So did the patch helped?



Did this patch helped you with your stuttering and crashes?
Yeah, it made a big difference to me... though it's still there a little.

PS: Welcome to the forums, first thing to learn, use the search before making a new thread, otherwise :cheers:
What exactly worked? 'The mat_forcetextureintohardware 1' command?
Lemonbarley said:
Did this patch helped you with your stuttering and crashes?

Unfortunately, the "patch" (if it really was a legit patch) has actually caused my game to now have such unacceptable stuttering and freezing upon any new sound that the game is almost unplayable (it's certainly not fun anymore.)
I had had the audio stuttering when I first installed and started playing the game (after the three hour login procedure), but had discovered that turning off all non-essential programs (EndItAll) kept it to to a liveable minimum.... but that doesn't work anymore.
Now not only has the stuttering/freezing-monster returned, but with this "patch" I also went from a constant 90ish framerate to a constant low in the 60's and sometimes even lower than 20.

AMD +3200
Nvidia 6800GT (oc'd to Ultra)
1gig Cosair XMS
Abit NF7-S 2.0
Winxp Sp2
All newest drivers, bios and updates installed.

Game Settings:
All settings on high (except water on "reflect world".)
4x AA and 8x AF
V-Sync off

My Half Life 2 experience had been (more or less) just fantastic and beautiful up to this point... but now it's degraded so much that I may have to stop playing over the Holidays (my family is going to love hearing about the "adventure" that is Steam... and there'll be no recommendation from me to buy this game. Oops, my bad... I meant "software license", since we don't really own anything.)

I have yet to try the console command suggestion... hopefully that'll work for me... but I'm not counting on it.

Too bad I can't reinstall the game without the patch, but Steam will just stick it in there anyway upon logging in.
This system sucks the big one.
I, for one will never ever buy another game (sorry, "software license") from Steam.
The 1984ish control they have over my fifty bucks is unacceptable and borders on evil.

BTW since this is my first post: I'm 51, work in the Media, build PC's as a hobby, consider myself a Progressive (yes, I voted against Bush) and am an avid gamer.

Well you have nVIDIA. I think they only fixed ATI systems. May be wrong though.
Kirock7 said:
Unfortunately, the "patch" (if it really was a legit patch) has actually caused my game to now have such unacceptable stuttering and freezing upon any new sound that the game is almost unplayable (it's certainly not fun anymore.)
I had had the audio stuttering when I first installed and started playing the game (after the three hour login procedure), but had discovered that turning off all non-essential programs (EndItAll) kept it to to a liveable minimum.... but that doesn't work anymore.
Now not only has the stuttering/freezing-monster returned, but with this "patch" I also went from a constant 90ish framerate to a constant low in the 60's and sometimes even lower than 20.

AMD +3200
Nvidia 6800GT (oc'd to Ultra)
1gig Cosair XMS
Abit NF7-S 2.0
Winxp Sp2
All newest drivers, bios and updates installed.

Game Settings:
All settings on high (except water on "reflect world".)
4x AA and 8x AF
V-Sync off

My Half Life 2 experience had been (more or less) just fantastic and beautiful up to this point... but now it's degraded so much that I may have to stop playing over the Holidays (my family is going to love hearing about the "adventure" that is Steam... and there'll be no recommendation from me to buy this game. Oops, my bad... I meant "software license", since we don't really own anything.)

I have yet to try the console command suggestion... hopefully that'll work for me... but I'm not counting on it.

Too bad I can't reinstall the game without the patch, but Steam will just stick it in there anyway upon logging in.
This system sucks the big one.
I, for one will never ever buy another game (sorry, "software license") from Steam.
The 1984ish control they have over my fifty bucks is unacceptable and borders on evil.

BTW since this is my first post: I'm 51, work in the Media, build PC's as a hobby, consider myself a Progressive (yes, I voted against Bush) and am an avid gamer.

Of course its legit, unless you've been downloading things elsewhere....

As for software licence, you've been buying licences everytime you buy a game, film, album, single. You don't _own_ any of the stuff like that, that you bought, just a licence to listen to it. It's hardly a new thing.

