things. FBI officers are given training as to how to handle a situation. These guys figure it out for themselves and can adapt. I just think that these hackers are more formidable enemies than you realize. I mean there are things stolen off the internet like this and the FBI never tracks them down. I just think that the hackers will win this one, unless like that other guy said, start bragging or something stupid like that.
i am thinking they will release it kind of like a terrorist attack... at 12am , you will see 1000 different hl2 sources everywhere on the net and the fbi will have a hard time finding the right person... mayb the hackers made their own hacker proof way of puttin it on the net
Why the hell are all of you so convinced it will be full of "trojans/worms/viruses". Just because you guys have probably all been stupid enough to download an illegal game off of kaZaa or something and got that doesnt mean that every illegal game has a freakin virus in it, so please shut up about that. And if it is real i will be looking to see if it gets posted on teh newsgroups cause if it does then im 90% sure it is real.
Just remember.. In the end, it all comes down to most likely one person, at most maybe 2.
Good point. They won't be able to track down all of them. Another possibility would be uploading them from a remote computer or something. The fact of the matter is that there is always a way to outsmart them.
damn i hate those teen kids dat got no friends n waste their time ****in up the game get a life n a girl friend for shit sakes

and so we are approaching midnight est... is that the right time zone? -5 gmt
yep, 9 minutes till the moment of truth BLAH
If it happens to be real, I will not come back to these boards or anyother HL2 related site until I have beaten the legal release.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!...............



*pokes Weedums with a stick to go to get him to check.

Oh wait, sorry nm.
ITS 12 O'clock

oh wait, damn it u guys, i guess uh crap damn I feel stupid.
So you guys believe there is a half life 2 beta that is 1.3GB which was created outta ~200MB of source code in under a week?

...In that case: anyone wanna buy some good cheap land in Florida? LOL
BIG NEWS "A guy That my friend knows, and that guy knows his sisters boyfriends, aunt, who's friend over ICQ that talks to GWB all the time" told her that the beta WILL BE OUT FOR SURE TOMMORW NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

:rolls eyes:
omg it's real and im downloading it! sweet i already have 122mb of 1.32gb!
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