Why don't you turn off AA like they recommend for fixing the stuttering?
NO they didnt fix it for ATI users i bought my 9600 pro thinking i was gonna be able too play HL2 at max settings on dx9 like the benchmarks said last year i have the exact same stats as the game was tested with in 2003 and i only see poor performance with this new PATCH it killed My hl2 my frame rate drops by 40% wanna know what they need too DO!!! Delete everything that contains steam if they would of just released the game without having too use it over steam i think the problems would be less then they are rite now because VALVE said it them selfs we found some corupt files in the steam cache i think they need too open up the WON SERVERS AGAIN! STEAM CONTROLS ALL AND I THINKS GAY! WHERE IS OUR FREEDOM WITH THERE PROGRAM!?!?!? there isnt one!
Yeah the patch didn't seem to do anything at all for me, still slight stuttering, very playable though.
NO they didnt fix it for ATI users i bought my 9600 pro thinking i was gonna be able too play HL2 at max settings on dx9 like the benchmarks said last year i have the exact same stats as the game was tested with in 2003
I was never under the impression that a 9600 pro would run it maxxed out. I have a 9800 128 card and I never expected to run it maxxed.
The Dark Elf said:
Why don't you turn off AA like they recommend for fixing the stuttering?

Not acceptable. The game was playing just fine with it on before, I refuse to go backwards... I didn't buy a $400 video card to turn off quality.
ME 10 valve -7
Lemonbarley said:
Did this patch helped you with your stuttering and crashes?

It didn't help me much, I still have the occasional stuttering, but it doesn't bother me that much. I can play the game well on 1280*1024 with full detail.
Kirock7 said:
Not acceptable. The game was playing just fine with it on before, I refuse to go backwards... I didn't buy a $400 video card to turn off quality.
Best crack out that backup you made before you went and updated online and then run steam offline until this mystery problem is resolved.
NO. my games wont run at all! i have an nVidia card.

the game starts, plays the intro, then closes and goes back to the desktop! HL2 and CSS both do this. what the hell?! great patch!
The Dark Elf said:
Best crack out that backup you made before you went and updated online and then run steam offline until this mystery problem is resolved.

Man, you got that right... but unfortunately I don't usually do my weekly backups until Saturday morning so I'm stuck with this "patch"... but you can be assured I backed up this morning!!!
after fiddling with the console settings it seemed to be a bit better. in the gman intro atleast.. but i'm pretty sure i'm getting a lower frame rate since getting the patch

its bollox imo.. how long has it taken them to release this?? and it still doesn't work properly
Steam just applied the patch for me. Took 10 minutes.

Crashed 10 seconds into the game with the same old memory errors!!

This is getting beyind a joke.

I agree with other posters - this buggy game was released to cash in on xmas sales!!
Glad i have no net connection, i play HL2 in offline mode on steam.
(retailversion registered it online at a mates house)

I dont think i want the patch... ive been fairly lucky cos mine wasnt ever that stuttery... i just went down to medium textures and sound, and only get bits and pieces of

So many people have said the "patch~" has made it worse, im just glad the Fascist steam system isnt going to "automatically shag" errrr, i mean HL2 install.

i recommend you all stick steam in offline mode until they sort it properly... before its too late!!!

ATI 9800PRO (256mb)
Soundblaster Live!
512MB pc400 RAM
Update: In my case (see previous post in this thread) using the console command helps, but only if I put it to 1 instead of 0 (remember I have an Nvidia 6800GT which is supposed to be set to 0 for best performance, right? Weird).
Changing this setting does relieve a lot of the stutter and freezing that returned after the patch... but the frame rates are still about half what they were before yesterday so they MUST have changed something else as well.
Any ideas?
seen no improvement!

still pauses...tried turning the mat_forcemanagedtecture command off to see and no diff...followed suggestions of lowering res and difference!!

they have worked so close with ATI, i think that the other 50% of the market have Nvidia!!! wish someone would get their finger out!
Can't be sure if the patch has made things worse as I haven't completed the game yet but the level I'm on (Anticitizen 1) is stuttering it's ass off! It was just stuttering occasionally before. Could be because of the amount of speech and scripted events on Anticitizen 1 as these seem to have the most effect on me game but it could be the patch. Can't remove the patch so I can't tell but I'm not playing this brilliant but flawed game until it's sorted.
I installed the patch and removed all of the forum workarounds I'd implemented to try and fix the stuttering (which was severe for me). The previous "fixes" had helped but not completely eliminated the problem. I started a new game and played through the teleport scene in "Red Letter Day"--it's now flawless.

Thanks, Valve!

For the record, my video card is a GeForce 6800, so it's not an ATI-specific fix.
Dan_Houser_82 said:
NO. my games wont run at all! i have an nVidia card.

the game starts, plays the intro, then closes and goes back to the desktop! HL2 and CSS both do this. what the hell?! great patch!

yep I get the memory can't be read error and then it quits.
if i do the heapsize thing the stutter is insane, but if take it out of that box there is hardly no stutter at all. It wasnt like that before the patch, maybe if people have that enabled they cud disable it might make it work?. Also AA seems to cause the memory crashes but AA runs really smooth and fast just get the random error with it so i dunno about that problem.
I used to have stuttering issues before whenever I accessed the menu once I was ingame, but now it stutters when I try and do anything from the opening screen. Quick load times are about ~15 seconds longer, and the game locked up on me when I tried to quick save. I don't have any framerate problems, however.
So far my steam didn't download any patch at all...the last update news dates back to 26th august which tells me that HL2 is available for preloading :S
alnes said:
So far my steam didn't download any patch at all...the last update news dates back to 26th august which tells me that HL2 is available for preloading :S

LOL, lost in time ...
Christ. Now whenever I try and normal save the game locks up and I have to ctrl+alt+delete out. The one time I managed to quick save, the next time I tried to quick load nothing happened. I went to do it manually, and all the menus were empty. Sigh. Is there anyway of undoing this patch? I'm assuming I have it, since the game wasn't pulling any of this crap last time.
As other users also posted --> the patch gives problems instead of solving them.

For me Half-Life 2 ran very, very good, smooth gameplay, only a bit stuttering when saving/loading.

But now, with the patch installed, I really suffer from audio-problems, continous stuttering, jerky gameplay! This was not before the patch!! I really can't enjoy HL2 anymore.

AMD 2600+ XP
Ati 9600 Pro
1 gb Twinmos ddr
Maxtor diamondmax 120 gb 8 mb cache
Windows Xp Sp2
All newest drivers, bios and updates installed.

Game Settings:
All settings on high, textures on medium
No AA /No AF
V-Sync off
nlindq said:
I installed the patch and removed all of the forum workarounds I'd implemented to try and fix the stuttering (which was severe for me). The previous "fixes" had helped but not completely eliminated the problem. I started a new game and played through the teleport scene in "Red Letter Day"--it's now flawless.

Thanks, Valve!

For the record, my video card is a GeForce 6800, so it's not an ATI-specific fix.

I too didn't use any forum fixes (the stuttering never bothered me really) and applied the patch, updated nforce drivers, using 4.7 ati drivers.. AA and other settings on max, plays nicely even when loads is going on.
The Dark Elf said:
Of course its legit, unless you've been downloading things elsewhere....

As for software licence, you've been buying licences everytime you buy a game, film, album, single. You don't _own_ any of the stuff like that, that you bought, just a licence to listen to it. It's hardly a new thing.

Why don't you turn off AA like they recommend for fixing the stuttering?

Turning off aa is an unacceptable fix for someone who's got high end hardware. Even hl source has the skip when entering new areas.

Are you saying I shouldnt play hl source with aa on my 3500+/6800ultra/1gig? Obviously a flaw in the engine.
Hi all,

I downloaded the patch and it's stopped the vast majority of stuttering (although I still get it when the level loads). I don't know if it completely down to the patch, as I also did the following over the past couple of days, and this was the first time I had tried HL2 since doing them:

- Installed and then reinstalled XP SP2

- Removed the Omega nVidia drivers, rebooted, installed official 67.02 betas and rebooted.

- Deleted the config and autoexec files from the hl2 directory

- I had 1.5 gigs of RAM. This was with 2 x 512 Corsair XMS sticks in Dual DDR config, and 1 x 512 TwinMOS stick. I removed the TwinMOS RAM stick, leaving just the 1 gig of Dual DDR Corsair XMS memory

- Changed the RAM timing from 'optimal' to 'Aggressive' in BIOS

Hope this helps to pinpoint the error and helps some people. I also didn't get any crashes......
FarleyUK said:
Hi all,

I downloaded the patch
what do you mean you downloaded the patch? Do you mean that Steam done it for you? I'm still miffed about this whole update procedure. I don't feel like I've updated anything!
The patch (if you can call it that) decreased my fps and increased stuttering.
Shadow-warrior said:
ATI 9800 pro here and patch did not work, infact its now much worse.

Same here, didn´t have any prolems before this patch. Now it stutters like mad. Glad i finnished the game yesterday, but u guess the replay value just took a dive :(